
Pairwise squared Euclidean distance between two set of vectors




distSqrPairwise(mat1, mat2) returns the squared distance matrix between two set of column vectors mat1 and mat2.

The element at row i and column j of the return matrix is the squared Euclidean distance between column i of mat1 and column j of mat2.


mat1=[1 3 3;2 3 4];
mat2=[4 5 6 7;3 3 4 5];
fprintf('mat1 =\n'); disp(mat1);
fprintf('mat2 =\n'); disp(mat2);
out=distSqrPairwise(mat1, mat2);
fprintf('distPairwise(mat1, mat2) =\n'); disp(out);
mat1 =
     1     3     3
     2     3     4

mat2 =
     4     5     6     7
     3     3     4     5

distPairwise(mat1, mat2) =
    10    17    29    45
     1     4    10    20
     2     5     9    17

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