english version
(請注意:中文版本並未隨英文版本同步更新! )
Example 1: inputExtraction01.m DS=prData('random3');
subplot(1,2,1); dsScatterPlot3(DS);
view(155, 46);
subplot(1,2,2); dsScatterPlot3(DS);
view(-44, 22);
在上圖中,左圖和右圖有相同的300筆資料,每筆資料均含有三個特徵。左圖的資料看似雜亂無章,這是因為我們將 3D 的圖形投影到 2D 的平面上的緣故。只要我們稍稍轉動我們的視角,便可清楚地看出這 300 筆資料分屬於三個不同的群組,如右圖。而如何找到一個適當視角,來將資料投影到低維度的空間,以使得不同類別的資料能夠散得越開越好,就是特徵粹取的目標。
Hint 在上述範例中,讀者可在 MATLAB 圖軸進行滑鼠的拖放,即可看到視角的改變,很有趣,請試試看!
我們也可以使用數學的方式來說明特徵選取。假設我們有一組特徵 V = {v1 , v2 ,... , vd },我們希望透過某種分類器來得到辨識率 J(˙),此辨識率是所選取特徵的函數;而特徵粹取的目標,就是要找出一組鑑別能力最佳的的集合 S,使得 J(S)≧J(T),其中 S 與 T 的元素均由 V 經由線性組合而成。
首先,我們將前一個範例的 3D 資料點,投影到 2D 平面上,就可以看出 LDA 的效果,如下:
Example 2: ldaRandom301.m DS=prData('random3');
DS2=lda(DS); DS2.input=DS2.input(1:2, :);
DS3=lda(DS); DS3.input=DS3.input(end-1:end, :);
subplot(2,1,1); dsScatterPlot(DS2); axis image
xlabel('Input 1'); ylabel('Input 2');
title('Projected to the first two dim of LDA');
subplot(2,1,2); dsScatterPlot(DS3); axis image
xlabel('Input 3'); ylabel('Input 4');
title('Projected to the last two dim of LDA');
當我們投影到 LDA 的前兩個維度,類別之間的區分很明顯,這就是 LDA 的效果。
在下面範例中,是我們針對 IRIS 資料進行線性識別分析:
Example 3: ldaIris2d01.m DS = prData('iris');
dataNum = size(DS.input, 2);
DS2 = lda(DS);
% ====== Projection to the first two eigenvectors
DS3=DS2; DS3.input=DS2.input(1:2, :);
[recogRate, computed] = knncLoo(DS3, [], 1);
title(sprintf('LDA projection of %s data onto the first 2 discriminant vectors', DS.dataName));
xlabel(sprintf('KNNC''s leave-one-out recog. rate = %d/%d = %g%%', sum(DS3.output==computed), dataNum, 100*recogRate));
% ====== Projection to the last two eigenvectors
DS3=DS2; DS3.input=DS2.input(end-1:end, :);
[recogRate, computed] = knncLoo(DS3, [], 1);
title(sprintf('LDA projection of %s data onto the last 2 discriminant vectors', DS.dataName));
xlabel(sprintf('KNNC''s leave-one-out recog. rate = %d/%d = %g%%', sum(DS3.output==computed), dataNum, 100*recogRate));
在上述範例中,我們採用 1-nearest-neighbor classifier 以及leave-one-out 來進行辨識率的測試。在第一個圖中,我們將 150 筆 IRIS 資料投影於第一組和第二組識別向量組成的平面上,可得到 98.00% 的辨識率,相當於只有 3 個資料點的分類錯誤。若投影於第三組和第四組識別向量組成的平面上,可得到第二個圖,可見不同類別的資料點有相當大的重疊部分,因此辨識率也較低,只有 87.33%,相當於 19 個分類錯誤的資料點。(在上圖中,所有分類錯誤的資料點都是以黑色叉叉來表示。)
若使用 WINE 資料來進行 LDA 投影,得到的效果如下:
Example 4: ldaWine2d01.m DS = prData('wine');
dataNum = size(DS.input, 2);
DS2 = lda(DS);
% ====== Projection to the first two eigenvectors
DS3=DS2; DS3.input=DS2.input(1:2, :);
[recogRate, computed] = knncLoo(DS3, [], 1);
title(sprintf('LDA projection of %s data onto the first 2 discriminant vectors', DS.dataName));
xlabel(sprintf('KNNC''s leave-one-out recog. rate = %d/%d = %g%%', sum(DS3.output==computed), dataNum, 100*recogRate));
% ====== Projection to the last two eigenvectors
DS3=DS2; DS3.input=DS2.input(end-1:end, :);
[recogRate, computed] = knncLoo(DS3, [], 1);
title(sprintf('LDA projection of %s data onto the last 2 discriminant vectors', DS.dataName));
xlabel(sprintf('KNNC''s leave-one-out recog. rate = %d/%d = %g%%', sum(DS3.output==computed), dataNum, 100*recogRate));
若以 KNNC 及 leave-one-out 來測試 LDA 投影的維度對辨識率的影響,可使用下列範例程式來測試 IRIS 資料:
Example 5: ldaIrisDim01.m DS=prData('iris');
[featureNum, dataNum] = size(DS.input);
[recogRate, computed] = knncLoo(DS);
fprintf('All data ===> LOO recog. rate = %d/%d = %g%%\n', sum(DS.output==computed), dataNum, 100*recogRate);
