absorbsion ==> absorption abundacies ==> NONE accomadate ==> accommodate accomadated ==> accommodated accomadates ==> accommodates accomadating ==> accommodating accomadation ==> accommodation accomadations ==> accommodations accomdate ==> accommodate acheivment ==> achievement acheivments ==> achievements acquiantence ==> acquaintance acquiantences ==> acquaintances acustommed ==> accustomed admininistrative ==> administrative adn ==> a aa aaa aah ab aba abc abdo abe abo abs abt abu ac aca ace ack acne act ad ada adah adak adam adan adar adas aday add adds addy ade adee adel aden adena ader ades adey adia adid adin adina adine adlon adman admen admin adnan adney ado adon ador adorn adra ads adss advo ady adz ae aer aft ag aga agan age agin agna agne ago ah aha ahh ahl ahn aho ahr ahs ai aid aida aidan aide aiden aids ail aim aine ainu air ais aix aja aka akc ake aken aki akin al ala alan alda alden aldi aldin aldo ale alf ali all alm alon als alt alu alun aly am aman amc amd ame amen ami amin amo amon amp amr ams amy an ana and ando ands andy ane ang ann anna anne anno anny ano ant any aoi aol aon aoun ap apc ape app apt ar ara aran arb arc ard arda arden ardin are aren ari ark arm arn arne arnn arno arns aro aron arp art arx ary as asa asda ash ask asp ass ast at ata ate aten atm aton atp atv atx atz au aud auden audi aue auen aug aul aune aung aunt aus aux av ava ave aven avi avon aw awan awb awe ax axa axe axon axt ay aydin aydt aye ayn ayo ayon ayr bad bada bade baden badu bady bahn bain ban band bann barn baun ben bin bon bun caan cad cada cade cads cady caen cahn cain can cann carn cd cdc cds cnn con d da dab dac dad dada dade dado dads dady dae dag dah dahn dai dain dak dal dam damn dan dana dane dang dani dank dann dano dant danz dao dar darn das dat dau daun daw dawn dax day dc ddt de dean den di dian din dk dna dnc do doan don dr du duan dun dwan dyan eade eads eady earn ed eda edan ede eden edi edin edna edo edu ein en end eon fad fade faden fads fain fan fann fawn fen fin fun gad gadd gade gads gahn gain gan gann garn gen gin gun gyn haan had hada hadd hade haden haen hahn hain han hand hann harn haun hawn haydn hayn hen hon hun iain ian ibn id ida ide iden ido ids in inn ion jaan jade jahn jain jan jann jen jin jon jun kade kaden kady kahn kain kan kann karn ken kin kon kun lad lada ladd lade laden lads lady lahn lain lan land lann laun lawn len lin ln lon lpn lun lyn mad mada madan madd made maden madl mady mahn main man mann men min mon mun n na nad nada nan non nun oad oda odd ode oden odin odp on orn own pad paden pads pain pan pawn pen pin pon pun qin rad rada raden radi radin rado radon radu rady rahn rain ran rand rann raun ren ron run sad sada sado sain san sand sdn sen sin son sun syn tad tada tadd tan tann ten tin ton ude uden udo udy un und urn vaden vain van vann varn vin von wad wada wade wads wain waln wan wand wann warn wen win won xan yaden yadon yahn yan yarn yaun yawn yen yin yon yun zada zahn zain zan zand zaun zen zon adres ==> ables abreu aces aches acre acree acres acrey adames adams adas added addeo adder addis address adds ade adee adel aden ader ades adey adger adheres adieu adios adler adlers adley admen admires adney adore adored adoree adorees adores adorns adra adrda adrea adria adriel ads adss adtec advest aerts afresh agers ages agnes agree agrees ahles ahren ahrens aides ailes aired aires airey airs akers akre aldred ales alles alred alves ames amre amrep anders andes andras andre andrea andreas andree andrei andrej andren andres andress andreu andrew andrews andrey andries andros andrus antes apes aprea arbs arcs arden ardis ardrey are area areas arel aren arens ares arey aries aris armes arms arns aros arps arrest arris arse arses artes arts ashes asses ates audrey audris aurea avers axes axles ayers ayes ayles aynes ayre ayres aytes azores badges bares barres batres beres bires bores bures cadre cadres cares ceres cores cures dales dames danes dare dared daren dares darns darts dates daves dawes dees des dies does dred drees dregs dreis dress drew drews drey dries dues dyes eades edes edges edrea edris endres fades faires fares fires gores hades hares hires idles jades jares ladies ladles lures madras madre madres mares mires mores myres nares odes ores padre padres pares peres pires pores pres pyres res sabres sayres seres sires sores sures tadros tamres tires tyres vares veres vires waders wades wares wires adresable ==> addressable advisable agreeable agregable adresing ==> addressing adhering advising agreeing