


中文名稱 英文名稱 主持人 補助單位 計畫編號 補助金額 開始日期 結束日期
生成式對話之臺灣人文知識探勘系統計畫  TAIHUCAIS: TAIwan HUmanities Conversational AI Knowledge Discovery System  張智星  國科會    2000000  2024/1/1  2026/12/31 


  1. 生成式對話之臺灣人文知識探勘系統計畫

    • 英文名稱: TAIHUCAIS: TAIwan HUmanities Conversational AI Knowledge Discovery System
    • 計畫編號:
    • 主持人: 張智星
    • 補助單位: 國科會
    • 計畫執行期間: 2024/1/1 to 2026/12/31
    • 關鍵詞: Machine learning, large language model, chatbot
    • 摘要簡介:
      Taiwan possesses various unique and invaluable humanities datasets; however, these are managed by different entities, requiring users to access separate datasets for the information they need. With the recent development of large language models (LLMs), users' knowledge discovery methods have shifted from keyword searches to natural language queries and multi-turn dialogues to obtain integrated information. However, current available general-purpose LLMs do not meet the specialized needs of humanities researchers, and their Chinese language output may not align with the Taiwanese context. To enhance the convenience of accessing Taiwanese humanities data and meet the demands of humanities researchers and professionals, this project intends to integrate Taiwan's existing first-hand full-text humanities datasets with a locally developed general-purpose language model in Taiwan. The aim is to establish a user-friendly data retrieval and dialogue platform for knowledge discovery. This TAIwan Humanities Conversational AI knowledge discovery System (TAIHUCAIS), tailored specifically for Taiwanese humanities data, will be better suited to generate information and engage in dialogues that align with the context of relevant Taiwanese topics. It will optimize user experience, eliminating the need for them to navigate individual databases separately. Instead, users will be able to pose questions in natural language through a single interface, with the system aggregating and presenting relevant information, making knowledge discovery more convenient, efficient, precise, and tailored to their needs. The anticipated outcome of this system includes increased use of Taiwanese humanities datasets and better engagement with more users in various aspects of Taiwan's humanities. Moreover, transitioning from a general-purpose language model to a specialized one is a vital objective across many fields worldwide. The development of TAIHUCAIS will not only contribute to significant technological innovations but also potentially establish a benchmark for other specialized domains, creating new opportunities for applications.