Obradovic, Dragan, I-127
Ochi, Hiroshi, III-2305 III-2309
Oehlmann, Harald, V-3645
Ogunfunmi, Tokunbo, III-1989 V-4129
Oh, Stephen, V-4121
Oh, Yung-Hwan, III-1827 IV-3277
Ohga, Juro, III-2325
Ohmura, Hiroshi, II-935
Ohnishi, Osamu, I-599
Ohtsuki, Katsutoshi, III-1803
Oja, Erkki, I-131
Ojala, Pasi, II-747
Ojeda, Roxana, V-3713
Okamoto, Garret, V-3485
Oliveras, Albert, IV-3169
Oliverio, James, I-435
Omologo, Maurizio, I-227 I-231
O'Neill, Jeffrey C., V-3637
Ono, Masanori, II-1511
Ooi, James M., V-3549
Ooi, Yasushi, I-599
Ooi, Yoshiteru, IV-2533
Oppenheim, Alan V., III-2165 V-3549
Oppizzi, Olivier, III-1723
Orglmeister, Reinhold, II-1199
O'Riordan, John, V-3781
Orr, Richard, V-3633
Orsak, Geoffrey C., I-11 V-3853
Ortega, Antonio, IV-2725
Ortega-Garcia, Javier, II-1103 II-1107
Ortigueira, Manuel D., III-2241
Ortiz-Fuentes, Jorge D., IV-3281
Ortmanns, Stefan, III-1783 III-1791
O'Shaughnessy, Douglas, II-907 II-947
Oshiro, Masafumi, III-2305
Osowski, Stanislaw, IV-3397
Ostendorf, Mari, II-1411
Ostermann, Jörn, IV-2673
Ottersten, Björn, II-1219 V-4001 V-4021
Ouldali, Abdelaziz, V-3653
Ovaska, Seppo J., IV-3309
Owsley, Lane M.D., IV-3393
Ozawa, Shinji, II-1431 IV-2533
Öztop, Erhan, IV-3181
Öztürk, Yusuf, I-15
Obradovic, Dragan,
- Page I-127, "Unsupervised Learning for Blind Source Separation: an Information-Theoretic Approach"
Ochi, Hiroshi,
- Page III-2305, "A New Two-Dimensional Parallel Block Adaptive Filter with Reduced Computational Complexity"
- Page III-2309, "An Over-Sampling Subband Adaptive Filter with the Optimal Real Filter Bank"
Oehlmann, Harald,
- Page V-3645, "The Reduced-Interference Local Wigner-Ville Distribution"
Ogunfunmi, Tokunbo,
- Page III-1989, "On the Recursive Total Least-Squares"
- Page V-4129, "The Single Channel Interferometer Using A Pseudo-Doppler Direction Finding System"
Oh, Stephen,
- Page V-4121, "A Fast Affine Projection Algorithm for an Acoustic Echo Canceller using a Fixed-Point DSP Processor"
Oh, Yung-Hwan,
- Page III-1827, "Improved Lexicon Modeling For Continuous Speech Recognition"
- Page IV-3277, "A Neural Network For 500 Vocabulary Word Spotting Using Acoustic Sub-Word Units"
Ohga, Juro,
- Page III-2325, "Sub-RLS Algorithm with an Extremely Simple Update Equation"
Ohmura, Hiroshi,
- Page II-935, "Evaluation of a speech synthesis method for nonlinear modeling of vocal folds vibration effect"
Ohnishi, Osamu,
- Page I-599, "An MPEG-2 Encoder Architecture Based on a Single-Chip Dedicated LSI with a control MPU"
Ohtsuki, Katsutoshi,
- Page III-1803, "Japanese Large-Vocabulary Continuous-Speech Recognition using a Business-Newspaper Corpus"
Oja, Erkki,
- Page I-131, "Applications of Neural Blind Separation to Signal and Image Processing"
Ojala, Pasi,
- Page II-747, "Toll Quality Variable-Rate Speech Codec"
Ojeda, Roxana,
- Page V-3713, "Asymptotically invariant Gaussianity test for causal invertible time series"
Okamoto, Garret,
- Page V-3485, "Multipath Direction Finding with Subspace Smoothing"
Oliveras, Albert,
- Page IV-3169, "Stereo Image Analysis Using Connected Operators"
Oliverio, James,
- Page I-435, "A Singing Voice Synthesis System Based on Sinusoidal Modeling"
Omologo, Maurizio,
- Page I-227, "Microphone Array based Speech Recognition with Different Talker-Array Positions"
- Page I-231, "Acoustic Source Location In A Three-Dimensional Space Using Crosspower Spectrum Phase"
O'Neill, Jeffrey C.,
- Page V-3637, "Shift and Scale Invariant Detection"
Ono, Masanori,
- Page II-1511, "A Frequency-Weighted HMM Based on Minimum Error Classification for Noisy Speech Recognition"
Ooi, James M.,