arising arresting diesing dressing duesing afficianados ==> aficionados aggregious ==> agregious egregious agina ==> abila acuna adena adia adin adina adine aetna aga again agan agana agans agenda agent agfa agie agile agin aging agins agip agius agna agne agony agora agra agua aguila aida aine ainu aisa aiwa akana akiba akin akins akira akita akiva alana albina alcina alena alida alija alima alina aline alisa alita alvina amana amiga amin amino aminta ana angina aninat anita anna anona apia aping arana arena aria arian ariana arida ariza armina asia asian avana avena avia avian avila avina bina china cigna cina davina dina drina edina emina erina fagin farina fina gaia gain gains galina gaona gauna gena gian gila gin gina ginas ging ginn gino ginza giza hagin hagins ina irina janina kagin kagins kalina lacina lagana laguna lamina larina latina lavina lina magana magin maginn magna maina malina marina mina moina nagin naina nina nyina paging patina pina quina ragin raging ragona raina regina reina rina sabina saginaw sagona sakina salina samina savina signa spina tina vagina vaginal varina vigna vina waging ahev ==> abe abed abee abel aber abet abex ace aced acer aces acey ache ached achee aches achey ade adee adel aden ader ades adey ae aer age aged agee ager ages ah aha ahab ahah ahead ahern ahh ahl ahlen ahles ahlf ahmed ahn ahner aho ahoy ahr ahren ahs ake akel aken aker akey ale alec alem aleo ales aleve alex aley ame amen amer ames amev amex amey ane anew ape apec apel apes apex are area arel aren ares arey arve asea ashe ashen asher ashes ashey ate atek aten ater ates athey atv aue auel auen auer av ave aven aver avey aviv awe awed axe axed axel axes aye ayer ayes bahe bev biev che chea chee chef chek chem chen cher ches chet chevy chew chez daher dev ev fahey ghee ghez haen harv have he hee heh hem hen hep her hew hex hey khe khem kiev lahey lev mahe mahen maher maheu phen phew rahe rev rhea rhee rhem rhew she shea shed shek shen shep sher shew taher the thea thee them then theo thew they uher vahey when whet whew whey zaher zev alchol ==> achoa achoo achor alco alcoa alcohol alcon algol ancho anchor malchow nichol warchol alcoholical ==> alcoholic alcoholics aledge ==> aldredge aleda aledo alegre alene aleve allege alodie alonge amedee arledge avenge catledge dredge edge eledge elledge fledge fledged hedge klenge ledge ledger ledges lege legge lodge pledge pledged pledger pledges ratledge sedge sledge sludge wedge aledged ==> aldred alerted alleged arledge avenged dredged edged eledge fledge fledged hedged ledge ledger ledges legged lodged pledge pledged pledger pledges sledge wedged aledges ==> alleges arledge dredges edges eledge fledge fledged hedges ledge ledger ledgers ledges lodges pledge pledged pledger pledges sledge wedges alegience ==> allegiance algorhitms ==> algorithms allegence ==> allegiance alochol ==> alcohol arocho alse ==> aase aasen abbe abe abee abie able ables abs abso abuse ace aces ache acme acne acre ade adee ades ads adss ae age agee ages agie agne ahles ahs aide ailee ailes ails ailsa aime aine ais aisa aisle aist ake akre akst al ala alai alam alan alane alar alas alba albea albee alben alber albie albo alcee alco alda alden alder aldi aldo ale alec aleen alem alene aleo ales alesi aleve alex alexs aley alf alfa alfie alfre algae algeo alger algie algy ali alice alie alien alig alike aline alire alisa alive alix alka all alla allee allen aller alles alley alli allie alls allset ally alm alma almer almo alms almy aloe aloi alon alone alot aloyse alpa alper alpex alpo alps alred als alsace alsip also alsop alsup alt alta alter alto alu alum alun alva alves alvey aly alyce alyea alys alza ame ames amie amre ams amuse ane ange anise anne ansa anse ansel ansi ante ape apes apsey apso arce are ares arie arise arlie arne arose arse arses arve as asa asea ash ashe ask asp ass assed asses asset ast astle ate ates aube aue auge aune aus aust ave awe axe axes axle axles aye ayes ayles ayre baise bale bales balfe balke balle balsa balser base basle basse bayse bise blase blose blue blye bose buse cale cales calise calle carse case cause cloe close clue cose daise dale dales dalke dalpe dase dise dose eales ease elbe elie elise elle els elsa else elsea elsen elser elses elsey elsie elyse esse fales falise falke false flee floe flue flye folse fuse gale gales galie galle gals gase gause glee gloe glue gose guse haase haese hale hales halle halsey halve hase hasse hause hayse hise hose hulse huse iles ilsa ilse ise isle jose kale kase kise klase