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In the previous section, we have covered the mathematics of EM (expectation maximization) which, under the framework of MLE, can be employed to identify the optimum parameters for a GMM. In this section, we shall demonstrate the use of GMM for PDF modeling.
以下將就 GMM 的使用範例進行說明。
For the first example, we shall use GMM for modeling the probability density function of a 1D data, as follows.
在下列範例中,我們將 GMM 用於一維的資料:
Example 1: gmm1d01.m % GMM (gaussian mixture model) for 1-D data
% ====== Plot data histogram
DS = dcData(8); data = DS.input;
binNum = 30;
hist(data, binNum);
xlabel('Data values'); ylabel('Counts'); title('Data histogram');
% ====== Train GMM
gmmOpt.arch.gaussianNum = 3;
[gmmPrm, logLike]=gmmTrain(data, gmmOpt);
% ====== Plot the log likelihood
plot(logLike, 'o-');
xlabel('No. of iterations of GMM training');
ylabel('Log likelihood');
% ====== Print the result
fprintf('w1=%g, mu1=%g, sigma1=%g\n', gmmPrm(1).w, gmmPrm(1).mu, gmmPrm(1).sigma);
fprintf('w2=%g, mu2=%g, sigma2=%g\n', gmmPrm(2).w, gmmPrm(2).mu, gmmPrm(2).sigma);
fprintf('w3=%g, mu3=%g, sigma3=%g\n', gmmPrm(3).w, gmmPrm(3).mu, gmmPrm(3).sigma);
fprintf('Overall logLike = %g\n', sum(log(gmmEval(data, gmmPrm)))); w1=0.476411, mu1=2.01478, sigma1=0.240201
w2=0.165196, mu2=-1.99372, sigma2=0.105661
w3=0.358393, mu3=0.122917, sigma3=1.15757
Overall logLike = 2568.89
In the previous example, the data is generated via three Gaussian PDFs centered at -2, 0, 2 (please refer to the contents of dcData.m). The first plot is the histogram of the dataset; the second plot is the curve of log probability w.r.t. the number of iterations. From the above example, we have the following observations:
在上述範例中,原來的資料是由中心點為 -2, 0, 2 的三個高斯機率密度函數所產生(請見 dcData.m 的內容),第一個圖是資料的質方圖(Histogram),第二個圖是 log probability 在訓練過程中的變化。由上述範例可以看出:
The identified centers are very close to the means of the three Gaussian PDF.
Log probability is monotonically nondecreasing throughout the training iterations.
We can use the following example to plot the PDF after training:
Example 2: gmm1d02.m % GMM (gaussian mixture model) for 1-D data
% ====== Plot the histogram
DS = dcData(8); data = DS.input;
binNum = 30;
hist(data, binNum);
xlabel('Data values'); ylabel('Counts'); title('Data histogram');
% ====== Perform GMM training
gmmOpt.arch.gaussianNum = 3;
[gmmPrm, logLike]=gmmTrain(data, gmmOpt);
% ====== Plot the PDF
x = linspace(min(data), max(data));
hold on
for i = 1:gmmOpt.arch.gaussianNum,
h1 = plot(x, gaussian(x, gmmPrm(i)), '--m');
set(h1, 'linewidth', 2);
for i = 1:gmmOpt.arch.gaussianNum,
h2 = plot(x, gaussian(x, gmmPrm(i))*gmmPrm(i).w, ':b');
set(h2, 'linewidth', 2);
total = zeros(size(x));
for i = 1:gmmOpt.arch.gaussianNum,
g(i,:)=gaussian(x, gmmPrm(i));
total=total+g(i, :)*gmmPrm(i).w;
h3 = plot(x, total, 'r');
set(h3, 'linewidth', 2);
hold off
box on
legend([h1 h2 h3], 'g_i', 'w_ig_i', '\Sigma_i w_ig_i');
xlabel('Data values'); ylabel('Prob.'); title('Gaussian mixture model');
% Print texts of g1, g2, g3
for i=1:gmmOpt.arch.gaussianNum
[maxValue, index]=max(g(i, :));
text(x(index), maxValue, ['g_', int2str(i)], 'vertical', 'bottom', 'horizon', 'center');
% ====== Plot the curve on top of the histogram
k = size(data,2)*(max(data)-min(data))/binNum;
line(x, total*k, 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2);
% Plot the data
line(data, rand(length(data),1)*(axisLimit(4)-axisLimit(3))/10+axisLimit(3), 'marker', '.', 'linestyle', 'none', 'color', 'k');
From the above example, the identified GMM PDF can match the data histogram closely. This is based on the following three conditions:
在上述範例中,可以很明顯的看出來,資料的質方圖和 GMM 所算出來的機率密度函數,非常接近。這是由於下列三個條件都成立:
The size of data is large enough. (The above example has 600 data entries.)
