Zad-Issa, Mohammad Reza, III-1699
Zahorian, Stephen A., II-1011
Zalubas, Eugene J., V-3637
Zang, Zhuquan, I-55
Zavaliagkos, George, II-1059
Zazo, Santiago, V-3457
Zeidler, Hans Christoph, V-4149 V-4153
Zeidler, James, III-2509
Zeira, Ariela, V-4045
Zeng, Hanks H., V-3577
Zeppenfeld, Torsten, I-99 III-1815
Zerguine, Azzedine, III-2313
Zerubia, Josiane, III-2113
Zgallai, Walid, V-3781
Zhan, Puming, I-99 II-1039
Zhang, Lei, II-735
Zhang, Xiao-Dong, I-603
Zhang, Ya-Qin, IV-2869
Zhang, Yong, IV-2849
Zhao, Jianping, I-567
Zhao, Yunxin, II-859 IV-3225
Zheng, Dunmin, V-3981
Zheng, Hao, I-647
Zheng, Wenxing, IV-2709
Zhigljavsky, Anatoly, V-3949
Zhou, Guotong, V-3629 V-3685
Zhou, Qiru, III-1779
Zhou, Yifeng, V-3505
Zhu, Quanhong, III-1933
Zimmermann, Reto, V-4141
Zinke, Joachim, II-1079
Zivojnovic, Vojin E., I-655 I-687 V-3957
Zolfaghari, Parham, II-1575
Zoltowski, Michael D., I-9 V-3489 V-3881 V-4025
Zoubir, Abdelhak M., I-563 V-3689 V-3945
Zue, Victor W., II-899
Zühlke, Werner, II-1115
Zuluaga, Luis F., III-2365
Zvonar, Zoran, V-3889
Zad-Issa, Mohammad Reza,
- Page III-1699, "Smoothing The Evolution Of The Spectral Parameters In Linear Prediction Of Speech Using Target Matching"
Zahorian, Stephen A.,
- Page II-1011, "Phone Classification with Segmental Features and a Binary-Pair Partitioned Neural Network Classifier"
Zalubas, Eugene J.,
- Page V-3637, "Shift and Scale Invariant Detection"
Zang, Zhuquan,
- Page I-55, "Continuous-Time Envelope-Constrained Filter Design via Laguerre Filter and H_(infinity) Optimization Methods"
Zavaliagkos, George,
- Page II-1059, "Speaker-Adapted Training on the Switchboard Corpus"
Zazo, Santiago,
- Page V-3457, "A new Multichannel Blind Equalization Criterium based on a Generalized Rayleigh Quotient"
Zeidler, Hans Christoph,
- Page V-4149, "Parallel Bit-Stream Neurohardware for Blind Separation of Sources"
- Page V-4153, "Using PhiPAC to Speed Error Back-Propagation Learning"
Zeidler, James,
- Page III-2509, "Non-Wiener Effects in LMS-Implemented Adaptive Equalizers"
Zeira, Ariela,
- Page V-4045, "On Blind Signal Copy for Polynomial Phase Signals"
Zeng, Hanks H.,
- Page V-3577, "The MSE Performance of Constant Modulus Receivers"
Zeppenfeld, Torsten,
- Page I-99, "JANUS-III: Speech-to-Speech Translation in Multiple Languages"
- Page III-1815, "Recognition of Conversational Telephone Speech using the Janus Speech Engine"
Zerguine, Azzedine,
- Page III-2313, "A Hybrid LMS-LMF Scheme for Echo Cancellation"
Zerubia, Josiane,
- Page III-2113, "Generalized sampling without bandlimiting constraints"
Zgallai, Walid,
- Page V-3781, "Third-Order Cumulant Signature Matching Technique For Non-Invasive Fetal Heart Beat Identification"
Zhan, Puming,
- Page I-99, "JANUS-III: Speech-to-Speech Translation in Multiple Languages"
- Page II-1039, "Speaker Normalization Based on Frequency Warping"
Zhang, Lei,
- Page II-735, "A CELP Variable Rate Speech Codec with Low Average Rate"
Zhang, Xiao-Dong,
- Page I-603, "An Efficient and Reconfigurable VLSI Architecture for Different Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithms"
Zhang, Ya-Qin,
- Page IV-2869, "An Optical Flow Based Motion Compensation Algorithm for Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding"
