Scientific Computing Homework 2

Roger Jang

Due date: 20200406 23:59:59

Circle Fit

Important info for all homework

Here is the original descriptions of the assignment in MATLAB: Circle fitting via DSS. The descriptions for Python is similar so we will not repeat here.

Here is a file list of example code (to download them all: for you to start with. The readme.txt of the example code folder is shown next:

This is the readme.txt file in example code for HW02 of Scientific ComputingaddAndMax Your submission (you only need to submit one of the following): Python: Matlab: circleFitByDss.m Example input/output files: input.txt: input file output.standard_python.txt: output file (the correct answer returned by Python) output.standard_matlab.txt: output file (the correct answer returned by MATLAB) Input/output file format: Input: Each two-row is a set of 2D points, with the first row is X coordinates and the second row is Y coordinates. For each two-row, you need to generate a set of [a, b, r] For instance, "input.txt" has 20 rows, indicating there are 10 sets of 2D points, and you need to output 10 sets of answers. Output: A matrix of numbers, with each row being an answer to a set of 2D points. Example main program to run the test: Python:, with the following command to run it. python < input.txt > output.python.txt Matlab: mainText.m, with the following command (within matlab) to run it. mainText input.txt output.matlab.txt Standard program for MATLAB circleFitByDssSP.p is a standard program that can be invoked just like an M file in MATLAB to check against your submission of "circleFitByDss.m". In particular, if you type "circleFitByDssSP(data, 1), the program will show the dataset together with the initial/final circles for fitting. Extra examples for Python Here are some more examples for DSS in Python: dss*.py Hints: Python: You may want to use scipy.optimize.fmin to invoke DSS. Matlab: You may want to use fminsearch to invoke DSS.