Cabrera, Carlos, I-623
Cadel, Daniele, I-343
Cai, Jinhai, II-1427
Cain, Gerald D., III-2233 III-2237
Cambou, Nicole, IV-2765
Caminero, Javier, II-891
Campbell, Douglas R., I-415
Campbell, Nick, II-1291
Campbell, William M., III-1695 III-2065
Campolucci, Paolo, IV-3293 IV-3349
Campos Neto, Simão F., II-1379
Canagarajah, Nishan, IV-3157
Cantoni, Antonio, I-55 III-1905
Cao, Yuchang, IV-3261
Capman, François, III-2297 III-2301
Cardoso, Jean-François, V-3449 V-3617 V-3713
Carey, Michael J., II-1083
Carfantan, Hervé, IV-2837
Carini, Alberto, III-1877
Carlemalm, Catharina, V-3869
Carnero, Benito, II-1183 II-1363
Carpentieri, Bruno, IV-2929
Carswell, James, V-4105
Carter, David M., I-107
Casey, Stephen D., III-1865
Castagno, Roberto, IV-2653
Castedo, Luis, V-3441
Castellano, Pierre J., II-1075
Castillo, Cecilia, V-4065
Cauwenberghs, Gert, V-4081
Cavaliere, Sergio, III-2105
Cavallaro, Joseph, V-4137
Cavassilas, Jean François, IV-2821
Çelebi, Mehmet Ertugrul, IV-3409
Cernocký, Jan, II-1343
Çetin, A. Enis, IV-3069
Cettolo, Mauro, I-91
Chabert, Marie, V-3693
Chae, Seung Soo, V-4117
Challa, Subhash, III-2413
Cham, Wai Kuen, IV-2917
Chambers, Jonathon A., III-1853 III-2517
Champagne, Benoî, V-3833
Chan, Cheung-Fat, II-1187 II-1607
Chan, L.W., III-1775
Chan, Yiu Tong, V-3661
Chandrakasan, Anantha P., IV-2865
Chandran, Vinod, IV-3065
Chandrasekaran, S., V-3561
Chang, Chao-Huang, III-1799
Chang, Hyokang, II-759
Chang, Kyung Hi, III-2529
Chang, Long Wen, IV-2693
Chang, Pi Sheng, III-2281
Chang, Shun-Hsyung, III-1969
Chang, Wen-Whei, I-311
Chang, Yung-Ching, IV-3125
Chaparro, Luis F., V-3677
Chappell, David T., III-1639
Charkani, Nabil, III-1835
Chassery, Jean-Marc, IV-3049
Chau, Chak-Wai, III-1727
Chaudhuri, Subhasis, IV-2577 IV-2689
Cheetham, Barry M.G., II-919 III-1691
Chehdi, Kacem, IV-2805
Chellapa, Rama, I-9
Chellappa, Rama, IV-2753 IV-2925 V-4101
Chen, Ching-Yeu, III-2349
Chen, Hongda, V-3853
Chen, Jianhua, IV-3097
Chen, Jiunn-Tsair, V-3885
Chen, Juin-Hwey, II-1359
Chen, Keh-Jiann, II-923
Chen, Ming-Chiuan, II-1155
Chen, Sau-Gee, I-639 III-2349
Chen, Ting, I-439
Chen, Tsuhan, I-179
Chen, Walter, III-2505
Chevalier, Pascal, V-3789 V-4061
Chiang, Tung-Hui, III-1799
Chien, Jen Tzung, II-1027
Chien, Lee-Feng, II-1155 II-1459
Chien, Shih-Chieh, III-1799
Chien-Cheng, Tseng Ch., V-3965
Chillet, Daniel, I-671
Chin, Chee-whye, V-4153
Ching, Pak Chung, I-539 III-1775 IV-3269
Cho, Yong Duk, II-767
Cho, Yong Soo, III-2529
Choi, Jae Gark, IV-2661
Chollet, Gérard, II-1343
Chonavel, Thierry, V-3565
Chong, Man-Nang, IV-2977
Chong, M.N., IV-2557
Chou, Fu-Chiang, II-923
Chou, Wu, II-1507 III-1779
Choukri, Khalid, III-1771
Chow, K.F., III-1775
Choy, Clifford Sze-Tsan, IV-3405
Christie, J.D.M., II-723
Chrysostomos, Nikias, V-3517
Chu, Peter, I-187 I-235
Chu, Yi, III-1969
Chubachi, Noriyoshi, III-2013
Chung, Pei-Jung, I-463
Cichocki, Andrzej, IV-3317 IV-3353 IV-3397
Cieplinski, Leszek, IV-2949
Cirpan, Hakan A., V-3877
Claesson, Ingvar, I-239 I-243
Clarkson, Philip, II-799
Claveau, Fabien, V-4097
