
Evaluation of a GMM (Gaussian mixture model)




[logLike, gaussianProb] = gmmEval(data, gmmPrm) returns the log likelihood of a GMM model for each column of the given data matrix, where

data: dim x dataNum matrix where each column is a data point

gmmPrm(i): Parameters for Gaussian component i

chunkSize: size of a chunk for vectorization

logLike: 1 x dataNum vector of output probabilities

gaussianProb(i,j) is the probability of data(:,j) to the i-th Gaussian (This is for gmmTrain.m only)


The following example plots GMM results of 1-D data:

data=linspace(-10, 10, 101);
gmmPrm(1).mu = -5; gmmPrm(1).sigma = 1; gmmPrm(1).w = 0.1;
gmmPrm(2).mu =  0; gmmPrm(2).sigma = 4; gmmPrm(2).w = 0.5;
gmmPrm(3).mu =  5; gmmPrm(3).sigma = 3; gmmPrm(3).w = 0.4;
logLike = gmmEval(data, gmmPrm);
figure; plot(data, prob, '.-');
line(data, gmmPrm(1).w*gaussian(data, gmmPrm(1)), 'color', 'r');
line(data, gmmPrm(2).w*gaussian(data, gmmPrm(2)), 'color', 'm');
line(data, gmmPrm(3).w*gaussian(data, gmmPrm(3)), 'color', 'g');

The following example plots GMM results of 2-D data:

gmmPrm(1).mu = [-3, 3]'; gmmPrm(1).sigma = [5, 2]'; gmmPrm(1).w = 0.3;
gmmPrm(2).mu = [3, -3]'; gmmPrm(2).sigma = [4, 1]'; gmmPrm(2).w = 0.3;
gmmPrm(3).mu =  [3, 3]'; gmmPrm(3).sigma = [1, 4]'; gmmPrm(3).w = 0.4;
bound = 8;
pointNum = 51;
x = linspace(-bound, bound, pointNum);
y = linspace(-bound, bound, pointNum);
[xx, yy] = meshgrid(x, y);
data = [xx(:), yy(:)]';
logLike = gmmEval(data, gmmPrm);
zz = reshape(exp(logLike), pointNum, pointNum);
mesh(xx, yy, zz); axis tight; box on
contour(xx, yy, zz, 30); axis image; box on

See Also


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