We are able to guess the number of Gaussians correctly.
The data is indeed governed by GMM.
資料量夠大。(上述範例有 600 筆資料!)
In practice, the above three conditions do not always hold. The basic remedies are:
Try to collect as much data as possible.
Use some heuristic search to find the optimum number of Gaussian PDFs.
Increase the number of mixtures so we can approximate any PDF using the training data.
執行 GMM 訓練多次,以便找到高斯機率密度函數的最佳個數。
In the following example, we should use GMM to model the 2D donut dataset, as follows:
下面這個範例,我們將 GMM 用於二維的「甜甜圈」資料,如下:
Example 3: gmm2d01.m % GMM (gaussian mixture model) for 2-D "donut" data
% ====== Get data and train GMM
DS = dcData(2);
[gmmPrm, logLike] = gmmTrain(data, gmmOpt);
% ====== Plot log likelihood
plot(logLike, 'o-');
xlabel('No. of iterations of GMM training');
ylabel('Log likelihood');
% ====== Plot scattered data and positions of the Gaussians
plot(data(1,:), data(2,:),'.r'); axis image
theta=linspace(-pi, pi, 21);
circleH=zeros(1, length(gmmPrm));
for i=1:length(gmmPrm)
r=sqrt(2*log(2)*gmmPrm(i).sigma); % Gaussian reaches it's 50% height at this distance from the mean
circleH(i)=line(xData, yData, 'color', 'k', 'linewidth', 3);
% ====== Surface/contour plots
pointNum = 40;
x = linspace(min(data(1,:)), max(data(1,:)), pointNum);
y = linspace(min(data(2,:)), max(data(2,:)), pointNum);
[xx, yy] = meshgrid(x, y);
data = [xx(:) yy(:)]';
z = gmmEval(data, gmmPrm);
zz = reshape(z, pointNum, pointNum);
mesh(xx, yy, zz); axis tight; box on; rotate3d on
contour(xx, yy, zz, 30); axis image GMM iteration: 0/50, log likelihood. = -2459.111841
GMM iteration: 1/50, log likelihood. = -1889.343285
GMM iteration: 2/50, log likelihood. = -1820.970204
GMM iteration: 3/50, log likelihood. = -1747.493220
GMM iteration: 4/50, log likelihood. = -1676.794974
GMM iteration: 5/50, log likelihood. = -1626.868731
GMM iteration: 6/50, log likelihood. = -1602.955088
GMM iteration: 7/50, log likelihood. = -1593.969408
GMM iteration: 8/50, log likelihood. = -1590.077032
GMM iteration: 9/50, log likelihood. = -1587.646618
GMM iteration: 10/50, log likelihood. = -1585.656179
GMM iteration: 11/50, log likelihood. = -1583.849816
GMM iteration: 12/50, log likelihood. = -1582.163698
GMM iteration: 13/50, log likelihood. = -1580.580310
GMM iteration: 14/50, log likelihood. = -1579.094987
GMM iteration: 15/50, log likelihood. = -1577.707271
GMM iteration: 16/50, log likelihood. = -1576.417712
GMM iteration: 17/50, log likelihood. = -1575.226285
GMM iteration: 18/50, log likelihood. = -1574.131712
GMM iteration: 19/50, log likelihood. = -1573.131390
GMM iteration: 20/50, log likelihood. = -1572.221714
GMM iteration: 21/50, log likelihood. = -1571.398523
GMM iteration: 22/50, log likelihood. = -1570.657468
GMM iteration: 23/50, log likelihood. = -1569.994208
GMM iteration: 24/50, log likelihood. = -1569.404414
GMM iteration: 25/50, log likelihood. = -1568.883662
GMM iteration: 26/50, log likelihood. = -1568.427301
GMM iteration: 27/50, log likelihood. = -1568.030370
GMM iteration: 28/50, log likelihood. = -1567.687602
GMM iteration: 29/50, log likelihood. = -1567.393525
GMM iteration: 30/50, log likelihood. = -1567.142610
GMM iteration: 31/50, log likelihood. = -1566.929448
GMM iteration: 32/50, log likelihood. = -1566.748905
GMM iteration: 33/50, log likelihood. = -1566.596242
GMM iteration: 34/50, log likelihood. = -1566.467191
GMM iteration: 35/50, log likelihood. = -1566.357986
GMM iteration: 36/50, log likelihood. = -1566.265359
GMM iteration: 37/50, log likelihood. = -1566.186514
GMM iteration: 38/50, log likelihood. = -1566.119085
GMM iteration: 39/50, log likelihood. = -1566.061082
GMM iteration: 40/50, log likelihood. = -1566.010847
GMM iteration: 41/50, log likelihood. = -1565.966998
