Find the initial centers (objects) for K-means clustering with the distance matrix only
- centerIndex=vqCenterObjInit(distMat, clusterNum, method)
centerIndex=vqCenterObjInit(distMat, clusterNum, method) return the initial center index for starting the iteration of k-means clustering on distance matrix.
- distMat: Distance matrix whose elements are the pairwise distances of the data objects to be clustered
- centerIndex: final indices of cluster centers
This function is primarily used in kmeansOnDistMat.m.
data=dcData(6); data=data.input; [dim, dataNum]=size(data); distMat=distPairwise(data, data); clusterNum=10; for i=1:3 method=i; centerIndex=vqCenterObjInit(distMat, clusterNum, method); subplot(2,2,i); plot(data(1,:), data(2,:), '.'); axis image; for i=1:clusterNum, line(data(1,centerIndex(i)), data(2,centerIndex(i)), 'linestyle', 'none', 'marker', 'o', 'color', 'r'); end if method==1, title('Random centers'); end if method==2, title('Centers nearest to the mean'); end if method==3, title('Centers farthest to the mean'); end end