MATLAB Function Reference    

Graphical User Interfaces


Dialog Boxes
dialog Create a dialog box
errordlg Create error dialog box
helpdlg Display help dialog box
inputdlg Create input dialog box
listdlg Create list selection dialog box
msgbox Create message dialog box
pagedlg Display page layout dialog box
printdlg Display print dialog box
questdlg Create question dialog box
uigetfile Display dialog box to retrieve name of file for reading
uiputfile Display dialog box to retrieve name of file for writing
uisetcolor Interactively set a ColorSpec using a dialog box
uisetfont Interactively set a font using a dialog box
warndlg Create warning dialog box


User Interface Deployment
guidata Store or retrieve application data
guihandles Create a structure of handles
movegui Move GUI figure onscreen
openfig Open or raise GUI figure


User Interface Development
guide Open the GUI Layout Editor
inspect Display Property Inspector

 Plotting and Data Visualization User Interface Objects