Fabrizio, Giuseppe A., V-3753
Fahrner, W.R., III-1727
Falah, R. Kara, IV-3161
Falavigna, Daniele, I-91
Famorzadeh, Shahram, I-663
Fan, Howard, III-1941 III-2273
Fan, Zhigang, IV-2565
Fancourt, Craig L., IV-3325
Fang, Wen-Hsien, III-1969
Fanghänel, Karsten, V-4149 V-4153
Fanty, Mark, IV-3241
Farhat, Azarshid, II-947
Faruqi, Farhan A., III-2413 V-4093
Favier, Gerard, III-2269
Fawley, Martin A., II-1247
Fay, John, I-483
Fayolle, Marc, V-3545
Feder, Meir, III-2025
Feichtinger, Hans Georg, II-1439 III-1857
Feldkeller, Bjoern, I-155
Fellbaum, Klaus, II-867 II-915
Feng, Gang, II-739
Feng, Mei, V-3813
Ferman, Ahmet Müfit, IV-2601
Ferrari, André, V-3553 V-3977
Ferreira, Paulo J.S.G., III-1831 IV-3197
Ferreol, Anne, V-4061
Fessler, Jeffrey, IV-2813
Fettweis, Gerhard P., I-279 I-631 V-4085
Feyh, German, V-3985
Fijalkow, I., V-3937
Fingscheidt, Tim, III-1667
Finke, Michael, I-83 I-99 III-1743 III-1759 III-1815
Fiori, Simone, IV-3293 IV-3349
Fischer, Stefan, IV-3053
Fischer, Sven, I-359
Fischer, Thomas R., IV-3089
Fissore, Luciano, II-975
Fitzgerald, William J., V-3533
Fjørtoft, Roger, IV-2761
Flaig, Alexander, III-2145
Flanagan, James L., I-163 I-251
Fleisch, Urs, V-4141
Fleury, Pascal, IV-3413
Floreby, Lars, IV-2585
Fog, Torben, IV-3205
Fonollosa, Javier R., V-3889
Fonollosa, José A.R., V-3889
Fontaine, Vincent, II-1527 III-1767
Fontes, N. Ruiz, I-543
Foote, Jonathan T., I-199
Forcada, Mikel L., IV-3281
Forman, Matthew C., IV-2945
Fotopoulos, Spiros, IV-2581
Fowler, James E., IV-3085
Frack, K.L., I-543
Francis, Keith I., II-1231
Franco, Horacio, II-1471
Francos, Joseph M., V-3825
Frangopol, Radu, V-4077
Frank, Walter, III-2501
Frattale Mascioli, Fabio M., IV-3193
Freburger, Brian E., I-551
Freitag, Lee E., I-575
Friedlander, Benjamin, V-3825 V-4045
Frison, Ted W., III-2393
Fritsch, Jürgen, III-1759
Fu, Minyue, I-39
Fuchs, Erich, III-1965
Fuchs, Jean Jacques, I-527
Fujii, Kensaku, III-2325
Fujii, Nobuo, III-2185
Fujita, Minoru, II-847
Fukada, Toshiaki, II-1403
Fuldseth, Arild, IV-3093
Funaki, Keiichi, II-1299
Furui, Sadaoki, II-1015 III-1787 III-1803
Furuya, Ken'ichi, II-1315
Futie, Takaaki, III-2429
Fwu, Jong-Kae, IV-3149
Fyfe, Colin, IV-3329
Fabrizio, Giuseppe A.,
- Page V-3753, "Stochastic Constraints in Nonstationary Hot Clutter Cancellation"
Fahrner, W.R.,
- Page III-1727, "Optimization Of HMM By A Genetic Algorithm"
Falah, R. Kara,
- Page IV-3161, "Filtering in the Segmentation Space"
Falavigna, Daniele,
- Page I-91, "Multilingual Person to Person Communication at IRST"
Famorzadeh, Shahram,
- Page I-663, "BEEHIVE: An Adaptive, Distributed, Embedded Signal Processing Environment"
Fan, Howard,
- Page III-1941, "A Modified Normalized Lattice Adaptive Filter for Fast Sampling"
- Page III-2273, "A Refined Class of Cost Functions in Blind Equalization"
Fan, Zhigang,
- Page IV-2565, "Removal of Blocking and Ringing Artifacts in Transform Coded Images"
