Schedule of Fall 2024
[Week01, 2024/09/04]
[Week02, 2024/09/11]
[Week03, 2024/09/18]
[Week04, 2024/09/25]
[Week05, 2024/10/02]
[Week06, 2024/10/09]
[Week07, 2024/10/16]
[Week08, 2024/10/23]
[Week09, 2024/10/30]
[Week10, 2024/11/06]
[Week11, 2024/11/13]
[Week12, 2024/11/20]
[Week13, 2024/11/27]
[Week14, 2024/12/04]
[Week15, 2024/12/11]
[Week16, 2024/12/18]
Note that the schedule will be updated as we move on.
- 2024/09/04
- Agenda
- Intro. to the course by Roger using course website
- Intro. to math/method part by Roger:
- Intro. to blockchain part by Jimmy
- In-class activities
- In-class survey
- What you want to learn from this class?
- Assignment
- Please go over the course website thoroughly to understand all the regulations.
- You need to view "Pre-class reading" before coming to the class. Please gather your questions and we can discuss them in the class.
- For "Optional" part, it's optional and not in the midterm exam. But I highly suggest your should read this part if you are not familiar with the corresponding topics.
- Get familar with Python. You are going to use it in our assignment and final project.
- 2024/09/11
- Pre-class reading
- Optional:
- 2024/09/18
- Pre-class reading
- Optional:
- 2024/09/25 (by Jimmy)
- Pre-class reading
- CryptoCurrency & BlockChain
- 密碼貨幣與區塊鏈 (1):
(141 min, 2021)
- Optional
- Intro. to Fintech: BlockChain and CryptoCurrency:
- 2024/10/02
- No class due to typhoon 山陀兒.
- 2024/10/09
- Pre-class reading
- Optional
- Other applications of DP
- DP for longest common subsequence (LCS):
- DP for matrix chain product (MCP):
- 以生成式AI為基礎的知識檢索 (69 min, 2024/07/03)(楊德倫的口試)
- 相關性01:搜索相關性的定義與分檔 (21 min, 2024)(王數森老師)
- 文字探勘之前處理與TF-IDF介紹
- Unsupervised Learning - Word Embedding (41 min, 2024)(李宏毅老師)
- Approximate Nearest Neighbours in FAISS: Cell Probe 101: (7 min, 2023)(by Mark)
- 2024/10/16 (by Jimmy)
- Pre-class reading
- Abstract Algebra
- Part 1 (pages 01-10): (25 min, 2017)
- Part 2 (pages 11-19): (23 min, 2017)
- CryptoCurrency & BlockChain
- CryptoCurrency and Blockchain (2) [part 1]:
(92 min, 2021)
- Optional
- BlockChain and CryptoCurrency:
- Sage 數學軟體簡介:
- 2024/10/23
- Pre-class reading
- Optional
- RAG & LLM (Must-see guide for term project)
- RAG 的實作與優化(by 楊德倫): (22 min, 2024), Github
- RAG 系統的優化(by ihower)
- 基本金融知識
- 柴鼠兄弟:存股一定打敗銀行定存?常被忽略的三個弱點和一個關鍵... | 夯翻鼠FQ2 投資理財 (7 min, 2018)
- 柴鼠兄弟:2018存股怎麼選?新手秒懂的-放山雞選股法(概念篇) | 夯翻鼠FQ4 投資理財 (6 min, 2018)
- 柴鼠兄弟:不意外!台股平均20年殖利率排行前三名是他們? 放山雞選股法(網站實作篇) | 夯翻鼠FQ5 投資理財 (7 min, 2018)
- 柴鼠兄弟:存股如何決定的進場時機?2018台股萬點對新手的意義 | 夯翻鼠FQ6 投資理財 (7 min, 2018)
- 柴鼠兄弟:錢往哪裡去?投資理財必學的升息&降息∼(央行vs美國聯準會FED) | 夯翻鼠FQ21 (9 min, 2018)
- 柴鼠兄弟:股票殖利率為什麼只看現金不看配股?三種配息算法比比看就知道 | 夯翻鼠FQ&A19 除權息 (6 min, 2020)
- 機器學習
- 分類方法
- Naive Bayes classifiers: ,
- Quadratic classifiers:
- 機器學習程式範例
- 機器學習使用Python-基本範例說明(蔡淑芬):