Clements, Mark A., I-435 II-955 III-1683
Clergeot, Henri, V-3585
Coenen, Norbert, III-1783
Coffey, Mark A., III-2129
Cohen, Isaac, IV-2853
Cohen, Israel, III-2133
Cohen, L., II-983
Cohen, Paul, IV-2881
Cohn, Ronald P., II-1347 II-1591
Cole, Ronald, IV-3241 IV-3369
Collet, Christophe, IV-2781
Collings, Iain B., V-3921
Collura, John S., II-1347 II-1591
Combettes, Patrick L., IV-2569
Comon, Pierre, V-3453
Conklin, Gregory J., IV-2873
Constantinides, Anthony G., III-2517
Cook, C.D., II-723
Cooke, Martin P., II-863
Cooley, James W., I-547
Corazza, Anna, I-91
Corcoran, Franklin L., II-1379
Corlay, Patrick, IV-3001
Cortazar, Ismael, II-1139
Corte-Real, Luí, V-4145
Costa, Jean-Pierre, III-2397
Coudoux, Francois Xavier, IV-3001
Coulombe, Stéphane, IV-3033
Couvreur, Christophe, V-3537
Cowan, Colin F.N., III-2313 III-2497 V-3749 V-3893
Crespo, Carlos, II-823 II-1139
Creusere, Charles D., IV-2889
Crouse, Matthew, V-3429
Csillag, Péter, IV-2897
Cubero-Castan, Eliane, IV-2761
Cuperman, Vladimir, II-735
Curinga, S., I-183
Cabrera, Carlos,
- Page I-623, "VLSI Implementation of an Area-Efficient Architecture for the Viterbi Algorithm"
Cadel, Daniele,
- Page I-343, "Pyramid Vector Coding for high quality audio compression"
Cai, Jinhai,
- Page II-1427, "Robust Pitch Detection of Speech Signals Using Steerable Filters"
Cain, Gerald D.,
- Page III-2233, "Performance of Fractional-Delay Filters Using Optimal Offset Windows"
- Page III-2237, "FIR Filtering of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals"
Cambou, Nicole,
- Page IV-2765, "Entropy and Multiscale Analysis: a new Feature Extraction Algorithm for Aerial Images"
Caminero, Javier,
- Page II-891, "Improving Utterance Verification Using Hierarchical Confidence Measures in Continuous Natural Numbers Recognition"
Campbell, Douglas R.,
- Page I-415, "Multi-Microphone Sub-band Adaptive Signal Processing for Improvement of Hearing Aid Performance: Preliminary Test Results using Normal Hearing Volunteers"
Campbell, Nick,
- Page II-1291, "Fast and Robust Joint Estimation of Vocal Tract and Voice Source Parameters"
Campbell, William M.,
- Page III-1695, "An Adaptive-Rate Digital Communication System For Speech"
- Page III-2065, "Design of Multirate Systems with Constraints"
Campolucci, Paolo,
- Page IV-3293, "A New IIR-MLP Learning Algorithm for On-Line Signal Processing"
- Page IV-3349, "A New Unsupervised Neural Learning Rule for Orthonormal Signal Processing"
Campos Neto, Simão F.,
- Page II-1379, "Performance Assessment of Tandem Connection of Cellular and Satellite-Mobile Coders"
Canagarajah, Nishan,
- Page IV-3157, "Robust Rotation Invariant Texture Classification"
Cantoni, Antonio,
- Page I-55, "Continuous-Time Envelope-Constrained Filter Design via Laguerre Filter and H_(infinity) Optimization Methods"
- Page III-1905, "FIR Filters in Envelope Constrained Filter Design"
Cao, Yuchang,
- Page IV-3261, "Speech Separation by Simulating the Cocktail Party Effect With a Neural Network Controlled Wiener Filter"
