Machine Learning Toolbox
Version 2.4, for MATLAB (R2018a)
- Audio endpoint detection
- endPointDetect: EPD based on volume and HOD (high-order difference)
- epdPrmSet: Set parameters for endpoint detection
- Audio feature extraction
- auFeaMfcc: Audio features of MFCC
- mfccOptSet: Set options for MFCC extraction from audio signals
- wave2mfcc: MFCC (mel-scale frequency cepstral cofficient) extraction from audio signals
- Audio signal processing
- Audio volume computation
- Classification analysis
- confMatGet: Get confusion matrix from recognition results
- confMatPlot: Display the confusion matrix
- decisionBoundaryPlot: Plot of the decision boundary of a classifier
- detGet: DET (Detection Error Tradeoff) data generation
- detPlot: DET (Detection Error Tradeoff) plot for classification analysis of a single feature.
- Classifier Evaluation
- Classifier plot
- Classifier training
- Coordinate transform
- Data count reduction
- Data dimension reduction
- lda: Linear discriminant analysis
- ldaFuzzy: fuzzy LDA (linear discriminant analysis)
- ldaPerfViaKnncLoo: LDA recognition rate via KNNC and LOO performance index
- pca: Principal component analysis (PCA)
- pcaPerfViaKnncLoo: PCA analysis using KNNC and LOO
- Data fitting
- oneCircleFit: Fit a circle via generalized least-squares method
- Dataset generation
- dcData: Dataset generation for data clustering (no class label)
- prData: Various test datasets for pattern recognition
- Dataset manipulation
- dsClassMerge: Merge classes in a dataset
- dsClassSize: Data count for each class for a data set
- dsFeaDelete: Delete same-value features from a given dataset
- dsFormatCheck: Check the format of the given dataset
- dsNameAdd: Add names to a dataset if they are missing
- inputNormalize: Input (feature) normalization to have zero mean and unity variance for each feature
- inputNormalize_b: Input (feature) normalization to have zero mean and unity variance for each feature
- inputPass: Pass the input to the output directly
- inputWhiten: Whitening transformation based on eigen decomposition
- Dataset visualization
- dsBoxPlot: Box plot for a dataset
- dsDistPlot: Plot the distribution of features in a data set
- dsFeaVecPlot: Plot of feature vectors in each class
- dsFeaVsIndexPlot: Plot of feature vs. data index
- dsProjPlot1: Plot of output classes vs. each feature
- dsProjPlot2: Plot of all possible 2D projection of the given dataset
- dsProjPlot3: Plot of all possible 3D projection of the given dataset
- dsRangePlot: Plot the range of features in a data set
- dsScatterPlot: Scatter plot of the first 2 dimensions of the given dataset
- dsScatterPlot3: Scatter plot of the first 3 dimensions of the given dataset
- Distance and similarity
- Dynamic time warping
- dtw: DTW (dynamic time warping)
- dtw1: DTW (dynamic time warping) with local paths of 27, 45, and 63 degrees
- dtw1m: Pure m-file implementation of DTW (dynamic time warping) with local paths of 27, 45, and 63 degrees
- dtw2: DTW (dynamic time warping) with local paths of 0, 45, and 90 degrees
- dtw2m: Pure m-file implementation of DTW (dynamic time warping) with local paths of 0, 45, and 90 degrees
- dtw3: DTW (dynamic time warping) with local paths of 0 and 45 degrees
- dtw3m: Pure m-file implementation of DTW (dynamic time warping) with local paths of 0 and 45 degrees
- dtw3withRestM: Pure m-file implementation of DTW (dynamic time warping) with local paths of 0 and 45 degrees
- dtw4durationAlignment: Pure m-file implementation of DTW (dynamic time warping) for duration alignment
- dtwBridgePlot: Bridge Plot of point-to-point mapping of DTW
- dtwFixedPoint: Use of Picard iteration to find the optimal pitch shift for DTW
- dtwOptSet: Set the parameters for DTW
- dtwPathPlot: Plot the resultant path of DTW of two vectors
- Face recognition
- Feature extraction
- Fuzzy KNN
- dsFuzzify: Initialize fuzzy membership grades from a crisp dataset.
- gmmEval: Evaluation of a GMM (Gaussian mixture model)
- gmmGaussianNumEstimate: Estimate the best number of Gaussians via cross validation
- gmmGrow: Increase no. of gaussian components within a GMM
- gmmInitPrmSet: Set initial parameters for GMM
- gmmRead: Read GMM parameters from a file
- gmmTrain: GMM training for parameter identification
- gmmWrite: Write the parameters of a GMM to a file
- gmmcPlot: Plot the results of GMMC (Gaussian-mixture-model classifier)
- GMM classifier
- Gaussian PDF
- gaussian: Multi-dimensional Gaussian propability density function
- gaussianLog: Multi-dimensional log Gaussian propability density function
- gaussianLogM: Multi-dimensional log Gaussian propability density function
- gaussianM: Multi-dimensional Gaussian propability density function
- gaussianMle: MLE (maximum likelihood estimator) for Gaussian PDF
- gaussianSimilarity: Evaluation of a data set to see if it is close to a 1D Gaussian distribution
- dpOverMap: DP over matrix of state probability.
