1-1 About This Book ()


The goals of this books are:

The book is a practical guide for graduate students, researchers, as well as practitioner, with the following characteristics: The depth of this book is designed for first-year graduate students. However, it is also suitable for upper-division of undergraduates if the lecturer put more emphasis on coding and implementation.

Speech and audio signal processing and recognition involves a fair amount of mathematics. We expect the readers to have taken the following prerequisites: Calculus, linear algebra, and probability.

This book was original written in Chinese. Therefore for some page, we have a link to the old Chinese version. However, it should be noted that the latest version is in English and there is no guarantee for the synchronization between English and Chinese versions.

If you want to cite this book, use the following format:

A set of loosely related slides is available here.


筆者本著寫書著作的一貫宗旨,期望本書能達到下列終極目標: 當然,本書無法包山包海,所介紹的方法,都是比較偏向 DC & PR 的基本面,對一般碩士班研究生而言,應該已經夠用,但對於博士班研究生而言,可能尚嫌不足。不過無論讀者的背景為何,本書都可以做為 DC & PR 的入門書籍,並適合用於大學和研究所的相關課程。



Data Clustering and Pattern Recognition (資料分群與樣式辨認)