Kabal, Peter, III-1699
Kacic, Zdravko, II-1131
Kadambe, Shubha, II-1111 V-3633
Kagoshima, Takehiko, II-963
Kaiser, Stefan, III-1845
Kaja, Jaan, II-1455
Kajita, Shoji, II-1243
Kale, Izzet, III-2213 III-2493
Kalluri, Sudhakar, V-3809
Kalouptsidis, Nicholas, III-2405
Kalra, Showbhik, IV-2557
Kammeyer, Karl-Dirk, I-359 V-3589 V-3813
Kanai, Hiroshi, III-2013
Kaneda, Yutaka, I-215 II-1315
Kaneko, Mineo, III-2293
Kang, Jiyang, I-707
Kannan, Ashvin, II-1411
Kao, Yu-Hung, II-1475 III-1739
Kao, Yung-An, III-2349
Kapanen, Pekka, II-771
Karagianni, Konstantina, I-607
Karahisar, Ara, II-1379
Karam, Lina J., III-2157
Karhunen, Juha, I-131 IV-3361
Karjalainen, Matti, I-323 III-2205 III-2253
Karp, Tanja, III-2445
Kasaei, Shohreh, IV-3117
Kasahara, Yusuke, II-1499
Kashyap, Rangsami L., V-3669
Kasper, Klaus, II-1223
Kasturia, Sanjay, I-283
Katagiri, Shigeru, II-1503 IV-3237 IV-3245
Katayama, Yoichi, I-599
Katsaggelos, Aggelos K., IV-2809 IV-3105
Kaup, Andre, IV-2913
Kauraniemi, Juha, III-2177
Kaveh, Mostafa, III-1893 V-4037
Kawahara, Hideki, II-1303
Kawahara, Tatsuya, II-783 II-1159
Kay, Steven M., I-535
Keding, Holger, I-687
Kellermann, Walter, I-219
Kelly, Owen E., III-1949
Kemp, Thomas, I-83 II-875
Ken, Hanazawa, III-1787
Kengaku, Toru, I-591
Kennedy, Rodney A., I-51 V-3737 V-3741
Kershaw, D.J., II-723
Keshava, Nirmal, I-555
Khamene, Ali, III-2141
Khan, Hamayun A., V-3677
Khansari, Masoud, IV-2737
Khayi, Yassine, V-3785
Kiaei, Sayfe, V-4089
Kießling, Andreas, I-75 II-811
Kim, Hee Dong, II-1319
Kim, Hong Kook, II-767
Kim, Hyung Soon, II-1319
Kim, Moo Young, II-767
Kim, Sang Ryong, II-767
Kim, Seong-Dae, IV-2661
Kim, Yeong-Taeg, IV-2797
Kim, Yoon, II-1471
Kingsbury, Brian E.D., II-1259 III-1647
Kingsbury, Nick G., IV-2645
Kinjo, Shigenori, III-2305 III-2309
Kirac, Ahmet, III-2229 III-2449
Kirlin, R. Lynn, V-3933
Kirovski, Darko, I-679
Kirsteins, Ivars P., I-483
Kitson, Frederick L., IV-2685
Kittler, Josef, IV-2605 IV-2973
Kiya, Hitoshi, V-4125
Kiyohara, Kenji, I-215
Klappenecker, Andreas, III-1997
Klasmeyer, Gudrun, III-1615
Kleider, John E., III-1695
Kleijn, Bastiaan, II-1595 III-1671 III-1719
Kliewer, Jörg, III-2073
Klippel, Wolfgang J., I-355
Kneser, Reinhard, II-779
Knoblock, Lane M.D., IV-3393
Knoblock, Thomas, IV-3389
Knoll, Alois, IV-3145
Kobayashi, Takao, II-1355 III-1611
Kobayashi, Tetsunori, IV-3081
Kober, Rudolf, II-1495
Kodek, Dusan M., III-2149
Koerich, Alessandro L., IV-3185
Köhler, Joachim, II-1451
Kohler, Mary A., II-1587
Koike, Shin'ichi, III-2333
Koishida, Kazuhito, II-1355
Kojima, Hiroaki, II-1391
Kojima, Junji, I-215
Kokaram, Anil, IV-2553
Köllmann, Kuno, V-4149 V-4153
Kollmeier, Birger, II-1387
Komori, Yasuhiro, II-847
Kompe, Ralf, I-75 II-811
Kondo, Kazuhiro, II-1151
Kondoz, Ahmet, II-1559 II-1571 III-2485
Konig, Yochai, II-887
Konstantinides, Konstantinos, IV-2573
Korkmazskiy, Filipp, II-1443
Kornai, Andrá, IV-3177
Kosaka, Tetsuo, II-847
Kosakat, Toshifumi, I-403
Kosmala, Andreas, IV-2901 IV-3373
Kossentini, Faouzi, IV-2861
Kot, Alex C., IV-3333
Kotropoulos, Constantine, IV-2537
Koukoulas, Panos, III-2405
Kozek, Werner, II-1439
