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Index for asr

Matlab files in this directory:

 addMyPathAdd necessary paths for the ASR toolbox
 asrPerfEvalasrPerfEval: Performance evaluation of ASR
 asraOutputXmlReadasraOutputXmlRead: Read ASRA output xml file
 cmReadcmRead: Read the CM (confidence measure) file generated from Viterbi forced alignment or from human labeling
 cmWordBgPlotcmWordBgPlot: Plot background yellow patches for words obtained from a given CM (confidence measure) file
 dictReaddictRead: Read a dic file
 dictSortdictSort: Sort a dict based on its words
 dictWritedictWrite: Write a dict to a dict file
 digitConvert4militarydigitConvert4military: Convert digits in a text into military pronunciation
 feaReadfeaRead: Read the feature file generated by hcopy of HTK
 flv2wavflv2wav: Convert a flv file to a wav file
 getWaveDataGETWAVE Get wave files for given speaker
 goDemoSaDemo of assessment of ASRA (automatic speech recognition & assessment)
 goDemoVcDemo of ASR of ASRA (automatic speech recognition & assessment)
 goGenTcpAndFileCopy4ContentInFilenameGenerate fea files and the tcp file for ASR training.
 goWaveAssess4dirUses waveAssess.m to generate lab files for a given directory of wave files
 grammarGen4ksgrammarGen4ks: Generate grammar and net files for keyword spotting with FSD as the filler model
 hanyu2initialFinalhanyu2initialFinal: Hanyu syllable to initial and final
 hanyu2tonalInitialFinalhanyu2tonalInitialFinal: Hanyu syllable to tonal initial and final
 isTradChineseisTradChinese: Check if the given string is traditional Chinese
 isUnvoicedPhoneisUnvoicedPhone: Return 1 if the given phone is unvoiced
 lab2pitchedIndexlab2pitchedIndex: Get pitched index from lab and qiYinFile
 labReadlabRead: Read the LAB file generated from Viterbi forced alignment or from human labeling
 labRead0labRead: Read a lab file
 labRead2labRead: Read a *.lab file
 macroReadmacroRead: Read a macro file
 macroRead_bmacroRead: Read a macro file
 mlfReadmlfRead: Read an MLF file
 mlfRead_oldmlfRead: Read the MLF file generated from Viterbi forced alignment
 mlfWritemlfRead: Write an MLF file
 netWritenetWrite: Write a net file
 pa2papa2pa: PA (phonetic alphabet) to PA conversion (mainly Hanyu vs. Zhuyin)
 pa2phonepa2pa: PA (phonetic alphabet) to phone (model) conversion, mainly for Hanyu Pinyin
 plpReadplpRead: Read a plp file
 rank2gbellParamrank2gbellParam: Return the parameter "a" of a generalized bell function based on a vector of given ranks.
 saParamSet====== Find the path to the executable
 spReadSPREAD Read HTK (".SP") sound file.
 syl2csssyl2css: Find the confusing syllable set (CSS) from a given Mandarin syllable in HanYu PinYin.
 sylFile2sylFile4sasylFile2sylFile4sa: Generate a .syl file (with confusing phones) from a given .syl file for speech assessment
 sylReadsylRead: Read a .syl file
 syls2csssyls2css: Find the confusing syllable set (CSS) from a given Mandarin syllable sequence in HanYu PinYin.
 text2pa4chinesetext2pa4chinese: Convert a sentence into phonetic alphabets (in Hanyu Pinyin) using maximum matching
 text2pa4englishtext2pa4english: Text (a sentence) to PA (phonetic alphabet) conversion
 textNormalize4englishtextNormalize: English text normalization for pinyin
 tttDemo of assessment of ASRA (automatic speech recognition & assessment)
 txt2fsmLmFiletxt2fsmLmFile: Conversion from a text file to a LM file for FSM
 txtEng2netFiletxtEng2netFile: Read an English sentence and convert it to a net file
 uvBgPlotcmWordBgPlot: Plot background yellow patches for words obtained from a given CM (confidence measure) file
 uvCutuvCut: Find the cut for unvoiced/voiced boundary
 voiceCommandwaveRecog: Wave assessment which generates an CM (confidence measure) file (and a pitch file, if necessary) from a given wave file and the corresponding text
 wave2mfccTest測試不同的程式所產生的 MFCC 的差異
 wave2mfccTest2測試不同的程式所產生的 MFCC 的差異
 wave2mlfViaHtkwave2mlf: Generate an MLF file from a given wav file and corresponding text (by HTK)
 wave2pitch4pmpwave2pitch4pmp: Generate a pitch file from a given wave file
 waveAssesswaveAssess: Wave assessment which generates an CM (confidence measure) file (and a pitch file, if necessary) from a given wave file and the corresponding text
 waveAssess4dirwaveAssess4dir: Wave Assessment for a directory of wave files(wadParam)
 waveCmPitchPlotwaveCmPitchPlot: Plot waveform and pitch simultaneously
 waveCmPlotwaveCmPlot: Generate wave segmentation plot from a wav file and the corresponding CM (confidence measure) file
 waveDir2feawaveDir2fea: Convert a directory of a wave files to a directory of feature files
 wordPlaywordPlay: Play each word after forced alignment
 wordQiYinBgPlotcmWordBgPlot: Plot background yellow patches for words obtained from a given CM (confidence measure) file
 wpaExtractwpaExtract: Extract a dictFile to a smaller one which contains words in textFile
 wpaReadwpaRead: Read wpa file into a structure
 wpaRead2wpaRead: Read a wpa file
 wpaWritewpaWrite: Write a wpa to a wpa file

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