Capman, François,
- Page III-2297, "Controlled Convergence of QR Least-Squares Adaptive Algorithms - Application to Speech Echo Cancellation -"
- Page III-2301, "Iterative Total Least Squares Filter In Robot Navigation"
Cardoso, Jean-François,
- Page V-3449, "Estimating functions for source separation"
- Page V-3617, "Maximum likelihood for blind separation and deconvolution of noisy signals using mixture models"
- Page V-3713, "Asymptotically invariant Gaussianity test for causal invertible time series"
Carey, Michael J.,
- Page II-1083, "A Comparison of Model Estimation Techniques for Speaker Verification"
Carfantan, Hervé,
- Page IV-2837, "A single site update algorithm for nonlinear diffraction tomography"
Carini, Alberto,
- Page III-1877, "Sufficient Stability Bounds for Slowly Varying Discrete-Time Recursive Linear Filters"
Carlemalm, Catharina,
- Page V-3869, "On Detection of Double Talk and Changes in the Echo Path Using a Markov Modulated Channel Model"
Carnero, Benito,
- Page II-1183, "Integrated Speech Enhancement and Coding in the Time-Frequency Domain"
- Page II-1363, "Perceptual Speech Coding Using Time and Frequency Masking Constraints"
Carpentieri, Bruno,
- Page IV-2929, "A New Trellis Vector Residual Quantizer: Applications to Image Coding"
Carswell, James,
- Page V-4105, "An FPGA-based Data Acquisition System for a 95 GHz W-band Radar"
Carter, David M.,
- Page I-107, "Hybrid language processing in the Spoken Language Translator"
Casey, Stephen D.,
- Page III-1865, "Exact Multichannel Deconvolution on Radial Domains"
Castagno, Roberto,
- Page IV-2653, "Robust Object Tracking Based on Spatial Characterization of Objects by Additive Invariants"
Castedo, Luis,
- Page V-3441, "Using Fractional Cyclic Moments of CPFSK Signals in Blind Adaptive Beamforming"
Castellano, Pierre J.,
- Page II-1075, "Telephone Based Speaker Recognition using Multiple Binary Classifier and Gaussian Mixture Models"
Castillo, Cecilia,
- Page V-4065, "The Watson Speech Recognition Engine"
Cauwenberghs, Gert,
- Page V-4081, "An Analog VLSI Architecture for Auditory-Based Feature Extraction"
Cavaliere, Sergio,
- Page III-2105, "The Discrete-Time Frequency Warped Wavelet Transforms"
Cavallaro, Joseph,
- Page V-4137, "Solving the SVD updating problem for subspace tracking on a fixed sized linear array of processors"
Cavassilas, Jean François,
- Page IV-2821, "Improved multilook technique applied to SAR images"
Çelebi, Mehmet Ertugrul,
- Page IV-3409, "Efficient Image Restoration Using Cellular Neural Networks"
Cernocký, Jan,
- Page II-1343, "Speech spectrum representation and coding using multigrams with distance"
Çetin, A. Enis,
- Page IV-3069, "Automated Detection and Enhancement of Microcalcifications in Mammograms Using Nonlinear Subband Decomposition"
Cettolo, Mauro,
- Page I-91, "Multilingual Person to Person Communication at IRST"
Chabert, Marie,
- Page V-3693, "Off-Line Detection and Estimation of Abrupt Changes Corrupted by Multiplicative Colored Gaussian Noise."