Kozick, Richard J., III-1993
Kramer, Michael L., III-1881
Krapichler, Christian, IV-2613
Kraus, Dieter, V-3817
Kreuzer, Werner, I-691
Krieg, Mark L., I-515
Krim, Hamid, V-3421 V-3673
Krishnamurthy, Vikram, I-63 V-3873 V-3929
Krishnan, Dilip, IV-2557 IV-2977
Krogh, Anders, IV-3233
Krogmeier, James V., III-1961 III-2353
Krolik, Jeffrey L., I-471 I-499 I-559
Krone, Gabi, IV-3273
Krongold, Brian S., III-1881
Krukowski, Artur, III-2213 III-2245
Krzyzak, Adam, IV-3317
Kubala, Francis, I-203 II-727
Kubin, Gernot, I-443 II-1283
Kuhn, Roland, III-1819
Kumar, Arun, II-1579
Kumar, Nagendra, V-4081
Kuroda, Ichiro, I-699
Kuruoglu, Ercan E., V-3533
Kvale, Knut, III-1763
Kwon, Chul-Hong, II-743
Kwon, Soon Y., II-759
Kwong, S., III-1727
Kabal, Peter,
- Page III-1699, "Smoothing The Evolution Of The Spectral Parameters In Linear Prediction Of Speech Using Target Matching"
Kacic, Zdravko,
- Page II-1131, "The Use Of Harmonic Features In Speaker Recognition"
Kadambe, Shubha,
- Page II-1111, "Robust Spoken Language Identification using Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition"
- Page V-3633, "On The Cross-Biorthogonal Representation"
Kagoshima, Takehiko,
- Page II-963, "Automatic Generation of Speech Synthesis Units Based on Closed Loop Training"
Kaiser, Stefan,
- Page III-1845, "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering"
Kaja, Jaan,
- Page II-1455, "Development of Dialect-Specific Speech Recognizers Using Adaptation Methods"
Kajita, Shoji,
- Page II-1243, "A Binaural Speech Processing Method Using Subband-Crosscorrelation Analysis for Noise Robust Recognition"
Kale, Izzet,
- Page III-2213, "The Design of Polyphase-based IIR Multiband Filters"
- Page III-2493, "Effective-Fourth-Order Resonator Based MASH bandpass Sigma-Delta Modulators"
Kalluri, Sudhakar,
- Page V-3809, "Adaptive Algorithms for Weighted Myriad Filter Optimization"
Kalouptsidis, Nicholas,
- Page III-2405, "Third Order Volterra System Identification"
Kalra, Showbhik,
- Page IV-2557, "A New Auto-Regressive (AR) Model-Based Algorithm For Motion Picture Restoration"
Kammeyer, Karl-Dirk,
- Page I-359, "Broadband Beamforming with Adaptive Postfiltering for Speech Acquisition in Noisy Environments"
- Page V-3589, "Blind Identification of Mixed-Phase FIR Systems with Application to Mobile Communication Channels"
- Page V-3813, "Suppression of Gaussian Noise Using Cumulants"
Kanai, Hiroshi,
- Page III-2013, "Time Dependent Autoregressive Spectrum Estimation of Heart Wall Vibrations"
Kaneda, Yutaka,
- Page I-215, "A Microphone Array System for Speech Recognition"
- Page II-1315, "Two-channel blind deconvolution for non-minimum phase impulse responses"
Kaneko, Mineo,
- Page III-2293, "Adaptive AR Spectral Estimation Based on Multi-Band Decomposition of the Linear Prediction Error with Variable Forgetting Factors"
Kang, Jiyang,
- Page I-707, "Fixed-Point C Compiler for TMS320C50 Digital Signal Processor"
Kannan, Ashvin,
- Page II-1411, "Adaptation of Polynomial Trajectory Segment Models for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition"
Kao, Yu-Hung,
