MATLAB/SIMULINK Toolboxes and Demos

Roger Jang (±i´¼¬P)

Here are some toolboxes that I wrote for research purpose for MIR (Multimedia Information Retrieval) Lab at CS Department of Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. These toolboxes are for research purpose only and there is no guarantee for their correctness/completeness. The documentation for each function is described in the help section of each M file.

In the following, I have also listed some MATLAB demos that I wrote for the classes I teach, including Audo Signal Processing and Recognition, Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, Numerical Methods, and C Programming Language. Most of the demo are interactive, so you can play around to get ideas of how things work. Any comments and suggestions are highly welcome.

J.-S. Roger Jang
CS Dept., Tsing Hua Univ.

Toolboxes for MIR Lab


Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic:

Numerical Method:

C Programming Language

Other Demos, Fun Stuff, and Utility Functions

This page is constantly under construction by Roger Jang.
Comments/Feedbacks are highly welcome.