Chae, Seung Soo,
- Page V-4117, "Efficient VLSI Architectures of Adaptive Equalizers for QAM/VSB Transmission"
Challa, Subhash,
- Page III-2413, "A New Approach to Optimal Nonlinear Filtering"
Cham, Wai Kuen,
- Page IV-2917, "Attractor Image Coding using Lapped Partitioned Iterated Function Systems"
Chambers, Jonathon A.,
- Page III-1853, "Adaptive Soft-Constraint Satisfaction (SCS) Algorithms for Fractionally-Spaced Blind Equalizers"
- Page III-2517, "Constant Modulus Blind Equalisation Algorithms Under Soft Constraint Satisfaction"
Champagne, Benoî,
- Page V-3833, "Accurate Subspace Tracking Algorithms using Cross-Space Properties"
Chan, Cheung-Fat,
- Page II-1187, "Quality Enhancement Of Narrowband CELP-Coded Speech Via Wideband Harmonic Re-synthesis"
- Page II-1607, "Variable Bit Rate MBELP Speech Coding Via V/UV Distribution Dependent Spectral Quantization"
Chan, L.W.,
- Page III-1775, "Development of a Large Vocabulary Speech Database for Cantonese"
Chan, Yiu Tong,
- Page V-3661, "Comparison of Two Fast Algorithms for CWT Computations"
Chandrakasan, Anantha P.,
- Page IV-2865, "Network Driven Motion Estimation For Portable Video Terminals"
Chandran, Vinod,
- Page IV-3065, "Digit Recognition Using Trispectral Features"
Chandrasekaran, S.,
- Page V-3561, "Iterative Solutions of Min-Max Parameter Estimation with Bounded Data Uncertainties"
Chang, Chao-Huang,
- Page III-1799, "CCLMDS'96: Towards a Speaker-Independent Large-Vocabulary Mandarin Dictation System"
Chang, Hyokang,
- Page II-759, "A High-Quality BI-CELP Speech Coder At 8 KBit/s And Below"
Chang, Kyung Hi,
- Page III-2529, "An Equalization For OFDM And MC-CDMA In A Time-Varying Multipath Fading Channel"
Chang, Long Wen,
- Page IV-2693, "Image Compression using Variable Blocksize Vector Quantization Based on Rate-Distortion Decomposition"
Chang, Pi Sheng,
- Page III-2281, "Conjugate Gradient Method for Adaptive Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of Coherent Signals"
Chang, Shun-Hsyung,
- Page III-1969, "An Efficient HAAR Wavelet-Based Approach For The Harmonic Retrieval Problem"
Chang, Wen-Whei,
- Page I-311, "Audio Coding Using Sinusoidal Excitation Representation"
Chang, Yung-Ching,
- Page IV-3125, "Region-Based Fractal Image Compression with Quadtree Segmentation"
Chaparro, Luis F.,
- Page V-3677, "Non-stationary Wiener Filtering Based on Evolutionary Spectral Theory"
Chappell, David T.,
- Page III-1639, "An Auditory-Based Measure for Improved Phone Segment Conceatenation"
Charkani, Nabil,
- Page III-1835, "Analysis of the stability of time-domain source separation algorithms for convolutively mixed signals"
Chassery, Jean-Marc,
- Page IV-3049, "Perspective Distortion Analysis For Mosaicing Images Painted On Cylindrical Surfaces"
Chau, Chak-Wai,
- Page III-1727, "Optimization Of HMM By A Genetic Algorithm"
Chaudhuri, Subhasis,
- Page IV-2577, "Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Blur from Multiple Observations"
- Page IV-2689, "Robust Estimation of Multi-Component Motion in Image Sequences Using the Epipolar Constraint"
Cheetham, Barry M.G.,
- Page II-919, "Shape-Invariant Pitch and Time-Scale Modification of Speech by Variable Order Phase Interpolation"
- Page III-1691, "Phase Modelling of Speech Excitation for Low Bit-Rate Sinusoidal Transform Coding"