- Page II-1475, "Speaker-Independent Name Dialing With Out-of-Vocabulary Rejection"
- Page III-1739, "Inter-Digit HMM Connected Digit Recognition Using the Macrophone Corpus"
Kao, Yung-An,
- Page III-2349, "On the Convergence and MSE of Chen's LMS Adaptive Algorithm"
Kapanen, Pekka,
- Page II-771, "GSM Enhanced Full Rate Speech Codec"
Karagianni, Konstantina,
- Page I-607, "An Operation-Saving VLSI Geometry Engine Core"
Karahisar, Ara,
- Page II-1379, "Performance Assessment of Tandem Connection of Cellular and Satellite-Mobile Coders"
Karam, Lina J.,
- Page III-2157, "On The Design of Multidimensional FIR Filters By Transformation"
Karhunen, Juha,
- Page I-131, "Applications of Neural Blind Separation to Signal and Image Processing"
- Page IV-3361, "Blind Source Separation Using Least-Squares Type Adaptive Algorithms"
Karjalainen, Matti,
- Page I-323, "An Experimental Audio Codec Based on Warped Linear Prediction of Complex Valued Signals"
- Page III-2205, "Realizable Warped IIR Filters and Their Properties"
- Page III-2253, "An Interactive DSP Tutorial on the Web"
Karp, Tanja,
- Page III-2445, "Efficiently VLSI-Realizable Prototype Filters for Modulated Filter Banks"
Kasaei, Shohreh,
- Page IV-3117, "Fingerprint Compression using a Piecewise-Uniform Pyramid Lattice Vector Quantization"
Kasahara, Yusuke,
- Page II-1499, "Difference in visual information between face to face and telephone dialogues"
Kashyap, Rangsami L.,
- Page V-3669, "Affine Stationary Processes with Applications to Fractional Brownian Motion"
Kasper, Klaus,
- Page II-1223, "Exploiting the Potential of Auditory Preprocessing for Robust Speech Recognition by Locally Recurrent Neural Networks"
Kasturia, Sanjay,
- Page I-283, "DSPs in Mobile Communication in the United States"
Katagiri, Shigeru,
- Page II-1503, "Cepstrum-based filter-bank design using discriminative feature extraction training at various levels"
- Page IV-3237, "HMM Speech Recognizer Based on Discriminative Metric Design"
- Page IV-3245, "Efficient Normalization based upon GPD"
Katayama, Yoichi,
- Page I-599, "An MPEG-2 Encoder Architecture Based on a Single-Chip Dedicated LSI with a control MPU"
Katsaggelos, Aggelos K.,
- Page IV-2809, "A Bayesian approach to Blind Deconvolution based on Dirichlet Distributions"
- Page IV-3105, "Optimal bit allocation among dependent quantizers for the minimum maximum distortion criterion"
Kaup, Andre,
- Page IV-2913, "Adaptive Constrained Least Squares Restoration for Removal of Blocking Artifacts in Low Bit Rate Video Coding"
Kauraniemi, Juha,
- Page III-2177, "Analysis of Limit Cycles in the Direct Form Delta Operator Structure by Computer-Aided Test"
Kaveh, Mostafa,
- Page III-1893, "Automatic Fault Monitoring using Acoustic Emissions"
- Page V-4037, "A CDMA Interference Cancelling Receiver with an Adaptive Blind Array"
Kawahara, Hideki,
- Page II-1303, "Speech Representation and Transformation using Adaptive Interpolation of Weighted Spectrum: VOCODER Revisited"
Kawahara, Tatsuya,
- Page II-783, "Task adaptation using MAP estimation in N-gram language modeling."
