MATLAB Function Reference    

Returns coordinate and color limits for volume data



lims = volumebounds(X,Y,Z,V) returns the x,y,z and color limits of the current axes for scalar data. lims is returned as a vector:

You can pass this vector to the axis command.

lims = volumebounds(X,Y,Z,U,V,W) returns the x, y, and z limits of the current axes for vector data. lims is returned as a vector:

lims = volumebounds(V), lims = volumebounds(U,V,W) assumes X, Y, and Z are determined by the expression:

where [m n p] = size(V).


This example uses volumebounds to set the axis and color limits for an isosurface generated by the flow function.

See Also

isosurface, streamslice

 viewmtx voronoi