金融科技(Financial Technology, FinTech)是目前全球金融業與科技業的焦點,它所引發的破壞式創新,正挑戰既有金融服務的供給方式和消費行為。本課程由資工、數學教授群共同開設,旨在釐清 FinTech 本質、相關的創新科技、以及關鍵的趨勢。同時我們也會在課程當中邀請相關學者專家進行演講,並在金融機構(或金融科技新創公司)的協助之下完成期末的AI程式競賽。歡迎想參與或是有志於跨金融與科技領域的同學們,來共同一窺金融科技殿堂之美。
- 瞭解與 FinTech 相關的概念與理論
- 實做與 FinTech 相關的專題與系統
- 上課方式:以翻轉教學為止,學生在上課前必須看完 pre-class reading,老師在上課時只負責回答學生問題,或是提供補充教材或習題。
- 先備知識
- Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability
- Machine Learning:你必須知道如何以程式碼來實做基本機器學習的任務
- Python programming: 本課程以方法論為主,不會實際教授程式語言,但會提供相關線上教材讓同學自行學習
- 張智星:
- 陳君明︰
區塊鏈 (Block Chain) 原理及應用、比特幣 (Bitcoin) 與其他密碼貨幣 (Cryptocurrency)、密碼學背景知識
- Percentages
- Homework: ~30%
- Term project: ~35%
- Final exam: ~35%
- Grade computation
- Raw score computation in double precision ==> Rounding to nearest integers ==> Final letter grades
- Final grades are based on scores and ranking. The instructors reserve the rights to
- Adjust percentage of each categories if necessary
- Determine the way to combine scores and ranking
- No-change policy: We will not change the final grades once they are sent to the academic affairs office, unless it is due to mistakes on our part.
- Grade statistics: Usually we have 25% of A+ and A
- 2024/09/04
Intro to the course
- 2024/09/11
Roger: Math for fintech
- 2024/09/18
Roger: Technical indicators, quantitative trading, backtest, dynamic programming
- 2024/09/25
Jimmy: Intro to bitcoin and blockchain
- 2024/10/02
Jimmy: Hash function and elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA)
- 2024/10/09
Roger: Portfolio optimization
- 2024/10/16
Jimmy: Ethereum and Other Blockchain/Cryptocurrency
- 2024/10/23
Roger: Performance indices, feature selection for ML
- 2024/10/30
Roger: Imbalanced dataset, cost-sensitive classification
- 2024/11/06
Roger: Missing data imputation in ML
- 2024/11/13
Jimmy: Advanced Functions and Post-Quantum Cryptography for Blockchain
- 2024/11/20
Roger: Intro to the final project
- 2024/11/27
Roger: Invited talk
- 2024/12/04
Roger: Invited talk
- 2024/12/11
Roger: AI/ML applications in finance
- 2024/12/18
Final exam
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