Run-Music Related Papers

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Music Selection Systems



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PAPA: Physiology and Purpose-aware Automatic Playlist Generation N. Oliver
L. Kreger-Stickles
ISMIR 2006 [PDF] 用目前心跳速率來決定是否要提升/降低心跳速率, 然後決定該放較快/慢的歌
Development of an automatic music selection system based on runners step frequency N. Masahiro
H. Demachi
M. Oono
H. Saito
ISMIR 2008 [PDF] 使用步頻來決定tempo然再選歌, 選好後直接切歌, 並沒有講如何抓腳步的時間點來計算步頻;有方法去防止切歌過於頻繁;另外也做了不少使用者的測試

Step Detection using Tri-axial Accelerometers



Published in



Automatic Step Detection in the Accelerometer Signal H. Ying
C. Silex
A. Schnitzer
S. Leonhardt
M. Schiek
4th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, 2007 [PDF] 提出了三種演算法來偵測腳步發生的時間點, 只使用了其中一維的加速度訊號
Real-time Phase Vocoder Manipulation by Runner's Pace J. A. Hockman
M. M. Wanderley
I. Fujinaga
International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 2009 [PDF] 有個很厲害的demo, 不曉得怎麼做的, 還沒仔細看這篇
A Cumulant-Based Method for Gait Identification Using Accelerometer Data with Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine S. Sprager
D. Zazula
WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, 2009 [PDF]
Gait Quality Monitoring Using an Arbitrarily Oriented Smartphone O. Ambres
G. Trivino
International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living and Home Care 2012 [PDF]
Human Activity Recognition on Smartphones Using a Multiclass Hardware-Friendly Support Vector Machine D. Anguita
A. Ghio
L. Oneto
X. Parra
J. L. Reyes-Ortiz
International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living and Home Care 2012 [PDF] 有公開的 dataset
Offline and Online Activity Recognition on Mobile Devices Using Accelerometer Data A. Duque
F. J. Ordonez
P. de Toledo
A. Sanchis
International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living and Home Care 2012 [PDF]
以智慧型手機感測器設計居家照護系統 王珊珊 北科大碩論, 2012 [PDF]
基於智慧型手機之跌倒偵測與三維計步器之設計與實現 黃連進
全國計算機會議, 2013 [PDF]

Time-scale Modification of Music



Published in



Phase Vocoder J. L. Flanagan
R. M. Golden
Bell System Technical Journal, 1966 [PDF]
An overlap-add technique based on waveform similarity (WSOLA) for high quality time-scale modification of speech W. Verhelst
M. Roelands
ICASSP, 1993 [PDF]
A Phase Vocoder in Matlab D. P. W. Ellis Columbia University, 2002 Web resource Matlab implementation of phase vocoder

Music Tempo and Human Performance



Published in



The Effects of Stressed Tempo Music on Performance Times of Track Athletes J. R. Brown Master Thesis, Florida State University, 2004 [PDF] track athletes who listen to music with slightly increasing tempos can decrease their running times
Influence of tempo and subjective rating of music in step frequency of running T. Ahmaniemi ISMIR 2007 [PDF] Subjective motivational rating of music is significantly correlated on step frequency, while tempo did not have any influence.
Music in the Exercise Domain: a Review and Synthesis C. I. Karageorghis
D. L. Priest
International Review on Sport and Exercise Psychology 2012 [PDF] The effects of music appear to be at their most potent when it is used to accompany self-paced exercise
Music and Rhythmic Stimuli in the Rehabilitation of Gait Disorder M. Staum Journal of Music Therapy, 1983 Online Abstract Music tempo can improve gait regularity even after the music is switched off.
Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain O. W. Sacks Vintage Books, Random House, Inc. Amazon link 當跑者聽的音樂是穩定的節奏, 使用腳步踩在拍點上的跑法可增進耐力, 而且相同現象也出現在游泳和騎單車上

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last updated: 2014/05/23