
Similarity between 2 sequences (e.g., for beat tracking)




This function is often used to evaluate the similarity between two time sequences, for instance, beat positions generated from beat tracking of audio music.

f=simSequence(computed, gt, tolerance) returns the F-measure of two sequences (computed, gt) with the given tolerance.

f=simSequence(computed, gt, tolerance, 1) also plots the sequences for visualization.

[f, p, r, accuracy, tpCount, fpCount, fnCount]=simSequence(...) returns more info:


gt=[1 2 3 4 5];
computed=[0.5 1.86 2.1 3.1 4.5 5 6];
[f, p, r, accuracy, tp, fp, fn]=simSequence(computed, gt, tolerance, 1);
fprintf('Precision = tp/(tp+fp)=%d/(%d+%d) = %f\n', tp, tp, fp, p);
fprintf('Recall = tp/(tp+fn)=%d/(%d+%d) = %f\n', tp, tp, fn, r);
fprintf('F-measure = tp/(tp+(fn+fp)/2)=%d/(%d+(%d+%d)/2) = %f\n', tp, tp, fn, fp, f);
fprintf('Accuracy = tp/(tp+fn+fp)=%d/(%d+%d+%d) = %f\n', tp, tp, fn, fp, accuracy);
Precision = tp/(tp+fp)=3/(3+4) = 0.428571
Recall = tp/(tp+fn)=3/(3+2) = 0.600000
F-measure = tp/(tp+(fn+fp)/2)=3/(3+(2+4)/2) = 0.500000
Accuracy = tp/(tp+fn+fp)=3/(3+2+4) = 0.333333

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