MATLAB Function Reference    


User Interface Objects
menu Generate a menu of choices for user input
uicontextmenu Create context menu
uicontrol Create user interface control
uimenu Create user interface menu


Other Functions
dragrect Drag rectangles with mouse
findfigs Display off-screen visible figure windows
gcbf Return handle of figure containing callback object
gcbo Return handle of object whose callback is executing
rbbox Create rubberband box for area selection
selectmoveresize Select, move, resize, or copy Axes and Uicontrol graphics objects
textwrap Return wrapped string matrix for given Uicontrol
uiresume Used with uiwait, controls program execution
uiwait Used with uiresume, controls program execution
waitbar Display wait bar
waitforbuttonpress Wait for key/buttonpress over figure

 Graphical User Interfaces Serial Port I/O