Leave-one-out recognition rate of KNNC
- recogRate=knncLoo(DS)
- recogRate=knncLoo(DS, opt)
- recogRate=knncLoo(DS, opt, showPlot)
- [recogRate, computed, nearestIndex]=knncLoo(...)
recogRate=knncLoo(DS) returns the recognition rate of the KNNC over the dataset DS based on the leave-one-out criterion.
recogRate=knncLoo(DS, opt) uses the parameters in opt for the computation. (In fact, only opt.k will be used for this function.)
recogRate=knncLoo(DS, opt, showPlot) plots the results if the dimension of the dataset is 2.
[recogRate, computed, nearestIndex]=knncLoo(...) also returns the computed class and the nearest index of each data instance.
opt=knncLoo('defaultOpt') returns the default options obtain from knncTrain('defaultOpt'). (In fact, only opt.k will be used for this function.)
DS=prData('iris'); DS.input=DS.input(3:4, :); % Use the last 2 dims for plotting opt=knncLoo('defaultOpt'); showPlot=1; tic [recogRate, computed, nearestIndex] = knncLoo(DS, opt, showPlot); fprintf('Elapsed time = %g sec\n', toc); fprintf('Recog. rate = %.2f%% for %s dataSet\n', 100*recogRate, DS.dataName);
Elapsed time = 0.140837 sec Recog. rate = 95.33% for iris dataSet