- Page II-1159, "Combining Key-Phrase Detection and Subword-based Verification for Flexible Speech Understanding"
Kay, Steven M.,
- Page I-535, "An Algorithm for Detecting Closely Spaced Delay/Doppler Components"
Keding, Holger,
- Page I-687, "Modulo-Addressing Utilization in Automatic Software Synthesis for Digital Signal Processors"
Kellermann, Walter,
- Page I-219, "Strategies for combining Acoustic Echo Cancellers and Adaptive Beamforming Microphone Arrays"
Kelly, Owen E.,
- Page III-1949, "Adaptive Channel Equalization using Context Trees"
Kemp, Thomas,
- Page I-83, "The Karlsruhe-Verbmobil Speech Recognition Engine"
- Page II-875, "Confidence measures for spontaneous speech"
Ken, Hanazawa,
- Page III-1787, "An Efficient Search Method for Large-Vocabulary Continuous-Speech Recognition"
Kengaku, Toru,
- Page I-591, "A Dual-Issue RISC Processor for Multimedia Signal Processing"
Kennedy, Rodney A.,
- Page I-51, "Discretization Issues for the Design of Optimal Blind Algorithms"
- Page V-3737, "An Adaptive Algorithm for Broadband Frequency Invariant Beamforming"
- Page V-3741, "Nearfield Beamforming using Nearfield/Farfield Reciprocity"
Kershaw, D.J.,
- Page II-723, "Transcription of Broadcast Television and Radio News: The 1996 Abbot System"
Keshava, Nirmal,
- Page I-555, "Terrain Classification in Polarimetric SAR Using Wavelet Packets"
Khamene, Ali,
- Page III-2141, "Time Delay Calculation of Stress Waves Using Discrete Wavelet Analysis - Application in Canine Edematous Lungs"
Khan, Hamayun A.,
- Page V-3677, "Non-stationary Wiener Filtering Based on Evolutionary Spectral Theory"
Khansari, Masoud,
- Page IV-2737, "A Low Complexity Error-Resilient H.263 Coder"
Khayi, Yassine,
- Page V-3785, "Array Processing Techniques and Shape Reconstruction in Tomography"
Kiaei, Sayfe,
- Page V-4089, "Modified Adaptive Multi-user Detector for DS-CDMA Multipath Fading"
Kießling, Andreas,
- Page I-75, "Prosodic Processing and its Use in Verbmobil"
- Page II-811, "Improving Parsing of Spontaneous Speech with the Help of Prosodic Boundaries"
Kim, Hee Dong,
- Page II-1319, "Variable Time-scale Modification of Speech using Transient information"
Kim, Hong Kook,
- Page II-767, "A 4 kbit/s Renewal Code Excited Linear Prediction Speech Coder"
Kim, Hyung Soon,
- Page II-1319, "Variable Time-scale Modification of Speech using Transient information"
Kim, Moo Young,
- Page II-767, "A 4 kbit/s Renewal Code Excited Linear Prediction Speech Coder"
Kim, Sang Ryong,
- Page II-767, "A 4 kbit/s Renewal Code Excited Linear Prediction Speech Coder"
Kim, Seong-Dae,
- Page IV-2661, "Video Segmentation Based on Spatial and Temporal Information"
Kim, Yeong-Taeg,
- Page IV-2797, "Quantized Bi-Histogram Equalization"
Kim, Yoon,
- Page II-1471, "Automatic Pronunciation Scoring for Language Instruction"
Kingsbury, Brian E.D.,
- Page II-1259, "Recognizing Reverberant Speech with RASTA-PLP"
- Page III-1647, "The Modulation Spectrogram: In Pursuit of an Invariant Representation of Speech"
Kingsbury, Nick G.,
- Page IV-2645, "Combined Affine and Translational Motion Compensation Scheme Using Triangular Tessellations"
Kinjo, Shigenori,
- Page III-2305, "A New Two-Dimensional Parallel Block Adaptive Filter with Reduced Computational Complexity"
