DSA Homework
Due date:
News headline generator (Ranking via heaps)
Problem definition
In this assignment, you need to implement a news management system that can store a lot of news items, and each item is associated with a score of popularity. In particular, your system should support the following operations:
- Insert: Insert a news item, and all the existing news items have to depreciate by deducting a given number from their original scores.
- Update: For a given set of news ID, we can increase their scores by a given number.
- Query: output the highest-score news ID, and its score.
Suggested approach
Vector-based heaps.
Input/output formats
- Input format
- The first line contains two integer, $n$ (the number of operations) and $k$ (the number to be deducted for the existing news items when a new item is added).
- For each of the following $n$ lines, the first integer is $m_i$ which indicates the mode of operation to be executed.
- If $m_i=1$ (insert), it will be followed by $d_i$ (news ID) and $s_i$ (news score), with $0 \leq d_i \leq 10^6$, and $0 \leq s_i \leq 10^6$.
- If $m_i=2$ (update), it will be followed by $v_i$ (the number to be added to scores of the following news ID), $c_i$ (number of news items to be updated), and list of $c_i$ news IDs for update. Note that $0 \leq v_i \leq 10^6$ and $1 \leq c_i \leq 5$.
- If $m_i=3$ (query), output the news ID with the highest score. (If there is a tie, output the news ID that was inserted most recently.)
Here is an example input file:
20 80025
1 15 356051
1 2 392134
1 0 407336
1 7 517303
1 3 631251
2 337391 5 15 15 0 0 0
2 471959 2 3 2
2 15587 5 15 2 7 0 15
1 17 139590
2 858380 3 3 17 7
1 19 309860
2 102611 4 7 7 17 19
1 14 704404
1 10 213329
2 558447 1 0
1 18 609195
- Output format
- For each query, output a line, as shown in the example output file.
Here is an example output file:
id: 0, value: 1259459
id: 3, value: 1881565
id: 3, value: 1801540
id: 3, value: 1561465
- Limits:
- Max time: 2 sec (for n=$10^6$).
- Max memory: 256 MB.
- Max submissions: 20 times each week.
- Program usage: Your program should take standard input and generate standard output:
myProgram < input.txt > output.txt
- Open test sets