klee klose kuse labe lace lade lage lake lame lane lape lapse lare las lase lasek laser lash lask laske lass last late laue lave laye le lease lee les lie lise loe lose ls lsd lue luse lye maese male males malle marse mase masse mayse mose muse nale nase nose olde ole oles olsen ose pale pales palese palme pals palsy parse passe pause plese plue pose pulse raise rales rase rise rose ruse salce sale sales salle salsa salser salve sasse sause se sese slee sloe slye tale tales talese tese tse ulee ulsh use vale vales valle value valve vase vause vise vose walde wale wales walke walle walser walsh wise wyse yale zale alusion ==> acuson albion alison allison allston allusion allusions alston auston delusion fusion illusion lesion amature ==> amateur amateurs ataturk feature immature majure manure mature matured matures maturo nature stature anytying ==> annoying anything appropropiate ==> appropriate approproximate ==> NONE aquiantance ==> acquaintance quaintance archaoelogy ==> archaeology archeology arised ==> abided abused advised aided aimed aired amused anise aniseed apprised arbed arched argued arid arie ariel aries aris arise arisen arises arison arispe arista aristede armed arose aroused arrived arse arses assed braised bribed bruised cried crise crises cruised dried erased fried frisked griped grise irises krise parise parsed poised praised priced prided pried primed prized raided railed rained raise raised raiser raises ried riled rise risen riser rises risked rused tried varied wised artical ==> aircal arrival article artisan attica carmical cortical critical farcical martial nautical optical partial radical ratican tactical vertical artice ==> active advice airtime alice altice anstice antic antico antics aortic arce arctic ardine aric arico arie arise arlie arline armine arnie arrick arrive artale article articles artie artifice artino artis artist atico attic attica attics attie attire avice brice curtice darice entice grice lattice marice martie martine martire matrice mattice mertice myrtice notice particle patrice price radice rice stice tice trice wartime wrice assasined ==> assailed assertation ==> assertion dissertation assisnate ==> passionate assit ==> admit adsit aist akst alsip amit ansi ansin asat ascii ascot ashis asia asic askin aslin aspin ass assad assaf assail assam assay assed assent assert asses asset assets assign assira assisi assist assists assort ast astin aswin audit aussie aust await basset bassi bassin bassir bassist cassia cassie cassin cassis cassity daspit essie essig hassig issie kassin kassis lassie massat massi massie massif nassif passat passim posit sassi sesit shit sit skit slit smit spit suit tassi tassin visit yassin yassir assosication ==> assocation association asssassans ==> assassins assymetric ==> NONE assymetrical ==> asymmetrical atheistical ==> atheistic attaindre ==> attainder attained authorative ==> authoritative authoritive ==> authoritative authorities automaticly ==> automatic automatically automatics automonomous ==> autonomous baceause ==> because basicly ==> bailly baily bascay basic basically basich basics basil basile busily easily vasily beaurocracy ==> NONE beaurocratic ==> NONE beautyfull ==> beautiful beautifully begginer ==> begging beginner bergner berliner begginers ==> bagginess beginners berliners beggining ==> begging beginning beguiling regaining begginings ==> beginnings behavour ==> behavior behaviour behaviours belives ==> baliles behaves beiges belie belied belief beliefs belier belies believe believed believer believers believes beliveau belize belles bellies belove beloved benites besides bliven bylines deliver delivers delves derives elites elves felines lives olives relies relieves relive relived revives selies selves beng ==> abend aberg ang aung bag bagg baig ban banc band bane bang bange bango bangs banh bank bann bans barg be bea bead beak beal beam bean beane beans bear beas beat beau bebb bebe bec beck beco bed beda bede beds bee beef beek beel beem been beene beens beep beer bees beet beg began begg beggs begin begs begun behl behm behn behne behr beige beil beim bein beine being beings beiny beit bel bela belge belgo beli belk bell belo belong bels belt bely belz bem ben bena benak bence bench bend benda bendig bends bendt bene benel benes benet bengal benge bengel bengt beni benign benin bening benja benjy benke benko benn benne benno benny beno benoy bens bent bente bento bentz benyo benz bera bere berg berge bergh bergs bering berk berm bern berna bernd berne berni berns