Chehdi, Kacem,
- Page IV-2805, "Identification of the Nature of Noise and Estimation of its Statistical Parameters by Analysis of Local Histograms"
Chellapa, Rama,
- Page I-9, "Expert Summaries"
Chellappa, Rama,
- Page IV-2753, "Performance Analysis and Learning Approaches for Vehicle Detection and Counting in Aerial Images"
- Page IV-2925, "Joint Source-Channel Subband Coding Of Images"
- Page V-4101, "SAR Target Detection Algorithms on Linear SIMD Arrays"
Chen, Ching-Yeu,
- Page III-2349, "On the Convergence and MSE of Chen's LMS Adaptive Algorithm"
Chen, Hongda,
- Page V-3853, "Modulation Classification in Unknown Dispersive Environments"
Chen, Jianhua,
- Page IV-3097, "Context Modeling and Entropy Coding of Wavelet Coefficients for Image Compression"
Chen, Jiunn-Tsair,
- Page V-3885, "Multi-channel MLSE Equalizer for GSM using a Parametric Channel Model"
Chen, Juin-Hwey,
- Page II-1359, "A Candidate Coder for the ITU-T's New Wideband Speech Coding Standard"
Chen, Keh-Jiann,
- Page II-923, "A Chinese Text-to-Speech System Based on Part-of-Speech Analysis, Prosodic Modeling and Non-Uniform Units"
Chen, Ming-Chiuan,
- Page II-1155, "Internet Chinese Information Retrieval Using Unconstrained Mandarin Speech Queries Based on A Client-Server Architecture and APAT-tree-based Language Model"
Chen, Sau-Gee,
- Page I-639, "A Radix-4 Redundant Cordic Algorithm with Fast On-line Variable Scale Faktor Compensation"
- Page III-2349, "On the Convergence and MSE of Chen's LMS Adaptive Algorithm"
Chen, Ting,
- Page I-439, "Time-Scale Modification of Audio Signals with Combined Harmonic and Wavelet Representations"
Chen, Tsuhan,
- Page I-179, "Audio-Visual Interaction in Multimedia Communication"
Chen, Walter,
- Page III-2505, "A Direct Equalization Method"
Chevalier, Pascal,
- Page V-3789, "Constrained Beamforming For Cyclostationary Signals"
- Page V-4061, "Higher Order Blind Source Separation Using The Cyclostationarity Property Of The Signals"
Chiang, Tung-Hui,
- Page III-1799, "CCLMDS'96: Towards a Speaker-Independent Large-Vocabulary Mandarin Dictation System"
Chien, Jen Tzung,
- Page II-1027, "Improved Bayesian Learning of Hidden Markov Models for Speaker Adaptation"
Chien, Lee-Feng,
- Page II-1155, "Internet Chinese Information Retrieval Using Unconstrained Mandarin Speech Queries Based on A Client-Server Architecture and APAT-tree-based Language Model"
- Page II-1459, "Syllable-Based Relevance Feedback Techniques for Mandarin Voice Record Retrieval Using Speech Queries"
Chien, Shih-Chieh,
- Page III-1799, "CCLMDS'96: Towards a Speaker-Independent Large-Vocabulary Mandarin Dictation System"
Chien-Cheng, Tseng Ch.,
- Page V-3965, "A New Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform Based on Constrained Eigendecomposition of DFT Matrix by Largrange Multiplier Method"
Chillet, Daniel,
- Page I-671, "VLSI High Level Synthesis of Fast Exact Least Mean Square Algorithms based on Fast FIR filters"
Chin, Chee-whye,
- Page V-4153, "Using PhiPAC to Speed Error Back-Propagation Learning"
Ching, Pak Chung,
- Page I-539, "Improvement of TDOA Measurement using Wavelet Denoising with a Novel Thresholding Technique"
- Page III-1775, "Development of a Large Vocabulary Speech Database for Cantonese"
