Face recognition via eigenfaces or fisherfaces
- index=faceRecog(testImage, faceData)
- index=faceRecog(testImage, faceData, frOpt)
index=faceRecog(testImage, faceData) returns the index of the closest image from the faceData, given the test image.
index=faceRecog(testImage, faceData, frOpt) specifies the options for face recognition via frOpt.
imageDir=[mltRoot, '/dataSet/att_faces(partial)']; opt=fileList('defaultOpt'); opt.extName='pgm'; opt.mode='recursive'; faceData=fileList(imageDir, opt); fprintf('Reading %d face images from %s...', length(faceData), imageDir); tic for i=1:length(faceData) % fprintf('%d/%d: file=%s\n', i, length(faceData), faceData(i).path); faceData(i).image=imread(faceData(i).path); end fprintf(' ===> %.2f sec\n', toc); testImage=faceData(1).image; % Use the first face as the test image faceData(1)=[]; % Remove the test image from faceData index=faceRecog(testImage, faceData); % Perform face recognition using default option subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(testImage); colormap gray; axis image title('Query image'); subplot(1,2,2); imagesc(faceData(index).image); colormap gray; axis image title('Retrieved image');
Reading 100 face images from D:\users\jang\matlab\toolbox\machineLearning/dataSet/att_faces(partial)... ===> 0.12 sec