bernt berny bero bert bes bess best bet beta beth bets bett betz beu bev bevy bey beyl bien big bin bina bind bing binga binge bingo bink binn bins binz blend blog boeing boen boenig bog bon bona bond bone bong bongo boni bonk bonn bono bons bony borg brag bren brenn brent brig bring buena bueno bug bugg bun bund bung bunge bunk bunn buns bunt burg cent cheng cong dang deeg den dena deng denk denn deno dens dent deny denz ding dong dung eben eeg egg elg en ena end eng enge engh eno ent enz fang feig fen fend feng fenn fent ferg fong fung gang gegg gen gena gene geng genk geno gens gent genz ging gong gung hang heeg hegg hen heng henk henn hens hing hong hung ing jang jen jena jenn jens jent jeong jing jong jung kang keg kegg ken kenn keno kent king kong kung lang leg legg len lena lend lene leng lenig lenk leno lens lent leny lenz leong leung ling long lung lyng mang meg men mena mend meng menge menk menn meno mens menu menz ming mong nang neg nene neni ng ning oberg ong pang peg pegg pen pena peng pengo penh penn pens pent ping pong pung qing rang reeg reg rehg ren rena rene rengo renk renn reno rens rent reny renz ring rong rung sang sen sena send senf seng senk senn sens sent sheng sing song sung tang teig ten tena tend teng tenn tens tent ting tong tseng tung ueno ung vang vena venn veno vent vong wang wen wend weng wenge wenig wenk went wenz wing wong xena xene xing yang yen yene yeung ying yong yung zang zen zena zeng zenk zeno zens zent zenz zheng zing bizzare ==> bizarre bizmart bizzaro blizzard buzzard gizzard izzard blaim ==> aim alai alaimo alain alair alam alarm bahm baie baig bail baim bain baio bair bait bali balik balin balis balm bam basim baum beahm beam beim belair black blade blagg blah blaha blaich blain blaine blair blais blaise blaize blake blame blan blanc bland blane blank blann blare blas blase blasi blasia blass blast blatt blatz blau blaum blay blaze bleam blehm bleil blimp blip bloem blohm blom bloom bluhm blum bolam brahm braid brain bram brim byam chaim claim claims clair clam clim elam flaig flail flaim flair flam flamm flaum flim fraim gleim haim kaim klamm klim lahm lai laib laid lail lain lair lais lait lam lamm liam lim maim naim plaia plaid plain plair plait plam salim slain slam slim swaim ulam blessure ==> bessire leasure leisure lesure pleasure pressure boaut ==> about abut baht bait bamut bart bast bat batt baud baum baun baur baus bautz baxt beast beat beau beauty beaux bhatt blahut blast blatt blau blaum bloat boa boak boake boal boals boan boar board boart boas boase boast boasts boat boats boaz bobst bogart bogue bogus bohart boldt bolt bolus bondt bonet bonum bonus boost boot borst bort borum borup bost bott bour bout bouts boyt boyum bradt brant brat bratt brau braud brault braun brut but coast coat donut fout gaut goat gout haut hout kogut kohut kraut laut lout moat oat out plaut pout raut roast roat rout taut toast tout traut yoast zovut borke ==> backe bake bakke balke banke barbe bare barge bark barke barked barker barkes barkey barko barks barre bedke belke benke bere berge berk berka berke berkel berken berkes berkey berko berle berne berte bertke beske betke bike birge birk birkel birkes birkey birks birky birle bjerke bjorge bjork blake bloke boak boake boase bobe bobek bocce bocek boche bock bode bodie bodle boe boege boeke boeker boer boese boeve boge bogie bogle bogue bohle bohlke bohne boice boik boike boise bok boker bole bolek bolker bolle bolte bonde bone bonk bonker bonne bonte booe booee book booked booker bookie books boole boone boose boote booze bora borah borak boral borax borba borck borda borden border bordes bore bored borek borel boren borer bores borg borge borgen borger borges boric borin boris borja bork born borne borneo borner borns boro boron boros borre bors borse borski borst bort bortel borten borth bortle bortz borum borup borys bose bosko bosse bothe bouie boule bourke bourne bourse bouse bove bovee bowe bowie bowker bowne bowse boyce boyde boye boyko boyle boyne boyte boze bozek brae brake bree brie broce brode broe brok broke broken broker brooke brose browe brue brye budke bunke burek burge burk burke burkel burkes burket burkey burkle burks burne burse buske byrge byrle byrne cocke coke cooke core cork corken corker corks corky corle corne corse corte croke darke doke domke dore dorie dorko droke ehrke force forde fore foree forge forie fork forked forker forkey forks forse forte gerke gocke goeke goerke gore goree gorge gorka gorki gorky harke hoke hooke hopke horde horkey