BB (branch-and-bound) tree search for 1 nearest neighbor
- [nnIndex, nnDist, distCompCount] = bbTreeSearch(vec, bbTree, allData)
[nnIndex, nnDist, distCompCount] = bbTreeSearch(vec, bbTree, allData) returns the 1 nearest neighbor via BB (branch-and-bound) tree search
- vec: test input vector
- bbTree: tree structure generated by bbTreeGen, with the following fields:
- bbTree(i).mean: mean vector of a tree node
- bbTree(i).radius: radius vector of a tree node
- bbTree(i).child: indices of children for a non-terminal node
- bbTree(i).dataIndex: indices of data for a terminal node
- bbTree(i).dist2mean: distance to mean of a terminal node
- allData: all sample data points
- nnIndex: index of the nearest neighbor
- nnDist: distance to the nearest neighbor
- distCompCount: no. of distance computation
dim=2; dataNum=1000; testNum=100; data=rand(dim, dataNum); testData=rand(dim, testNum); clusterNum=3; level=4; plotOpt=1; bbTree=bbTreeGen(data, clusterNum, level, plotOpt); for i=1:testNum [nnIndex(i), nnDist(i), distCompCount(i)] = bbTreeSearch(testData(:,i), bbTree, data); end distMat=distPairwise(data, testData); [minValue, minIndex]=min(distMat); fprintf('isequal(nnIndex, minIndex)=%d\n', isequal(nnIndex, minIndex)); plot(distCompCount, '.-'); xlabel('Test case indices'); ylabel('Distance computation count'); title(sprintf('Average number of distance computation = %f\n', mean(distCompCount)));
isequal(nnIndex, minIndex)=1