Fancourt, Craig L.,
- Page IV-3325, "Temporal Self-Organization Through Competitive"
Fang, Wen-Hsien,
- Page III-1969, "An Efficient HAAR Wavelet-Based Approach For The Harmonic Retrieval Problem"
Fanghänel, Karsten,
- Page V-4149, "Parallel Bit-Stream Neurohardware for Blind Separation of Sources"
- Page V-4153, "Using PhiPAC to Speed Error Back-Propagation Learning"
Fanty, Mark,
- Page IV-3241, "Speech Recognition Using Neural Networks with Forward-backward Probability Generated Targets"
Farhat, Azarshid,
- Page II-947, "Time Domain Technique For Pitch Modification And Robust Voice Transformation"
Faruqi, Farhan A.,
- Page III-2413, "A New Approach to Optimal Nonlinear Filtering"
- Page V-4093, "A Gaussian Sum Filtering Approach for Phase Ambiguity Resolution in GPS Attitude Determination"
Favier, Gerard,
- Page III-2269, "New Bussgang Methods for Blind Equalization"
Fawley, Martin A.,
- Page II-1247, "Modelling asynchrony in speech using elementary single-signal decomposition"
Fay, John,
- Page I-483, "Power-Law Processors for Detecting Unknown in Signals in Colored Noise"
Fayolle, Marc,
- Page V-3545, "EM parameter estimation for a piecewise AR"
Feder, Meir,
- Page III-2025, "Vector Sampling Expansion: Deterministic and Stochastic Signals"
Feichtinger, Hans Georg,
- Page II-1439, "Time-frequency structured decorrelation of speech signals via nonseparable Gabor frames"
- Page III-1857, "Complete iterative reconstruction algorithms for irregularly sampled data in spline--like spaces"
Feldkeller, Bjoern,
- Page I-155, "Neural Networks For Process Control In Steel Manufacturing"
Fellbaum, Klaus,
- Page II-867, "Spectral Subtraction and Rasta-Filtering in Text-Dependent HMM-Based Speaker Verification"
- Page II-915, "Wordspotting Using a Predictive Neural Model for the Telephone Speech Corpus"
Feng, Gang,
- Page II-739, "HCELP: Low bit rate speech coder for voice storage applications"
Feng, Mei,
- Page V-3813, "Suppression of Gaussian Noise Using Cumulants"
Ferman, Ahmet Müfit,
- Page IV-2601, "Motion and Shape Signatures for Object-Based Indexing of MPEG-4 Compressed Video"
Ferrari, André,
- Page V-3553, "Bayesian Estimation of Parameters of Polynomial Phase Signal using MCMC methods"
- Page V-3977, "Spectral Estimation of a Gaussian Signal Sampled with Jitter"
Ferreira, Paulo J.S.G.,
- Page III-1831, "Interpolation, spectrum analysis, error-control coding, and fault-tolerant computing"
- Page IV-3197, "Neural networks and approximation by superposition of Gaussians"
Ferreol, Anne,
- Page V-4061, "Higher Order Blind Source Separation Using The Cyclostationarity Property Of The Signals"
Fessler, Jeffrey,
- Page IV-2813, "Penalized Likelihood Emission Image Reconstruction With Uncertain Boundary Information"
Fettweis, Gerhard P.,
- Page I-279, "DSP Cores for Moblile Communications: Where are we going ?"