horky horne horse ihrke joke jorde jorge koike koke kopke korte larke locke lore loree lorek lorge lorie lorne marke moerke moke more moree mork morken morse morze norge nork norse norske norte ore orkem orks orky orme orne parke poke pore pork porker porky porte roarke rocke rooke rorie rork rorke roske rourke sorce sore sorge tooke tore torie torme torre torte vocke vorce vore werke woke wolke wore work worked worker works worse yerke yoke yonke yore york yorke yorker yorks Brasillian ==> NONE broacasted ==> broadcaster broady ==> OK buring ==> abusing airing baking baling barging baring barings barking barring basing baying bearing behring being bening bering berling berning biding biking bing biting blaring blueing bluing blurring boeing boling boning booing borin boring bowing bowring boxing brig brin brine bring brings brink brinn bruin bruins bruning bruting bubinga bucking budding budging budin buehring buening buesing bugging bugling bulging bulin bumping bung bunning bunting buoying buran burbling burdin burdine buren burg burgin burgling buri burial burian burich buried buries burkina burkins burling burn burne burning burnings burns burnt burping bursting burying busing bussing busting butting buying buzzing caring cuing curbing curing curling cursing curving daring dering doring dring duking duling durang during durling durning dusing erring eyring faring firing fuming furini furino fusing garing gering goring gring haring hering heuring hiring huling hurling hurting kring loring luhring luring lurking maring moring murin murine musing muting nursing outing paring poring pouring pring puking puming purging purina purring quiring ring ruding ruling souring spring string suing surfing surging syring tiring touring tubing tuning turin turing turning tusing unring urging urine using waring wiring wring zaring buring ==> abusing airing baking baling barging baring barings barking barring basing baying bearing behring being bening bering berling berning biding biking bing biting blaring blueing bluing blurring boeing boling boning booing borin boring bowing bowring boxing brig brin brine bring brings brink brinn bruin bruins bruning bruting bubinga bucking budding budging budin buehring buening buesing bugging bugling bulging bulin bumping bung bunning bunting buoying buran burbling burdin burdine buren burg burgin burgling buri burial burian burich buried buries burkina burkins burling burn burne burning burnings burns burnt burping bursting burying busing bussing busting butting buying buzzing caring cuing curbing curing curling cursing curving daring dering doring dring duking duling durang during durling durning dusing erring eyring faring firing fuming furini furino fusing garing gering goring gring haring hering heuring hiring huling hurling hurting kring loring luhring luring lurking maring moring murin murine musing muting nursing outing paring poring pouring pring puking puming purging purina purring quiring ring ruding ruling souring spring string suing surfing surging syring tiring touring tubing tuning turin turing turning tusing unring urging urine using waring wiring wring zaring buring ==> abusing airing baking baling barging baring barings barking barring basing baying bearing behring being bening bering berling berning biding biking bing biting blaring blueing bluing blurring boeing boling boning booing borin boring bowing bowring boxing brig brin brine bring brings brink brinn bruin bruins bruning bruting bubinga bucking budding budging budin buehring buening buesing bugging bugling bulging bulin bumping bung bunning bunting buoying buran burbling burdin burdine buren burg burgin burgling buri burial burian burich buried buries burkina burkins burling burn burne burning burnings burns burnt burping bursting burying busing bussing busting butting buying buzzing caring cuing curbing curing curling cursing curving daring dering doring dring duking duling durang during durling durning dusing erring eyring faring firing fuming furini furino fusing garing gering goring gring haring hering heuring hiring huling hurling hurting kring loring luhring luring lurking maring moring murin murine musing muting nursing outing paring poring pouring pring puking puming purging purina purring quiring ring ruding ruling souring spring string suing surfing surging syring tiring touring tubing tuning turin turing turning tusing unring urging urine using waring wiring wring zaring calander ==> aulander balancer blander bolander calamander calandra calandro calder