Input (feature) normalization to have zero mean and unity variance for each feature
- [data2, mu1, sigma1] = inputNormalize(data)
- data2 = inputNormalize(data, mu, sigma)
data2=inputNormalize(data) normalized the given data matrix (with each column being an observation) such that each row of the returned matrix data2 has a zero mean and unity variance.
[data2, mu, sigma]=inputNormalize(data) returned the transformed data in data2, as well as the mean and standard deviation of the original data.
data2=inputNormalize(data, mu, sigma) use the given mean and standard deviation to normalize the given data.
dataNum=100; x=8*randn(1, dataNum); y=randn(1, dataNum)+100; data=[x; y]; data2=inputNormalize(data); subplot(1,2,1); plot(data(1,:), data(2,:), '.'); axis image title('Original data'); subplot(1,2,2); plot(data2(1,:), data2(2,:), '.'); axis image title('Normalized data');