- Page I-631, "VLSI Architecture for Datapath Integration of Arithmetic over $GF(2^m)$ on Digital Signal Processors"
- Page V-4085, "A Structural Approach for Designing Performance Enhanced Signal Processors: A 1-MIPS GSM Fullrate Vocoder Case Study"
Feyh, German,
- Page V-3985, "Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Sinusoidal Frequency Estimation"
Fijalkow, I.,
- Page V-3937, "Robustness of Blind Fractionally-Spaced Identification / Equalization to Loss of Channel Disparity"
Fingscheidt, Tim,
- Page III-1667, "Robust Speech Decoding: A Universal Approach to Bit Error Concealment"
Finke, Michael,
- Page I-83, "The Karlsruhe-Verbmobil Speech Recognition Engine"
- Page I-99, "JANUS-III: Speech-to-Speech Translation in Multiple Languages"
- Page III-1743, "Wide Context Acoustic Modeling in Read vs. Spontaneous Speech"
- Page III-1759, "Context--Dependent~ Hybrid HME / HMM Speech Recognition using Polyphone Clustering Decision Trees"
- Page III-1815, "Recognition of Conversational Telephone Speech using the Janus Speech Engine"
Fiori, Simone,
- Page IV-3293, "A New IIR-MLP Learning Algorithm for On-Line Signal Processing"
- Page IV-3349, "A New Unsupervised Neural Learning Rule for Orthonormal Signal Processing"
Fischer, Stefan,
- Page IV-3053, "Face Authentication with Sparse Grid Gabor Information"
Fischer, Sven,
- Page I-359, "Broadband Beamforming with Adaptive Postfiltering for Speech Acquisition in Noisy Environments"
Fischer, Thomas R.,
- Page IV-3089, "Robust Subband Image Coding for Waveform Channels with Optimum Power- and Bandwidth Allocation"
Fissore, Luciano,
- Page II-975, "Using Word Temporal Structure in HMM Speech Recognition"
Fitzgerald, William J.,
- Page V-3533, "Nonlinear Autoregressive Modeling Of Non-Gaussian Signals Using Lp-norm Techniques"
Fjørtoft, Roger,
- Page IV-2761, "Multiedge Detection in SAR Images"
Flaig, Alexander,
- Page III-2145, "Affine Order Statistic Filters: A Data-adaptive Filtering Framework for Nonstationary Signals"
Flanagan, James L.,
- Page I-163, "Issues In Measuring The Benefits Of Multimodal Interfaces"
- Page I-251, "A Digital Processing System for Source Location and Sound Capture by Large Microphone Arrays"
Fleisch, Urs,
- Page V-4141, "Hardware Implementation of a Systolic Antenna Array Signal Processor Based on CORDIC Arithmetic"
Fleury, Pascal,
- Page IV-3413, "Neural Network Based Image Coding Quality Prediction"
Floreby, Lars,
- Page IV-2585, "Image Enhancement by Morphological Pyramid Decomposition and Modified Reconstruction"
Fog, Torben,
- Page IV-3205, "Early Stop Criterion from the Bootstrap Ensemble"
Fonollosa, Javier R.,
- Page V-3889, "Blind Adaptive Multiuser Detection with Probabilistic Algorithms: Application to Underwater Acoustics"
Fonollosa, José A.R.,
- Page V-3889, "Blind Adaptive Multiuser Detection with Probabilistic Algorithms: Application to Underwater Acoustics"
Fontaine, Vincent,
- Page II-1527, "Speaker-Dependent Speech Recognition Based on Phone-Like Units Models --- Application to Voice Dialing"
- Page III-1767, "Hybrid HMM/ANN Systems for Training Independent Tasks: Experiments on Phonebook and Related Improvements"
Fontes, N. Ruiz,
- Page I-543, "A Short-Time Wiener Filter for Noise Removal in Underwater Acoustic Data"
Foote, Jonathan T.,
- Page I-199, "Acoustic Indexing for Multimedia Retrieval and Browsing"
Forcada, Mikel L.,
- Page IV-3281, "A comparison between recurrent neural network architectures for digital equalization"