- 機器學習使用Python-Feature selection(蔡淑芬):
- 機器學習使用Python-人臉辨識(婁敦傑):
- 機器學習使用Python-OCR(高晟瑋):
- Python 用於機器學習的練習題:Python: Machine learning - Scikit-learn Exercises, Practice, Solution
- 2024/10/30
- Pre-class reading
- Derivative-based optimization
- Gradient descent:
(62 min, 2021)
- Derivative-free optimization
- Genetic algorithms:
- Simulated annealing:
- Downhill simplex search:
- Optional
- BLEU score
- Bleu score by Andrew Ng (16 min, 2018)
- BLEU metric by HuggingFace (5 min, 2022)
- 2024/11/06
- Pre-class reading
- Performance indices:
video: intro (61 min, 2021),
exercise (20 min, 2021)
- Feature selection:
(24 min, 2021)
- Missing data imputation:
- In-class activities
- Invited talk by 韓承佑老師:
- Title: 機器學習用於台股交易實戰
- Abstract: 本簡報介紹進階機器學習技術在台股交易的應用。首先,介紹無代碼和低代碼工具,強調數據驅動的科學交易方式。接著,討論如何使用機器學習開發交易策略,從股票特徵提取到模型訓練,並提及基因演算法、符號回歸和神經網路等技術。簡報也分析了技術指標與數據運算方法,說明特徵提取的重要性。最後,介紹模型選擇和回測方法,並介紹 Alpha 101 和 DoubleEnsemble 等先進技術的應用。
- 2024/11/13
- Pre-class reading
- CryptoCurrency and Blockchain (2) [part 2]:
(64 min, 2021)
- CryptoCurrency and Blockchain (3):
(74 min, 2021)
- 量子計算對資訊安全的威脅與應對之道:
(59 min, 2021)
- Optional
- Intro. to Fintech: BlockChain and CryptoCurrency:
- 量子計算:
(46 min, 2023)
- 2024/11/20
- Pre-class reading
- MLP & DNN:
- Backpropagation:
- Optional:
- AI 用於金融的科普
- 金融擁抱AI的機會與挑戰: (62 min, 2021)
- AI專案的美麗與哀愁: (26 min, 2021)
- 從辨識到維運 ─ AI專案落地的下一步:(31 min, 2022)
- In-class activities
- 2024/11/27
- Pre-class reading
- K-means clustering:
- Hierarchical clustering:
- In-class activities
- 9 to 11: Invited talk of "高頻交易入門介紹 & 高頻交易資料處理" by 楊植翔老師 at 威旭資訊:
- 交易的哲學與歷史
- 交易不僅是技術,更是對人性與態度的檢驗。
- 從交易所的起源到技術分析與基本面分析的發展,剖析市場演進。
- 量化交易的核心理念
- 基於歷史數據及數學模型,執行具正期望值的策略。
- 成功的量化交易策略需具備持續性、穩健性與直覺性。
- 高頻交易的特性
- 討論低延遲技術在高頻交易中的關鍵作用。
- 分析交易執行過程中速度與效率的取捨。
- 策略設計與實例分析
- 從回測到實際執行,強調策略需經得起市場變化的考驗。
- 通過案例解讀市場行為與策略的交互影響。
- 2024/12/04
- Pre-class reading
- In-class activities
- 人工智慧公開挑戰賽初賽第二名(TEAM_6511)的報告: (22 min, 2024)
- 成員:鄭文翔(、陳柏禎(、許雅筑(、蕭博文(
- HW02 的優勝同學,各有10分鐘可以報告
- 楊子平
- 宋景旭
- 沈昱宏
- 反詐騙
- 2024/12/11
- Pre-class reading
- Least-squares estimate: (To be added next semester)
- LDA: (to be added next semester)
- In-class activities
- HW03 的優勝同學,各有10分鐘可以報告
- 簡謙益 – 會到德田103上課教室
- 楊子平 –
- 王承郁 –
- Solution to sample exams
- 2024/12/18
- Final exam info
- Final exam requirement
- This exam is a synchronized in-person computer-based test. We are going to use the computers in the computer center for the exam.
- You are allowed to prepare one A4-sized cheat sheet, written on both sides.
- Calculators are permitted (as long as they do not have internet access).
- Mobile phones and personal computers are strictly prohibited during the exam (do not use your phone as a calculator).
- The exam will begin promptly at 9:10 AM and will last exactly two hours, based on the school bell as the official time.