- Page III-2309, "An Over-Sampling Subband Adaptive Filter with the Optimal Real Filter Bank"
Kirac, Ahmet,
- Page III-2229, "FIR Compaction Filters: New Design Methods and Properties"
- Page III-2449, "Theory of cyclic filter banks"
Kirlin, R. Lynn,
- Page V-3933, "Estimation of Transfer Function Parameters with Output Fourier Transform Sensitivity Vectors"
Kirovski, Darko,
- Page I-679, "DSP QUANT: Design, Validation, And Applications Of DSP Hard Real-Time Benchmark"
Kirsteins, Ivars P.,
- Page I-483, "Power-Law Processors for Detecting Unknown in Signals in Colored Noise"
Kitson, Frederick L.,
- Page IV-2685, "Robust Block-matching Motion-estimation Technique for Noisy Sources"
Kittler, Josef,
- Page IV-2605, "Using Feature Selection to aid an Iconic Search through an Image Database"
- Page IV-2973, "Statistical Chromaticity-Based Lip Tracking with B-Splines"
Kiya, Hitoshi,
- Page V-4125, "A New Pipelined Architecture of the LMS Algorithm without Degradation of Convergence Characteristics"
Kiyohara, Kenji,
- Page I-215, "A Microphone Array System for Speech Recognition"
Klappenecker, Andreas,
- Page III-1997, "Basefield Transforms Derived From Character Tables"
Klasmeyer, Gudrun,
- Page III-1615, "The Perceptual Importance of Selected Voice Quality Parameters"
Kleider, John E.,
- Page III-1695, "An Adaptive-Rate Digital Communication System For Speech"
Kleijn, Bastiaan,
- Page II-1595, "Using a Perception-Based Frequency Scale in Waveform Interpolation"
- Page III-1671, "On Optimal and Minimum-Entropy Decoding"
- Page III-1719, "Perceptual entropy rate estimates for the phonemes of American English"
Kliewer, Jörg,
- Page III-2073, "Design of Paraunitary Oversampled Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks"
Klippel, Wolfgang J.,
- Page I-355, "Adaptive Inverse Control of Weakly Nonlinear Systems"
Kneser, Reinhard,
- Page II-779, "Semantic Clustering for Adaptive Language Modeling"
Knoblock, Lane M.D.,
- Page IV-3393, "Automatic clustering of vector time-seres for manufacturing machine monitoring"
Knoblock, Thomas,
- Page IV-3389, "Committee Pattern Classifiers"
Knoll, Alois,
- Page IV-3145, "Fast Colour Image Segmentation Using A Pre-Clustered Chromaticity-Plane"
Kobayashi, Takao,
- Page II-1355, "Efficient Encoding of Mel-Generalized Cepstrum for CELP Coders"
- Page III-1611, "Voice Characteristics Conversion for HMM-based Speech Synthesis System"
Kobayashi, Tetsunori,
- Page IV-3081, "Partly-Hidden Markov Model And Its Application To Gesture Recognition"
Kober, Rudolf,
- Page II-1495, "Fusion of Visual and Acoustic Signals for Command-Word Recognition"
Kodek, Dusan M.,
- Page III-2149, "Limits of finite wordlength FIR digital filter design"
Koerich, Alessandro L.,
- Page IV-3185, "Compression of Bank Cheque Images Based on Layout Knowledge"
Köhler, Joachim,
- Page II-1451, "In-Service Adaptation of Multilingual Hidden-Markov-Models"
Kohler, Mary A.,
- Page II-1587, "A Comparison of the New 2400 bps MELP Federal Standard with Other Standard Coders"
Koike, Shin'ichi,
- Page III-2333, "A New Efficient Method of Convergence Calculation for Adaptive Filters Using the Sign Algorithm with Digital Data Inputs"
Koishida, Kazuhito,