calendar callander callender cavender colander colanders cylinder galanter glander helander islander kolander lalande lander melander molander nylander oblander olander rylander selander slander telander wallander wilander zealander caperbility ==> capability carachter ==> caraher character carmel ==> OK Carribean ==> carribean Carthagian ==> NONE cartilidge ==> cartilage cartledge cartlidge cartridge catterpilar ==> caterpillar catterpilars ==> caterpillars cementary ==> cemetery cometary commentary elementary momentary sedentary cemetarey ==> cemetery cometary cententenial ==> centennial cervial ==> aerial cenvill cereal cervi cervical cervini cervix cordial serial charistics ==> charismatics charities christic christies chasr ==> cahasa car carr cars cas casa case cash cask caso cass cast ceasar cease ceaser cesar cha chace chad chadd chae chafe chaff chai chaim chain chair chairs chaise chait chalk cham champ chan chana chand chang chant chany chao chaos chap chapa chapp chaps char chara chard charls charm charms charry chart charts chary chas chase chased chasen chaser chasers chases chasin chaska chasm chason chasse chaste chat chato chats chatz chau chaus chaw chaz chazz cheer cher ches chess chest chism choir chose chuse cisar claar clair clar clash clasp class coar coast crase crash crass csar czar czars haar hair har harr has hase haser hash haso hass hast hasz ihasz lhasa nasr ohair phair phar pharr phase qasr schaar schaer schar scharr shaer shas thar thaser childbird ==> childbirth Cincinatti ==> NONE circumsicion ==> circumcision ciriculum ==> curriculum clas ==> adas ala alai alam alan alar alas ales alias alls almas alms alps als alys anas as atlas baas balas beas bias blah blais blan blas blase blasi blass blast blau blay boas bras byas ca caan cab cabs cac cad cads cai cal cala calaf calais calan cale cales calf cali calk call callas calls calm calms calo cam can canas cans cao cap caps caq car caras carls cars cas casa casas case cash cask caso cass cast cat cats cau caw cay cbs ccs cds cea cease cees cela celis cells cels celts cha chad chae chai cham chan chao chaos chap chaps char chas chase chasm chat chats chau chaus chaw chaz ches cia cian ciao cilag claar clabo clack clad claes claeys clagg claim claims clair clam clamp clamps clams clan clang clank clans clap clapp claps clar clara clare claris clark clarks claro clary clasby clasen clash clason clasp class classy claud claus clause clauss claw claws clay clays cleah clean cleans clear clears cleat cleats clef clem cleo clews clif clim clio clip clips cloak cloe clog clogs clos close closs clot clots clow cloy club clubs clucas clue clues cluj clum cmos coad coal coals coan coar coast coat coats coax cobs cola colab colan colao colas colaw colds coles colis colts comas coms cons coos copas cops cos cosa coss cots covas cows cps crab crabs cram crams crans crap craps crase crash crass craw cray crays cris cros csar cubs cues cults cups cus cuss cuts cyan czar czars daas das deas dias dyas ela elam elan elat elias elks ells elms els elsa elsas eras faas flab flad flag flags flak flam flan flap flaps flash flask flat flats flaw flaws flax flay fleas flis flus galas gals gas glab glad glas glass glaus golas gras gulas haas halas has hlad ifas ila ilan iles ills ilsa iras islas jas kaas kalas keas klaas klan klans klar klas klase klass klaus klay klos klus kras kulas la laas lab labs lac lad lads lag lags lai lais lak lal lalas lam lan lao laos lap laps lar lars las lase lash lask lass last lat lats lau law laws lax lay lays lbs lcs leas les lis los ls lucas maas mas mclay milas naas neas oas ola olaf olah olay olds oles pals pas peas pla plam plan plans plas plass plax play plays pleas plus ras reas salas sas seas selas shas sias silas slab slabs slag slam slams slap slaps slash slat slats slav slavs slaw slay spas tcas teas twas uclaf ula ulam vilas vlad vyas waas walas was yeas collonade ==> colonnade collosal ==> colloidal collosio colossal colonizators ==> NONE comander ==> bolander colander colanders comandeer comandeers commanded commandeer commander commanders conder coriander kolander mander molander olander rosander comany ==> boman botany caman carmany chany coady coan coday cogan cohan colan colman colony coma comair coman comas comby comedy comely comfy coming comino comins comity comley comly command company comply conan conant conaty conny corman cormany corny cosman cotman cowan cowans cowman cozman doman dominy homan homann homans hominy koman loman many moman oman omani omans