GMM iteration: 42/50, log likelihood. = -1565.928391
GMM iteration: 43/50, log likelihood. = -1565.894077
GMM iteration: 44/50, log likelihood. = -1565.863269
GMM iteration: 45/50, log likelihood. = -1565.835317
GMM iteration: 46/50, log likelihood. = -1565.809678
GMM iteration: 47/50, log likelihood. = -1565.785900
GMM iteration: 48/50, log likelihood. = -1565.763607
GMM iteration: 49/50, log likelihood. = -1565.742482
GMM total iteration count = 50, log likelihood. = -1565.722259
In the above example, you should be able to see the flashy animation during the training process. Moreover, since we have set gmmPrm.useKmeans=0, the training process will randomly select several data points as the initial centers instead of using k-means for determining a set of better centers. Since the initial centers are randomly selected, the program will need more time to adjust these 6 Gaussians.
Not every dataset modeled by GMM will generate satisfactory result. An example follows.
GMM 的訓練,並不是每次都會產生理想的結果,請見下列範例:
Example 4: gmm2d02.m % GMM (gaussian mixture model) for 2-D "uneven" data
% ====== Get data and train GMM
DS = dcData(4);
close all;
[gmmPrm, logLike] = gmmTrain(data, gmmOpt);
% ====== Plot log prob.
plot(logLike, 'o-');
xlabel('No. of iterations of GMM training');
ylabel('Log likelihood');
% ====== Plot scattered data and positions of the Gaussians
plot(data(1,:), data(2,:),'.r'); axis image
theta=linspace(-pi, pi, 21);
for i=1:length(gmmPrm)
r=sqrt(2*log(2)*gmmPrm(i).sigma); % Gaussian reaches it's 50% height at this distance from the mean
circleH(i)=line(xData, yData, 'color', 'k', 'linewidth', 3);
% ====== Surface/contour plots
pointNum = 40;
x = linspace(min(data(1,:)), max(data(1,:)), pointNum);
y = linspace(min(data(2,:)), max(data(2,:)), pointNum);
[xx, yy] = meshgrid(x, y);
data = [xx(:) yy(:)]';
z = gmmEval(data, gmmPrm);
zz = reshape(z, pointNum, pointNum);
mesh(xx, yy, zz); axis tight; box on; rotate3d on
contour(xx, yy, zz, 30); axis image GMM iteration: 0/30, log likelihood. = -8241.699335
GMM iteration: 1/30, log likelihood. = -8014.746943
GMM iteration: 2/30, log likelihood. = -7972.337933
GMM iteration: 3/30, log likelihood. = -7938.832854
GMM iteration: 4/30, log likelihood. = -7871.371995
GMM iteration: 5/30, log likelihood. = -7701.595858
GMM iteration: 6/30, log likelihood. = -7471.854821
GMM iteration: 7/30, log likelihood. = -7333.726813
GMM iteration: 8/30, log likelihood. = -7259.232890
GMM iteration: 9/30, log likelihood. = -7240.661757
GMM iteration: 10/30, log likelihood. = -7239.320100
GMM iteration: 11/30, log likelihood. = -7239.221211
GMM iteration: 12/30, log likelihood. = -7239.213669
GMM iteration: 13/30, log likelihood. = -7239.213078
GMM iteration: 14/30, log likelihood. = -7239.213031
GMM iteration: 15/30, log likelihood. = -7239.213028
GMM iteration: 16/30, log likelihood. = -7239.213027
GMM iteration: 17/30, log likelihood. = -7239.213027
GMM iteration: 18/30, log likelihood. = -7239.213027
GMM iteration: 19/30, log likelihood. = -7239.213027
GMM iteration: 20/30, log likelihood. = -7239.213027
GMM iteration: 21/30, log likelihood. = -7239.213027
GMM iteration: 22/30, log likelihood. = -7239.213027
GMM total iteration count = 23, log likelihood. = -7239.213027
Judging from the scatter plot of the data set, we should have three Gaussians to cover the three clusters. The first two at the upper left corner should be sharper while the third one at the center should be flatter. In practice, it is likely to have the situation with "big circle surrounds small one", indicating the training process was trapped in a local maximum. (Since the data is randomly generated, you should try the program several times to obtain several possible results.)