- Page IV-3269, "A Neural Network Based Speech Recognition System for Isolated Cantonese Syllables"
Cho, Yong Duk,
- Page II-767, "A 4 kbit/s Renewal Code Excited Linear Prediction Speech Coder"
Cho, Yong Soo,
- Page III-2529, "An Equalization For OFDM And MC-CDMA In A Time-Varying Multipath Fading Channel"
Choi, Jae Gark,
- Page IV-2661, "Video Segmentation Based on Spatial and Temporal Information"
Chollet, Gérard,
- Page II-1343, "Speech spectrum representation and coding using multigrams with distance"
Chonavel, Thierry,
- Page V-3565, "Fast Adaptive Eigenvalue Decomposition: a Maximum Likelihood Approach"
Chong, Man-Nang,
- Page IV-2977, "A New Spatio-Temporal MRF Model For The Detection Of Missing Data In Image Sequences"
Chong, M.N.,
- Page IV-2557, "A New Auto-Regressive (AR) Model-Based Algorithm For Motion Picture Restoration"
Chou, Fu-Chiang,
- Page II-923, "A Chinese Text-to-Speech System Based on Part-of-Speech Analysis, Prosodic Modeling and Non-Uniform Units"
Chou, Wu,
- Page II-1507, "Minimum Error Rate Training for Designing Tree-Structured Probability Density Function"
- Page III-1779, "An Approach to Continuous Speech Recognition Based on Layered Self-Adjusting Decoding Graph"
Choukri, Khalid,
- Page III-1771, "European Speech Databases for Telephone Applications"
Chow, K.F.,
- Page III-1775, "Development of a Large Vocabulary Speech Database for Cantonese"
Choy, Clifford Sze-Tsan,
- Page IV-3405, "Distortion Sensitive Competitive Learning for Vector Quantizer Design"
Christie, J.D.M.,
- Page II-723, "Transcription of Broadcast Television and Radio News: The 1996 Abbot System"
Chrysostomos, Nikias,
- Page V-3517, "A New Model for non-Rayleigh Clutter: Space-Time Adaptive Processing in Stable Impulsive Interference"
Chu, Peter,
- Page I-187, "Voice Source Localization for Automatic Camera Pointing System in Videoconferencing"
- Page I-235, "Superdirective Microphone Array for a Set-Top Videoconferencing System"
Chu, Yi,
- Page III-1969, "An Efficient HAAR Wavelet-Based Approach For The Harmonic Retrieval Problem"
Chubachi, Noriyoshi,
- Page III-2013, "Time Dependent Autoregressive Spectrum Estimation of Heart Wall Vibrations"
Chung, Pei-Jung,
- Page I-463, "Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Selecting a Geo-acoustic Environmental Model"
Cichocki, Andrzej,
- Page IV-3317, "Rates of Convergence of the Recursive Radial Basis Function Networks"
- Page IV-3353, "Blind Extraction of Source Signals with Specified Stochastic Features"
- Page IV-3397, "Robust PCA neural networks for random noise reduction of the data"
Cieplinski, Leszek,
- Page IV-2949, "Scalable Image Coding Using Gaussian Pyramid Vector Quantisation with Resolution-Independent Block Size"
Cirpan, Hakan A.,
- Page V-3877, "Chip Interleaving In Direct Sequence CDMA Systems"
Claesson, Ingvar,
- Page I-239, "Simultaneous Echo Cancellation and Car Noise Suppression Employing a Microphone Array"
- Page I-243, "Analytical Evaluation of a Self-calibrating Microphone Array"
Clarkson, Philip,
- Page II-799, "Language Model Adaptation using mixtures and an exponentially decaying cache"
Claveau, Fabien,
- Page V-4097, "FFT-based cross-covariance processing of optical signals for speed and length measurement."