Forman, Matthew C.,
- Page IV-2945, "A Novel Coding Scheme for Full Parallax 3D-TV Pictures"
Fotopoulos, Spiros,
- Page IV-2581, "Image Enhancement Using Color And Spatial Information"
Fowler, James E.,
- Page IV-3085, "Adaptive Vector Quantization of Image Sequences Using Generalized Threshold Replenishment"
Frack, K.L.,
- Page I-543, "A Short-Time Wiener Filter for Noise Removal in Underwater Acoustic Data"
Francis, Keith I.,
- Page II-1231, "Binaural Phoneme Recognition Using the Auditory Image Model and Cross-Correlation"
Franco, Horacio,
- Page II-1471, "Automatic Pronunciation Scoring for Language Instruction"
Francos, Joseph M.,
- Page V-3825, "Parameter Estimation of Two-Dimensional Moving Average Random Fields: Algorithms and Bounds"
Frangopol, Radu,
- Page V-4077, "The Puzzle Project: A Case Study in Multimedia Signal Processing"
Frank, Walter,
- Page III-2501, "Efficient equalization of nonlinear communication channels"
Frattale Mascioli, Fabio M.,
- Page IV-3193, "A Constructive Algorithm for Fuzzy Neural Networks"
Freburger, Brian E.,
- Page I-551, "A Subspace Framework for Fast Parameter Estimation with Known Waveforms"
Freitag, Lee E.,
- Page I-575, "Improved Doppler Tracking and Correction for Underwater Acoustic Communications"
Friedlander, Benjamin,
- Page V-3825, "Parameter Estimation of Two-Dimensional Moving Average Random Fields: Algorithms and Bounds"
- Page V-4045, "On Blind Signal Copy for Polynomial Phase Signals"
Frison, Ted W.,
- Page III-2393, "Identification and Quantification of Nonstationary Chaotic Behavior"
Fritsch, Jürgen,
- Page III-1759, "Context--Dependent~ Hybrid HME / HMM Speech Recognition using Polyphone Clustering Decision Trees"
Fu, Minyue,
- Page I-39, "A lattice structure for perfect reconstruction linear time varying filter banks with all pass analysis banks"
Fuchs, Erich,
- Page III-1965, "Fast Least-Squares Polynomial Approximation in Moving Time Windows"
Fuchs, Jean Jacques,
- Page I-527, "Multipath time-delay estimation"
Fujii, Kensaku,
- Page III-2325, "Sub-RLS Algorithm with an Extremely Simple Update Equation"
Fujii, Nobuo,
- Page III-2185, "Minimization of finite wordlength error in 2-D FIR digital filters in the frequency domain"
Fujita, Minoru,
- Page II-847, "Fast speech recognition algorithm under noisy environment using modified CMS-PMC and improved IDMM+SQ"
Fukada, Toshiaki,
- Page II-1403, "Model parameter estimation for mixture density polynomial segment models"
Fuldseth, Arild,
- Page IV-3093, "Bandwidth Compression for Continuous Amplitude Channels Based on Vector Approximation to a Continuous Subset of the Source Signal Space"
Funaki, Keiichi,
- Page II-1299, "A time varying ARMAX speech modeling with phase compensation using glottal source model"
Furui, Sadaoki,
- Page II-1015, "Smoothed N-best-based Speaker Adaptation for speech recognition"
- Page III-1787, "An Efficient Search Method for Large-Vocabulary Continuous-Speech Recognition"
- Page III-1803, "Japanese Large-Vocabulary Continuous-Speech Recognition using a Business-Newspaper Corpus"
Furuya, Ken'ichi,
- Page II-1315, "Two-channel blind deconvolution for non-minimum phase impulse responses"
Futie, Takaaki,
- Page III-2429, "Direct Design Of Nonuniform Filter Banks"
Fwu, Jong-Kae,
- Page IV-3149, "Cluster Validation Criteria for Image Segmentation"
Fyfe, Colin,
- Page IV-3329, "Kurtosis Extrema and Identification of Independent Components : A Neural Network Approach"