omary podany roman romani romann romano romans romany toman woman comemoretion ==> commemoration comision ==> cohesion collision commision commission compston coniston dominion omission comisioned ==> commissioned comisioner ==> commissioner comisioning ==> commissioning comisions ==> collisions commision commissions omissions comited ==> cited coasted coated coiled coined combed combined comfed comito comity commitee committed commuted competed compiled comptek computed copied costed counted courted coveted limited omitted posited comiting ==> citing coasting coating coiling coining combating combing combining coming committing commuting competing compiling computing costing counting courting limiting omitting vomiting commerical ==> OK commerically ==> commercially commerical cosmetically compability ==> capability comparability compatibility culpability compatablities ==> NONE compatablity ==> comparability compatibility competion ==> commotion companion competing competition competitor complection completion completions complexion compston compton competive ==> combative compete competing competitive competiveness ==> combativeness competitiveness completetion ==> competition complection completion conesencus ==> consensus consequentually ==> NONE consequeseces ==> consequences conspiracys ==> conspiracies conspiracy contempory ==> contempo contemporary contravercial ==> controversial controlls ==> control controlled controller controllers controls convential ==> congenial congenital convention conventional coorperation ==> cooperation cooperations corporation coorperations ==> cooperation cooperations corporations copywrite ==> OK cornmitted ==> committed correposding ==> corresponding corrispondant ==> correspondent corrispondants ==> correspondents coudl ==> caudal caudle caul chudy chul cloud clouds cloudy coad coady coal cobol cod coda codd coddle code cody coed coeds coil cold coldly colds coll conal conde condo coody cool coral cord corda cordle cords cordy corel corl cou couch couey coufal cough could coull count coup coupe couple coups cour court coury couse cousy couto couts coutu coval covel cowl crud crude cruel crull cudd cude cul cull curl doud douds dougl foul goude goudy gould houde loud loudly moudy moul mould poul roedl soul would councellor ==> chancellor councilor counsellor counsellors counselor councellors ==> chancellors councilors counsellor counsellors counselors coururier ==> courier courtier couturier currier coverted ==> averted coerced cohered concerted converged conversed converted converter courted covered covert covertly coveted diverted governed hovered inverted overfed reverted coverted ==> averted coerced cohered concerted converged conversed converted converter courted covered covert covertly coveted diverted governed hovered inverted overfed reverted cpoy ==> ahoy boy broy buoy cady canoy cao capo capon cappy cary cay ceo cfo cho choe choi chok chon choo chop chou chow choy city clay cloe cloey clog clos clot clow cloy cloyd cmos co cob coby cod cody coe coey cog com con coo coody cook cool coon coop coos coot cop copa cope copp cops copy cor cory cos cosy cot coty cou covy cow cox coy coye coym coz cozy cps cray cro croc crom cron crony crop cros crow croy cry cuny cupo cuppy cy depoy eloy epoxy floy foy goy hoy ipod joy knoy kooy kopy kroy loy mccoy mckoy mcroy mcvoy moy opry oy pay phy ploy ply po pod poe pog poh poky pol poly pom pon pony poo pop por pos pot pou pow pox pry pty roy sooy soy spay spey spot spry spy stoy toy troy upon woy yoy criticists ==> criticism criticisms criticizes critising ==> critiquing cruising critized ==> citizen criticized critiqued critzer critizing ==> criticizing critiquing crucifiction ==> crucifixion cumulatative ==> cumulative dael ==> abdel abel adabel ade adee adel adela adele adell aden ader ades adey ae aer ahl ail akel al ale all andel aol apel arel auel aul avdel axel babel bae baek baer baez bagel bahl bail bal bale ball basel bawl beal beel bel biel buel caen cail cal cale call camel capel carel carl caul cel ciel da daas dab dac dace dacey dack dacs dacy dad dada dade dado dads dady dae daelim daft dag dagen dager dagg dagle dah daher dahl dahle dahm dahn dai daiei dail daile daily dain dais dak dake dal dalal dale dalen daleo dales daley dali dalke dall dalla dally dalo dalpe daly dam dama dame damer dames damm damn damp dams damsel dan dana dane daneel danek danell daner danes daney dang dangel dani daniel dank danly dann dano dant danz dao dapp dar dara dare dared daren