- Page II-1355, "Efficient Encoding of Mel-Generalized Cepstrum for CELP Coders"
Kojima, Hiroaki,
- Page II-1391, "A Method of Extracting Time-Varying Acoustic Features Effective for Speech Recognition"
Kojima, Junji,
- Page I-215, "A Microphone Array System for Speech Recognition"
Kokaram, Anil,
- Page IV-2553, "Line Registration of Jittered Video"
Köllmann, Kuno,
- Page V-4149, "Parallel Bit-Stream Neurohardware for Blind Separation of Sources"
- Page V-4153, "Using PhiPAC to Speed Error Back-Propagation Learning"
Kollmeier, Birger,
- Page II-1387, "Using a Quantitative Psychoacoustical Signal Representation for Objective Speech Quality Measurement"
Komori, Yasuhiro,
- Page II-847, "Fast speech recognition algorithm under noisy environment using modified CMS-PMC and improved IDMM+SQ"
Kompe, Ralf,
- Page I-75, "Prosodic Processing and its Use in Verbmobil"
- Page II-811, "Improving Parsing of Spontaneous Speech with the Help of Prosodic Boundaries"
Kondo, Kazuhiro,
- Page II-1151, "Surfin' the World Wide Web with Japanese"
Kondoz, Ahmet,
- Page II-1559, "High Quality Split-Band LPC Vocoder Operating at Low Bit Rates"
- Page II-1571, "Multiband Prototype Waveform Analysis for Very Low Bit Rate Speech Coding"
- Page III-2485, "Link Adaptation to Channel Interference using Multi-rate Source and Channel Coding for CDMA Mobile Communications"
Konig, Yochai,
- Page II-887, "Neural - Network Based Measures of Confidence for Word Recognition"
Konstantinides, Konstantinos,
- Page IV-2573, "Blind Restoration of Blurred and Noisy Images"
Korkmazskiy, Filipp,
- Page II-1443, "Generalized Mixture of HMMS for Continuous Speech Recognition"
Kornai, Andrá,
- Page IV-3177, "An Experimental HMM-Based Postal OCR System"
Kosaka, Tetsuo,
- Page II-847, "Fast speech recognition algorithm under noisy environment using modified CMS-PMC and improved IDMM+SQ"
Kosakat, Toshifumi,
- Page I-403, "A Novel Frequency Domain Filtered-X LMS Algorithm for Active Noise Reduction"
Kosmala, Andreas,
- Page IV-2901, "New Improved Feature Extraction Methods for Real-Time High Performance Image Sequence Recognition"
- Page IV-3373, "An Investigation of the Use of Trigraphs for Large Vocabulary Cursive Handwriting Recognition"
Kossentini, Faouzi,
- Page IV-2861, "Prediction and Search Techniques for RD-Optimized Motion Estimation in a Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding Framework"
Kot, Alex C.,
- Page IV-3333, "A New Adaptive Neural Network Multiuser Detector in Synchronous CDMA Systems"
Kotropoulos, Constantine,
- Page IV-2537, "Rule-based face detection in frontal views"
Koukoulas, Panos,
- Page III-2405, "Third Order Volterra System Identification"
Kozek, Werner,
- Page II-1439, "Time-frequency structured decorrelation of speech signals via nonseparable Gabor frames"
Kozick, Richard J.,
- Page III-1993, "Parallel-Recursive Filter Structures for the Computation of Discrete Transforms"
Kramer, Michael L.,
- Page III-1881, "Spread Spectrum Interference Suppression Using Adaptive Time-Frequency Tilings"
Krapichler, Christian,
- Page IV-2613, "A Human-Machine Interface for Medical Image Analysis and Visualization in Virtual Environments"
Kraus, Dieter,
- Page V-3817, "On Moments of Complex Wishart and Complex Inverse Wishart Distributed Matrices"
