[chinese][all] Learning vector quantization (LVQ) combines the concepts of vector quantization and nearest-neighbor classification to update the cluster centers for better recognition rates. More specifically, LVQ updates the cluster centers in an incremental manner, such that the updated centers can lead to a better accuracy of recognition, as follows:Note that the learning rate \ is decreased with each iteration, with 0<\<1.
- Set repesentative centers for each class. Suppose that we have 3 clusters for a 4-class problem, then the number of centers are 12 in total. These cluster centers can be obtained by k-means clustering over each individual class. (In practice, the number of clusters for each class can be set to be proportional to the size of the class.)
- For each data point x, find the nearest centers yk. Based on the class labels of x and yk, update centers as follows:
- If the class labels are the same, then move yk toward x:
yk = yk + \ [x - yk] - If the class labels are different, then move yi away from x:
yk = yk - \ [x - yk] - Update the learning rate \.
- Back to step 2 until all the centers converge.
After the cluster centers converge, we can then use these centers to represent the original class. For any unseen data, we can apply k-nearest-neighbor classification to determine its class.
Here is a summary of the difference between LVQ and VQ.
- VQ is used for data compression and representation, which is applicable for unlabeled data.
- The goal of LVQ is to find representative points for each class. And then update these points for best recognition rate. Therefore it is suitable for labeled data (classification problem).
- T. Kohonen, "Improved Versions of Learning Vector Quantization", International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1990.
Data Clustering and Pattern Recognition (ƤsP˦{)