Edit distance (ED) via dynamic programming
- minDist = editDistance(str1, str2)
- minDist = editDistance(str1, str2, costVec)
- minDist = editDistance(str1, str2, costVec, plotOpt)
- [minDist, edPath, edTable] = editDistance(str1, str2, ...)
minDist = editDistance(str1, str2) returns the edit distance between strings str1 and str2, assuming the costs for insertion, deletion, and substitution are 1, 1, and 2, respectively.
minDist = editDistance(a, b, costVec) specifies the cost via costVec=[substitution, insertion, deletion].
- If costVec is a scalar, then it is taken as the substitution cost and the other costs are assumed to be 1.
minDist = editDistance(a, b, costVec, plotOpt) display the optimum path on the DP table.
[minDist, edPath, edTable] = editDistance(a, b, ...) also returns the optimum path of dynamic programming in edPath, and the resulting table in edTable.
str1='execution'; str2='intention'; costVec=[2, 1, 1]; plotOpt=1; [minDist, edPath, edTable] = editDistance(str1, str2, costVec, plotOpt);