- Page V-3549, "Parameter Estimation for Autoregressive Gaussian-Mixture Processes: The EMAX Algorithm"
Ooi, Yasushi,
- Page I-599, "An MPEG-2 Encoder Architecture Based on a Single-Chip Dedicated LSI with a control MPU"
Ooi, Yoshiteru,
- Page IV-2533, "Detecting Human Face From Monocular Image Sequences by Genetic Algorithms"
Oppenheim, Alan V.,
- Page III-2165, "Properties of Approximate Parks-McClellan Filters"
- Page V-3549, "Parameter Estimation for Autoregressive Gaussian-Mixture Processes: The EMAX Algorithm"
Oppizzi, Olivier,
- Page III-1723, "Rescoring under Fuzzy Degrees with a Multilayer Neural Network in a Rule-Based Speech Recognition System"
Orglmeister, Reinhold,
- Page II-1199, "A Contextual Blind Separation of Delayed and Convolved Sources"
O'Riordan, John,
- Page V-3781, "Third-Order Cumulant Signature Matching Technique For Non-Invasive Fetal Heart Beat Identification"
Orr, Richard,
- Page V-3633, "On The Cross-Biorthogonal Representation"
Orsak, Geoffrey C.,
- Page I-11, "Expanding Team Experiences in DSP Education"
- Page V-3853, "Modulation Classification in Unknown Dispersive Environments"
Ortega, Antonio,
- Page IV-2725, "Distortion/Decoding Time Tradeoffs in Software DCT-based Image Coding"
Ortega-Garcia, Javier,
- Page II-1103, "Robust Speaker Recognition through Acoustic Array Processing and Spectral Normalization"
- Page II-1107, "Providing Single and Multi-Channel Acoustical Robustness to Speaker Identification Systems"
Ortigueira, Manuel D.,
- Page III-2241, "Fractional Discrete-Time Linear Systems"
Ortiz-Fuentes, Jorge D.,
- Page IV-3281, "A comparison between recurrent neural network architectures for digital equalization"
Ortmanns, Stefan,
- Page III-1783, "Look-Ahead Techniques for Fast Beam Search"
- Page III-1791, "Extensions to the Word Graph Method for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition"
O'Shaughnessy, Douglas,
- Page II-907, "Accurate Keyword Spotting Using Strictly Lexical Fillers"
- Page II-947, "Time Domain Technique For Pitch Modification And Robust Voice Transformation"
Oshiro, Masafumi,
- Page III-2305, "A New Two-Dimensional Parallel Block Adaptive Filter with Reduced Computational Complexity"
Osowski, Stanislaw,
- Page IV-3397, "Robust PCA neural networks for random noise reduction of the data"
Ostendorf, Mari,
- Page II-1411, "Adaptation of Polynomial Trajectory Segment Models for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition"
Ostermann, Jörn,
- Page IV-2673, "Feedback Loop for Coder Control in a Block-Based Hybrid Coder With Mesh-Based Motion Compensation"
Ottersten, Björn,
- Page II-1219, "Kalman filtering for low distortion speech enhancement in mobile communication"
- Page V-4001, "Analysis of a Subspace-based Spatial Frequency Estimator"
- Page V-4021, "A Generalized Array Manifold Model for Local Scattering in Wireless Communications"
Ouldali, Abdelaziz,
- Page V-3653, "Distinction between polynomial phase signals with constant amplitude and random amplitude"
Ovaska, Seppo J.,
- Page IV-3309, "Response Analysis of Feed-Forward Neural Network Predictors"
Owsley, Lane M.D.,
- Page IV-3393, "Automatic clustering of vector time-seres for manufacturing machine monitoring"
Ozawa, Shinji,
- Page II-1431, "Evaluation Of The Relationship Between Emotional Concepts And Emotional Parameters On Speech"
- Page IV-2533, "Detecting Human Face From Monocular Image Sequences by Genetic Algorithms"
Öztop, Erhan,
- Page IV-3181, "Repulsive Attractive Network for Baseline Extraction on Document Images"
Öztürk, Yusuf,
- Page I-15, "Interactive Classroom For DSP/Communication Courses"