DSA Final Project (2017 Spring)
Design and Solve Programming Problems
In the final project, you need to a design programming problem to be solved by other fellow students. And of course, you also need to solve programming problems design by other students.
- Design a problem
- Each team needs to design a problem
- 20% for final project score (same score for a team)
- Scoring criterion:
- Correctness of your problems, test sets, descriptions, etc.
- Your interactions with TA
- Your interactions with fellow students on FB.
- ...
- Solve problems designed by other students.
- Each student needs to solve problem designed by other students
- 80% for the final project score (based on each individual)
- Scoring criterion: Ranking based on the total scores of solved problems.
Design a problem
- You need to form a team of 3 students each on this page. You also need to put the link of Google doc, and assign "EDIT" right to the TA in charge of your team and Roger, such that they can correct the description directly if necessary.
- Each team should design a problem (see template problem package) which includes the following components:
- Describe the problem in English, including
- Team id
- Topic
- Description
- Sample input and output
- Time and memory limit
- Chinese description of the problem (optional)
- Please send the following items to the TA in charge of your team.
- Sample code (Do not release your code.)
- Test sets for scoring classmates¡¦ submissions.
- About the test sets
- A file can contain several inputs or outputs, but a submission will need to pass all the test cases in a file to get the point for the file.
- Therefore, you should separate your test cases in different files and inform TAs of the score for each file. (Total points: 100)
- TAs will reject your problem if...
- You miss something required.
- Your own sample code can¡¦t get AC.
- Your problem doesn¡¦t match the topic you claim.
- There are some ambiguities in your description.
- The topic is not included in this course.
- ...
- How to submit your problem
- Send your problem to ta4dsa@mirlab.org
- We will upload the executable version of your sample code for everyone to test your own sample program. (Do not write any malicious code, otherwise you'll be flunked out of school!)
Solve a problem
- The score for solving problems is based on each individual.
- Their will be a leaderboard for you to see the rank of every student.
- The rank in leaderboard is based on the sum of the points you get from all the problems.
- You should plan your own strategy for solving problems!
- No plagiarism!!!
- About submissions
- To encourage submissions, there is no restriction on no. of submissions till one week before the final deadline.
- To avoid congestion of the judge system, within one week before the final deadline, each student can have at most 10 submissions for each programming task.
- Initial submission of the problems: 20170531 midnight
- Finalization and upload of the problems to Judge System: 20170607 midnight
- Deadline for solving the problems: 20170625 midnight