DS2 = lda(DS);
for i = 1:featureNum
DS3=DS2; DS3.input=DS3.input(1:i, :);
[recogRate(i), computed] = knncLoo(DS3);
fprintf('LDA dim = %d ===> LOO recog. rate = %d/%d = %g%%\n', i, sum(DS3.output==computed), dataNum, 100*recogRate(i));
plot(1:featureNum, 100*recogRate, 'o-'); grid on
xlabel('No. of projected features based on LDA');
ylabel('LOO recognition rates using KNNC (%)'); All data ===> LOO recog. rate = 144/150 = 96%
LDA dim = 1 ===> LOO recog. rate = 143/150 = 95.3333%
LDA dim = 2 ===> LOO recog. rate = 147/150 = 98%
LDA dim = 3 ===> LOO recog. rate = 142/150 = 94.6667%
LDA dim = 4 ===> LOO recog. rate = 144/150 = 96%
有此也可以看出,並非特徵個數越多,辨識率越好。以上例而言,最好的辨識率是 98.00%,發生在投影到二度空間時,對應的混淆矩陣如下:
Example 6: ldaIrisConf01.m DS=prData('iris');
DS2 = lda(DS);
DS3=DS2; DS3.input=DS3.input(1:2, :);
[recogRate, computedOutput] = knncLoo(DS3);
confMat=confMatGet(DS3.output, computedOutput);
confMatPlot(confMat, opt);
在上述範例中,若左圖為 A 矩陣,右圖為 B 矩陣,則 A(i,j) 代表第 i 類被分到第 j 類的個數,而 B(i, j) 則代表第 i 類被分到第 j 類的機率,滿足 B(i, 1) + B(i, 2) + B(i, 3) = 100% for all i。
若以相同的方式來測試 wine 資料,結果如下:
Example 7: ldaWineDim01.m DS=prData('wine');
[featureNum, dataNum] = size(DS.input);
[recogRate, computed] = knncLoo(DS);
fprintf('All data ===> LOO recog. rate = %d/%d = %g%%\n', sum(DS.output==computed), dataNum, 100*recogRate);
DS2 = lda(DS);
for i = 1:featureNum
DS3=DS2; DS3.input=DS3.input(1:i, :);
[recogRate(i), computed] = knncLoo(DS3);
fprintf('LDA dim = %d ===> LOO recog. rate = %d/%d = %g%%\n', i, sum(DS3.output==computed), dataNum, 100*recogRate(i));
plot(1:featureNum, 100*recogRate, 'o-'); grid on
xlabel('No. of projected features based on LDA');
ylabel('LOO recognition rates using KNNC (%)'); All data ===> LOO recog. rate = 137/178 = 76.9663%
LDA dim = 1 ===> LOO recog. rate = 168/178 = 94.382%
LDA dim = 2 ===> LOO recog. rate = 168/178 = 94.382%
LDA dim = 3 ===> LOO recog. rate = 168/178 = 94.382%
LDA dim = 4 ===> LOO recog. rate = 173/178 = 97.191%
LDA dim = 5 ===> LOO recog. rate = 174/178 = 97.7528%
LDA dim = 6 ===> LOO recog. rate = 175/178 = 98.3146%
LDA dim = 7 ===> LOO recog. rate = 172/178 = 96.6292%
LDA dim = 8 ===> LOO recog. rate = 173/178 = 97.191%
LDA dim = 9 ===> LOO recog. rate = 170/178 = 95.5056%
LDA dim = 10 ===> LOO recog. rate = 168/178 = 94.382%
LDA dim = 11 ===> LOO recog. rate = 159/178 = 89.3258%
LDA dim = 12 ===> LOO recog. rate = 143/178 = 80.3371%
LDA dim = 13 ===> LOO recog. rate = 137/178 = 76.9663%
以上例而言,最好的辨識率是 98.31%,發生在投影到六度空間時,對應的混淆矩陣如下:
Example 8: ldaWineConf01.m DS=prData('wine');
DS2 = lda(DS);
DS3=DS2; DS3.input=DS3.input(1:6, :);
[recogRate, computedOutput] = knncLoo(DS3);
confMat=confMatGet(DS3.output, computedOutput);
若我們將上述範例寫成一個函數 ldaPerfViaKnncLoo.m,則可用此函數來測試「資料正規化」對於辨識率的影響,請見下列範例:
Example 9: ldaWineDim02.m DS=prData('wine');
DS2=DS; DS2.input=inputNormalize(DS2.input); % input normalization
[featureNum, dataNum] = size(DS.input);
plot(1:featureNum, 100*recogRate1, 'o-', 1:featureNum, 100*recogRate2, '^-'); grid on
legend({'Raw data', 'Normalized data'}, 'location', 'northOutside', 'orientation', 'horizontal');
xlabel('No. of projected features based on LDA');
ylabel('LOO recognition rates using KNNC (%)');
有上述範例可以看出,對於這個應用而言,使用了資料正規化,使得辨識率提升很多,尤其是在資料維度是 6 時,辨識率可達 100%。
Hint 資料正規化對於辨識率的影響,隨不同的應用與不同的分類器而變,並非一定都可以提升辨識率。