Kreuzer, Werner,
- Page I-691, "Cooperative register assignment and code compaction for digital signal processors with irregular datapaths"
Krieg, Mark L.,
- Page I-515, "Comparison of Probabilistic Least Squares and Probabilistic Multi-Hypothesis Tracking Algorithms for Multi-Sensor Tracking"
Krim, Hamid,
- Page V-3421, "Robust Wavelet Thresholding for Noise Suppression"
- Page V-3673, "On the Distributions of Optimized Multiscale Representations"
Krishnamurthy, Vikram,
- Page I-63, "Quick Aggregation of Markov Chain Functionals via Stochastic Complementation"
- Page V-3873, "Blind On-Line Detection of Equalisation Errors in Digital Communications"
- Page V-3929, "Fractionally-spaced blind channel equalisation using hidden Markov models"
Krishnan, Dilip,
- Page IV-2557, "A New Auto-Regressive (AR) Model-Based Algorithm For Motion Picture Restoration"
- Page IV-2977, "A New Spatio-Temporal MRF Model For The Detection Of Missing Data In Image Sequences"
Krogh, Anders,
- Page IV-3233, "Hidden Neural Networks: A Framework for HMM/NN Hybrids"
Krogmeier, James V.,
- Page III-1961, "Stability of Variable and Random Stepsize LMS"
- Page III-2353, "Noise Constrained LMS Algorithm"
Krolik, Jeffrey L.,
- Page I-471, "Robust Beamformer Design for Broadband Matched-Field Processing"
- Page I-499, "Barankin Bound for Source Localization in Shallow Water"
- Page I-559, "Electromagnetic Matched-Field Processing for Target Height Finding with Over-the-Horizon Radar"
Krone, Gabi,
- Page IV-3273, "Comparison of Neural Architectures for Sensorfusion"
Krongold, Brian S.,
- Page III-1881, "Spread Spectrum Interference Suppression Using Adaptive Time-Frequency Tilings"
Krukowski, Artur,
- Page III-2213, "The Design of Polyphase-based IIR Multiband Filters"
- Page III-2245, "An Efficient Fractional Sample Delayer for Digital Beam Steering"
Krzyzak, Adam,
- Page IV-3317, "Rates of Convergence of the Recursive Radial Basis Function Networks"
Kubala, Francis,
- Page I-203, "Broadcast News Transcription"
- Page II-727, "Improved Topic Discrimination of Broadcast News Using a Model of Multiple Simultaneous Topics"
Kubin, Gernot,
- Page I-443, "A Waveguide Model for Slapbass Synthesis"
- Page II-1283, "Nonlinear Long-Term Prediction of Speech Signals"
Kuhn, Roland,
- Page III-1819, "Approaches to Phoneme-Based Topic Spotting: An Experimental Comparison."
Kumar, Arun,
- Page II-1579, "Natural Quality Variable--Rate Spectral Speech Coding Below 3.0 kbps"
Kumar, Nagendra,
- Page V-4081, "An Analog VLSI Architecture for Auditory-Based Feature Extraction"
Kuroda, Ichiro,
- Page I-699, "Code Positioning to Reduce Instruction Cache Misses in Signal Processing Applications on Multimedia RISC Processors"
Kuruoglu, Ercan E.,
- Page V-3533, "Nonlinear Autoregressive Modeling Of Non-Gaussian Signals Using Lp-norm Techniques"
Kvale, Knut,
- Page III-1763, "Improved automatic recognition of Norwegian natural numbers by incorporating phonetic knowledge"
Kwon, Chul-Hong,
- Page II-743, "Low-rate CELP Speech Coding Using an Improved Weighting Function"
Kwon, Soon Y.,
- Page II-759, "A High-Quality BI-CELP Speech Coder At 8 KBit/s And Below"
Kwong, S.,
- Page III-1727, "Optimization Of HMM By A Genetic Algorithm"