在上述範例中,由資料分佈來看,理想中應該有三個高斯機率密度函數,分別負責三組資料的產生,其中在左上角的兩組很密集,而在中間的一組則比較分散。但實際進行訓練時,常常會發生「大圓包小圓」的情況,代表 GMM 的訓練,掉入了局部最大點而無法跳出。(由於資料是亂數產生,所以每次訓練的結果都不相同。如果讀者們跑出的結果和此範例不同,請多試幾次,就可以看到這種「大圓包小圓」的情況。)
Here is another example of GMM modeling (using 4 Gaussians) over 2D data:
Example 5: gmm2d03.m % GMM (gaussian mixture model) for 2-D "donut" data
% ====== Get data and train GMM
DS = dcData(6);
[gmmPrm, logLike] = gmmTrain(data, gmmOpt, 1); Start KMEANS to find the initial mean vectors...
GMM iteration: 0/50, log likelihood. = -226.515201
GMM iteration: 1/50, log likelihood. = -110.237816
GMM iteration: 2/50, log likelihood. = -94.557989
GMM iteration: 3/50, log likelihood. = -67.502974
GMM iteration: 4/50, log likelihood. = -33.783473
GMM iteration: 5/50, log likelihood. = -1.456188
GMM iteration: 6/50, log likelihood. = 22.854160
GMM iteration: 7/50, log likelihood. = 32.707306
GMM iteration: 8/50, log likelihood. = 35.758555
GMM iteration: 9/50, log likelihood. = 36.725392
GMM iteration: 10/50, log likelihood. = 37.110098
GMM iteration: 11/50, log likelihood. = 37.299703
GMM iteration: 12/50, log likelihood. = 37.400726
GMM iteration: 13/50, log likelihood. = 37.455973
GMM iteration: 14/50, log likelihood. = 37.486577
GMM iteration: 15/50, log likelihood. = 37.503679
GMM iteration: 16/50, log likelihood. = 37.513298
GMM iteration: 17/50, log likelihood. = 37.518736
GMM iteration: 18/50, log likelihood. = 37.521823
GMM iteration: 19/50, log likelihood. = 37.523580
GMM iteration: 20/50, log likelihood. = 37.524583
GMM iteration: 21/50, log likelihood. = 37.525156
GMM iteration: 22/50, log likelihood. = 37.525485
GMM iteration: 23/50, log likelihood. = 37.525673
GMM iteration: 24/50, log likelihood. = 37.525781
GMM iteration: 25/50, log likelihood. = 37.525843
GMM iteration: 26/50, log likelihood. = 37.525879
GMM iteration: 27/50, log likelihood. = 37.525899
GMM iteration: 28/50, log likelihood. = 37.525911
GMM iteration: 29/50, log likelihood. = 37.525918
GMM iteration: 30/50, log likelihood. = 37.525921
GMM iteration: 31/50, log likelihood. = 37.525924
GMM iteration: 32/50, log likelihood. = 37.525925
GMM iteration: 33/50, log likelihood. = 37.525926
GMM iteration: 34/50, log likelihood. = 37.525926
GMM iteration: 35/50, log likelihood. = 37.525926
GMM iteration: 36/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 37/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 38/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 39/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 40/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 41/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 42/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 43/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 44/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 45/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 46/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 47/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 48/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM iteration: 49/50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
GMM total iteration count = 50, log likelihood. = 37.525927
Data Clustering and Pattern Recognition (資料分群與樣式辨認)