Hint 其實,本章所得到的辨識率,會有一點點流於樂觀。因為我們是用所有的資料來進行 LDA,然後再做 KNNC 的 LOO 辨識率測試。換句話說,LDA 已經「偷看」了所有的資料,所以這個測試所得到的辨識率會偏高一點點。
如果資料維度大於資料筆數,則 LDA 通常會出現錯誤的結果,因為運算過程中,數個矩陣可能接近 Singular,導致計算出來的 eigenvalues 有複數。一般解決的方案,事先用 PCA 投影到低維空間,以便盡量維持資料的空間距離特性,然後再使用 LDA 求取對於分類最佳的投影方式。
J. Duchene and S. Leclercq, "An optimal transformation for discriminant and principal component analysis", IEEE Trans. PAMI, vol. 10, pp.978-983, 1988
More info:
How to prove $T=W+B$ in the crisp case:
T & = & \sum_{i=1}^n (a_i-\mu)(a_i-\mu)^T\\
& = & \sum_{i=1}^n (a_i a_i^T - \mu\mu^T)\\
& = & \sum_{i=1}^n a_i a_i^T - n \mu \mu^T\\
& = & AA^T-n\mu\mu^T\\
W & = & \sum_{k=1}^c w_k\\
& = & \sum_{k=1}^c (A_k A_k^T - n_k \mu_k \mu_k^T)\\
& = & \sum_{k=1}^c A_k A_k^T - \sum_{k=1}^c n_k \mu_k \mu_k^T\\
& = & AA^T- \sum_{k=1}^c n_k \mu_k \mu_k^T\\
B & = & \sum_{k=1}^c n_k (\mu_k-\mu)(\mu_k-\mu)^T\\
& = & \sum_{k=1}^c n_k \mu_k \mu_k^T - n\mu\mu^T\\
Thus we have
How to prove $T=W+B$ in the fuzzy case:
$u_{k,i}$ = degree of point $i$ in class $k$.
$\alpha_k = \sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i}$ = size of class k.
\mu_k = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i} a_i}{\sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i}} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i} a_i}{\alpha_k} \rightarrow \alpha_k \mu_k = \sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i}a_i.
Moreover, we have the following identities:
\sum_{k=1}^c u_{k,i} = 1.\\
\sum_{k=1}^c \alpha_k = \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{k=1}^c u_{k,i} = n.\\
\sum_{k=1}^c \alpha_k \mu_k = \sum_{i=1}^n (\sum_{k=1}^c u_{k,i}) a_i = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i = n \mu.\\
Using the above identities, we have
T & = & \sum_{i=1}^n (a_i-\mu)(a_i-\mu)^T\\
& = & \sum_{i=1}^n (a_i a_i^T - \mu\mu^T)\\
& = & \sum_{i=1}^n a_i a_i^T - n \mu \mu^T\\
& = & AA^T-n\mu\mu^T\\
W_k & = & \sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i} (a_i-\mu_k)(a_i-\mu_k)^T\\
& = & \sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i} a_i a_i^T - (\sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i} a_i) \mu_k^T - \mu_k ({\sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i}} a_i^T) + \sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i}\mu_k \mu_k^T\\
& = & \sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i} a_i a_i^T - (\alpha_k \mu_k)\mu_k^T - \mu_k (\alpha_k \mu_k^T) + \sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i}\mu_k \mu_k^T\\
& = & \sum_{i=1}^n u_{k,i} a_i a_i^T - \alpha_k \mu_k \mu_k^T\\
W & = & \sum_{k=1}^c w_k\\
& = & \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{k=1}^c u_{k,i} a_i a_i^T - \sum_{k=1}^c \alpha_k \mu_k \mu_k^T\\
& = & \sum_{i=1}^n a_i a_i^T - \sum_{k=1}^c \alpha_k \mu_k \mu_k^T\\
B & = & \sum_{k=1}^c \alpha_k (\mu_k-\mu)(\mu_k-\mu)^T\\
& = & \sum_{k=1}^c \alpha_k \mu \mu^T - (\sum_{k=1}^c \alpha_k \mu_k) \mu^T - \mu (\sum_{k=1}^c \alpha_k \mu_k)^T + (\sum_{k=1}^c \alpha_k) \mu \mu^T\\
& = & \sum_{k=1}^c \alpha_k \mu \mu^T - (n \mu) \mu^T - \mu (n \mu)^T + (n) \mu \mu^T\\
& = & \sum_{k=1}^c \alpha_k \mu_k \mu_k^T - n\mu\mu^T\\
Thus we have $T=W+B$ in the fuzzy case where each data point belong to a class to a certain degree.
Data Clustering and Pattern Recognition (資料分群與樣式辨認)