EOROSPEECH 97 Table of Contents


EUROSPEECH 97 Table of Contents

Sessions in Order of Appearance

  1. Acoustic Modelling I
  2. Dynamic Articulatory Measurements
  3. Language Identification
  4. Neural Networks for Speech and Language Proccessing
  5. Trainning techniques-Efficient Decoding in ASR
  6. Prosody
  7. Keyword and Topic Spotting
  8. Robustness in Recognition and Signal Processing I
  9. Modeling of Prosody
  10. Microphone Arrays for Speech Enhancement
  11. Multilingual Recognition
  12. Language-specific Speech Analysis
  13. Feature Estimation I
  14. Speech Coding I
  15. Feature Estimation II - Pitch and Prosody
  16. Speech Synthesis Techniques
  17. Technology for Speech and Language Acquisition & Learning-Speech Processing Tools
  18. Phonetics and Phonology
  19. Confidence Measures in ASR
  20. Speaker and Language Identification
  21. Perception of Prosody
  22. Applications of Speech Technology I
  23. Spontaneous Speech Recognition
  24. Language-specific Segmental Features
  25. Speaker Recognition I
  26. Speech Synthesis: Linguistic Analysis
  27. Speech Analysis and Modelling
  28. Robustness in Recognition and Signal Processing II
  29. Acoustic Modelling II
  30. Speech Coding II
  31. Dialogue Systems: Applications
  32. Speech Analysis and Modelling
  33. Speaker Recognition II
  34. Speech Enhancement I
  35. Spoken Language Understanding
  36. Language Model Adaptation
  37. Prosody and speech Recognition/Understading
  38. Wideband Speech Coding
  39. Speech Recognition in Adverse Environments- CSR and Error Analysis
  40. Multimodal Speech Processing-Emerging Techniques and Applications
  41. Databases; Tools and Evaluation
  42. Applications of Speech Technology
  43. Speaker Adaptation I
  44. Dialogue Systems: Design and Applications
  45. Assessment Methods
  46. Education for language and speech communication I
  47. Hybrid System for ASR
  48. Topic and Dialogue Dependent Language Modelling
  49. Lipreading
  50. Articulatory Modelling
  51. Front-Ends and Adaptation to Acoustics-Speacker Adaptation II
  52. Speech Perception
  53. Dialogue Systems: Linguistic Structures, Modelling and Evaluation
  54. Speaker Recognition and Language Identification
  55. Style and Accent Recognition
  56. Phonetics
  57. Towards Robust ASR for Car and Telephone Applications
  58. Language-specific Systems
  59. Pronunciation Models
  60. Auditory Modelling and Psychoacoustics
  61. Voice Conversion & Data Driven F0 Models
  62. Vocal Tract Analysis
  63. Noise Mitigation Methods - Speech Enhancement II
  64. F0 and Duration Modelling - Spoken Language Processing
  65. Language Modelling
  66. Auditory Modelling and Psychoacoustics-Neural Networks for Speech Processing and Recognition