1-2 Example Programs (po{X)


If you want to try out the examples in this book, you should download the example programs as well as related toolboxes:

  1. Example programs of this book
  2. Machine Learning Toolbox
Once these toolboxes are downloaded, they need to be added to MATLAB's search path. (Or you can simply edit addMyPath.m under the example programs to include these toolboxes.)

Since the example programs are under constant revisions, you can take the following steps if you find a bug:

  1. Download all the toolboxes and example programs, and try again.
  2. If it still does not work, email me at jang at cs dot nthu dot edu dot tw.
You are also welcome to notify me if there is any mistakes in the texts/programs.

The texts and programs of this book are provided for your easy learning of DC and PR. The author cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss directly or indirectly incurred by using the texts or programs.

Finally, hope everyone can enjoy the use of MATLAB for data clustering and pattern recognition.


  1. 本書的範例程式碼
  2. Machine Learning Toolbox
請先將 Machine Learning Toolbox 的目錄加入 MATLAB 的搜尋路徑中,就可以開始執行本書的範例程式碼。(你可以直接修改範例程式集中的 addMyPath.m,加入上述兩個 Toolbox 的目錄,以後直接執行 addMyPath.m 即可。)


  1. 重新下載所有的程式碼,再試一次。
  2. 若仍然不行,請告知筆者,筆者將進行查核及修正。



Data Clustering and Pattern Recognition (資料分群與樣式辨認)