- hmmEval: HMM evaluation
- myPlateauPass: An m-file implementation of DP over matrix of state probability.
- Hierarchical clustering
- hierClustering: Agglomerative hierarchical clustering
- hierClusteringAnim: Display the cluster formation of agglomerative hierarchical clustering
- hierClusteringPlot: Plot of the result from agglomerative hierarchical clustering, also known as dendrogram
- Image feature extraction
- imFeaLbp: Local binary pattern for images
- imFeaLgbp: Local Gabor binary pattern for images
- Input selection
- Interpolation and regression
- K-nearest-neighbor classifier
- classFuzzify: Initialize fuzzy membership grades for a dataset
- knn: KNN (k-nearest-neighbor) search
- knncEval: K-nearest neighbor classifier (KNNC)
- knncFuzzy: Fuzzy k-nearest neighbor classifier
- knncLoo: Leave-one-out recognition rate of KNNC
- knncLooWrtK: Try various values of K in leave-one-out KNN classifier.
- knncPlot: Plot the results of KNNC (k-nearest-neighbor classifier) after training
- knncTrain: Training of KNNC (K-nearest neighbor classifier)
- knncTrain_b: Training of KNNC (K-nearest neighbor classifier)
- knncWrtK: Try various values of K in KNN classifier
- Least squares
- Least-squares estimate
- lseTrainTest: Training & test procedure for LSE
- perfLoo4lse: Leave-one-out cross validation for LSE (least-squares estimate) of A*x=b.
- Linear classifier
- lincEval: Evaluation of linear classifier
- lincOptSet: Set the training options for linear classifiers
- lincTrain: Linear classifier (Perceptron) training
- Multimedia data processing
- Naive Bayes classifier
- nbcEval: Evaluation for the NBC (naive bayes classifier)
- nbcPlot: Plot the results of NBC (naive Bayes classifier)
- nbcTrain: Training the naive Bayes classifier (NBC)
- Nearest Neighbor Search
- bbTreeGen: BB (branch-and-Bound) tree generation for nearest neighbor search
- bbTreeSearch: BB (branch-and-bound) tree search for 1 nearest neighbor
- Object detection
- beadDetect: Detect a single bead and return it's bounding circle
- beadDetect_b: Detect a single bead and return it's bounding circle
- circleFit: Fitting a fixed number of circles in 2D via k-means-like clustering
- circleFitValidate: Validate (determine) the number of circles for fitting in a 2D dataset
- objDetect: Detect a single bead and return it's bounding circle
- Performance evaluation
- crossValidate: Cross validation for classifier performance evaluation
- cvDataGen: Generate m-fold cross validation (CV) data for performance evaluation
- perfCv: Cross-validation accuracy of given dataset and classifier
- perfCv4classifier: Performance evaluation for various combinations of classifiers and input normalization schemes
- perfLoo: Leave-one-out accuracy of given dataset and classifier
- perfLoo4audio: Leave-one-file-out CV (for audio)
- Quadratic classifier
- lsecEval: Evaluation for the QC (quadratic classifier)
- qcEval: Evaluation for the QC (quadratic classifier)
- qcPlot: Plot the results of QC (quadratic classifier)
- qcTrain: Training the quadratic classifier (QC)
- Sparse-representation classifier
- srcEval: Evaluation of SRC (sparse-representation classifier)
- srcTrain: Training the SRC (sparse-representation classifier)
- String match
- dpPathPlot4strMatch: Plot the path of dynamic programming for string match.
- editDistance: Edit distance (ED) via dynamic programming
- lcs: Longest (maximum) common subsequence
- xcorr4text: Cross correlation of two text strings
- String processing
- Support vector machine
- svmcEval: Evaluation of SVM (support vector machine) classifier
- svmcTrain: Training SVM (support vector machine) classifier
- Utility
- fileList: File list of given directories with a given extension name
- getColor: Get a color from a palette
- mixLogSum: Compute the mixture log sum
- mltDoc: Online document of the given MLT command
- mltRoot: Root of MLT (Machine Learning Toolbox)
- mltSetup: Set up MLT toolbox
- peaksFunc: Peaks function's value, gradient and Hessian.
- toolboxInfo: Toolbox information
- Vector quantization
- face classification
- fcOptSet: Set FC (face classification) option
- least-square estimate classifier
- lsecTrain: Training the LSE (least-square estimate) classifier (LSEC)