Clements, Mark A.,
- Page I-435, "A Singing Voice Synthesis System Based on Sinusoidal Modeling"
- Page II-955, "Reliability Assessment And Evaluation Of Objectively Measured Descriptors For Perceptual Speaker Characterization"
- Page III-1683, "The Multimodal Multipulse Excitation Vocoder"
Clergeot, Henri,
- Page V-3585, "A Maximum Likelihood Approach for the Passive Identification of Time-Varying Multipath Channels"
Coenen, Norbert,
- Page III-1783, "Look-Ahead Techniques for Fast Beam Search"
Coffey, Mark A.,
- Page III-2129, "Boundary-Compensated Wavelet Bases"
Cohen, Isaac,
- Page IV-2853, "An Unwrapping Method for Interferometric SAR Images"
Cohen, Israel,
- Page III-2133, "Eliminating Interference Terms In The Wigner Distribution Using Extended Libraries Of Bases"
Cohen, L.,
- Page II-983, "Frequency-Warping and Speaker-Normalization"
Cohen, Paul,
- Page IV-2881, "Motion Compensated Video Compression Using Adaptive Transformations"
Cohn, Ronald P.,
- Page II-1347, "Incorporating Perception Into LSF Quantization - Some Experiments"
- Page II-1591, "MELP: The New Federal Standard at 2400 bps"
Cole, Ronald,
- Page IV-3241, "Speech Recognition Using Neural Networks with Forward-backward Probability Generated Targets"
- Page IV-3369, "A Diphone-Based Digit Recognition System Using Neural Networks"
Collet, Christophe,
- Page IV-2781, "Unsupervised Markovian Segmentation Of Sonar Images"
Collings, Iain B.,
- Page V-3921, "Identification of Time-Varying Linear Channels"
Collura, John S.,
- Page II-1347, "Incorporating Perception Into LSF Quantization - Some Experiments"
- Page II-1591, "MELP: The New Federal Standard at 2400 bps"
Combettes, Patrick L.,
- Page IV-2569, "Hard-Constrained Signal Feasibility Problems"
Comon, Pierre,
- Page V-3453, "Improved Contrast dedicated to Blind Separation in Communications"
Conklin, Gregory J.,
- Page IV-2873, "Multi-Resolution Motion Estimation"
Constantinides, Anthony G.,
- Page III-2517, "Constant Modulus Blind Equalisation Algorithms Under Soft Constraint Satisfaction"
Cook, C.D.,
- Page II-723, "Transcription of Broadcast Television and Radio News: The 1996 Abbot System"
Cooke, Martin P.,
- Page II-863, "Missing Data Techniques for Robust Speech Recognition"
Cooley, James W.,
- Page I-547, "Fast Approximate Subspace Tracking (FAST)"
Corazza, Anna,
- Page I-91, "Multilingual Person to Person Communication at IRST"
Corcoran, Franklin L.,
- Page II-1379, "Performance Assessment of Tandem Connection of Cellular and Satellite-Mobile Coders"
Corlay, Patrick,
- Page IV-3001, "A Postprocessing Technique for Block Effect Elimination using a Perceptual Distortion Measure"
Cortazar, Ismael,
- Page II-1139, "Development And Evaluation Of The ATOS Spontaneous Speech Conversational System"
Corte-Real, Luí,
- Page V-4145, "A Vector Architecture for Higher-Order Moments Estimation"
Costa, Jean-Pierre,
- Page III-2397, "Using Orthogonal Least Squares Identification For Adaptive Nonlinear Filtering of GSM signals"
Coudoux, Francois Xavier,
- Page IV-3001, "A Postprocessing Technique for Block Effect Elimination using a Perceptual Distortion Measure"
Coulombe, Stéphane,
- Page IV-3033, "Theory and design of multidimensional two-channel near-perfect-reconstruction modulated filter banks"
Couvreur, Christophe,
- Page V-3537, "Doppler-Based Motion Estimation for Wide-Band Sources From Single Passive Sensor Measurements"
Cowan, Colin F.N.,
- Page III-2313, "A Hybrid LMS-LMF Scheme for Echo Cancellation"
- Page III-2497, "Equalisation of Time Variant Multipath Channels Using Amplitude Banded Techniques"
- Page V-3749, "Sensor Array Calibration Using Measured Steering Vectors of Uncertain Location"
- Page V-3893, "Methods for Fast Blind Identification and Equalization of Communication Channels"
Crespo, Carlos,
- Page II-823, "Language Model Adaptation For Conversational Speech Recognition Using Automatically Tagged Pseudo-Morphological Classes"
- Page II-1139, "Development And Evaluation Of The ATOS Spontaneous Speech Conversational System"
Creusere, Charles D.,
- Page IV-2889, "Periodic Pan Compensation For Reduced Complexity Video Compression"
Crouse, Matthew,
- Page V-3429, "Signal Estimation Using Wavelet-Markov Models"
Csillag, Péter,
- Page IV-2897, "Enhancement of Video Data Using Motion-Compensated Postprocessing Techniques"
Cubero-Castan, Eliane,
- Page IV-2761, "Multiedge Detection in SAR Images"
Cuperman, Vladimir,
- Page II-735, "A CELP Variable Rate Speech Codec with Low Average Rate"
Curinga, S.,
- Page I-183, "LIP Motion Modeling and Speech Driven Estimation"