Zhang, Yong,
- Page IV-2849, "Tomographic feature detection and classification using parallelotope bounded error estimation"
Zhao, Jianping,
- Page I-567, "Source Classification Using Pole Method of AR Model"
Zhao, Yunxin,
- Page II-859, "Co-Channel Speech Separation for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition: Stability and Efficiency"
- Page IV-3225, "Parallel, Finite-Convergence Learning Algorithms for Relaxation Labeling Processes"
Zheng, Dunmin,
- Page V-3981, "One-Dimensional Mode Algorithm For Two-Dimensional Frequency Esitmation"
Zheng, Hao,
- Page I-647, "An Asynchronous Implementation of the MAXLIST Algorithm"
Zheng, Wenxing,
- Page IV-2709, "Wavelet Coding of Image Using Quadtree Representation and Block Entropy Coding"
Zhigljavsky, Anatoly,
- Page V-3949, "Blind Equalization in Presence of Bounded Errors"
Zhou, Guotong,
- Page V-3629, "On the Use of High Order Ambiguity Function for Multicomponent Polynomial Phase Signals"
- Page V-3685, "A Statistical Test to Discern Random from Constant Amplitude Harmonics"
Zhou, Qiru,
- Page III-1779, "An Approach to Continuous Speech Recognition Based on Layered Self-Adjusting Decoding Graph"
Zhou, Yifeng,
- Page V-3505, "An Entropy Based Approach for Direction-of-arrival Estimation in Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Correlated Noise"
Zhu, Quanhong,
- Page III-1933, "A Pipelined Architecture for LMS Adaptive FIR Filters Without Adaptation Delay"
Zimmermann, Reto,
- Page V-4141, "Hardware Implementation of a Systolic Antenna Array Signal Processor Based on CORDIC Arithmetic"
Zinke, Joachim,
- Page II-1079, "Comparison of Whole Word and Subword Modeling Techniques for Speaker Verification with Limited Training Data"
Zivojnovic, Vojin E.,
- Page I-655, "An upper bound of the throughput of multirate multiprocessor schedules"
- Page I-687, "Modulo-Addressing Utilization in Automatic Software Synthesis for Digital Signal Processors"
- Page V-3957, "Minimum Fisher Information Spectral Analysis"
Zolfaghari, Parham,
- Page II-1575, "A Formant Vocoder based on Mixtures of Gaussians"
Zoltowski, Michael D.,
- Page I-9, "Expert Summaries"
- Page V-3489, "Closed-Form Multi-Dimensional Multi-Invariance ESPRIT"
- Page V-3881, "Novel Receiver Signal Processing for Interference Cancellation and Equalization in Cellular TDMA Communication"
- Page V-4025, "Blind 2D RAKE Receiver for CDMA Incorporating Code Synchronization and Multipath Time Delay Estimation."
Zoubir, Abdelhak M.,
- Page I-563, "Time-Frequency Classification using a Multiple Hypotheses Test: An Application to the Classification of Humpback Whale Signals"
- Page V-3689, "Detection of Signals with Unknown Parameters in GBK-Distributed Interference"
- Page V-3945, "Optimal Selection of Model Order for A Class of Nonlinear Systems using the Bootstrap"
Zue, Victor W.,
- Page II-899, "A Segment-based Wordspotter Using Phonetic Filler Models"
Zühlke, Werner,
- Page II-1115, "Double Bigram-Decoding in Phonotactic Language Identification"
Zuluaga, Luis F.,
- Page III-2365, "Optimal Noise Levels for Stochastic Resonance"
Zvonar, Zoran,
- Page V-3889, "Blind Adaptive Multiuser Detection with Probabilistic Algorithms: Application to Underwater Acoustics"