dares dark darla darn darnel darr darrel dart daryl das dasa dase dash dashel dass dat data date dated datek dates dato dats datz dau daub dauer daul dault daum daun daus dave davee daves davey davi davy daw dawe dawes dawn daws dax day daya daye dayle days daze dazed dazey dazs de dea dead deaf deahl deak deal deale deals dealt dealy deam dean dear deas deb dec dee deeb deed deeg deel deely deem deen deep deer dees deet del dela deli delk dell delo delp demel den deo dep der des deuel dev deval dew dex dey dial die died diehl diel diem diep dier dies diet dietl diez dill doe doell doer does dol dole doll dovel dowel doyel drawl dred drew drey dual due duel duell duels duer dues duet duey dule dull dwell dwelt dyal dye dyed dyer dyes earl easel ebel edel edsel eel el emel evel exel faal fabel fadel fae fahl fail fall faul feel fel fiel frel fuel gaal gabel gae gaea gael gagel gail gal gale gall gamel garl gaul gavel gawel gel giel guel habel haen hagel hahl hail hal hale hall hamel hanel harl haul havel hazel heal heel hoel ideal igel imel itel jae jail jakel janel joel juel kabel kadel kael kagel kahl kail kal kale kall kamel karel karl kasel kaul keal keel kiel label lail lal lall lapel leal mabel madel madl mae maes maez magel mahl mail mal male mall mapel maul mazel meal mel mtel nadel naef nagel nail nale nall navel neal neel nel niel noel opel orel pae paek paez pagel pahl pail pal pale pall panel patel paul pavel peal peel piel poel quel rabel radel rae rael ragel rahl rail rall ramel raul ravel rawl rayl real reel riel ruel saal sabel saez sahl sail sal sale sall saul savel seal seel sel tae tafel tail tal tale tall taul tavel teal teel tel tuel udale udall vaal vahl vail val vale veal viel vsel waal wadel wahl wail wal wale wall yakel yale zabel zagel zale zeal zel ziel damenor ==> damer dameron demeanor kamenar menor decendent ==> decadent decedent decedents defendant dependent dependents descendant descendent descendents decendents ==> decadents decedent decedents defendants dependent dependents descendants descendent descendents decomposit ==> decompose decomposed decomposes decomposing decomposited ==> decomposed decompositing ==> decomposing decomposition decomposits ==> decomposes decomposing definatly ==> defiantly definable definitely definetly ==> defiantly definitely definining ==> defining delevopment ==> development delusionally ==> delusional deriviated ==> deviated descibed ==> decibel decided describe described describes desired despised destined desgined ==> declined defined deigned designed designee designer desired despised destined detained engined resigned deteoriated ==> NONE deteriate ==> deteriorate determinate determinining ==> determining devasted ==> debased debated delisted departed detested devalued devastated deviated devised devoted divested feasted devels ==> bevel bevens bevers daves deals deavers debell debes decals deeds deel deely deems dees deets defers delves demel demelo demers denes deters deuel deval devall deveau develle develop develops devens deveny dever devera devere devers devey devil devils devins devol devoll devos devoss dewees dewell diesels dively divens divers dives dovel doves dowels duels eels evel evens evers eves evils feels fevers heels hovels jewels keels levees level levell levels levens levers neels nevel nevels nevers neves nevils novels peels rebels reels repels reveals revel reveles revell revels reves sevens severs teves devolopement ==> development diea ==> adia adieu adina adrea aida aisa aiwa area asea bea biba bieda biel biela bien bier bies biev bila bima bina blea brea cea chea cia ciba cie ciel ciera ciga cima cina cira crea da dada dae dai daiei daiwa dama dana dara dasa data daya de dea dead deaf deak deal deam dean dear deas deb dec dee deeb deed deeg deel deem deen deep deer dees deet deis deja del dela delia den dena deo dep der des dev deva dew dex dey dhia di dia diab dial dian diana diane dias diasa diaz dibb dibs dic dice diced dicey dick dicta did didi dido die dieck died diede diego diehl diehm diel diem diep dier diers diery dies diet dietl diets dietz diez dif diff difm dig digga digs dike dikes dileo diles dilg dill dils dim dimas dime dimeo dimer dimes dims din dina dinah dinan dinar dinda dine dined diner dines ding dinh dini dink dino dinsa dint dion diona dior dios dip dips dire dirk dirr dirt dis disa disc dise dish disk diss dith ditka diva divad divan divas dive dived diven diver dives divi diwa dix dixy dna doe doer does doha dona dopa dora dorea dread dream dred drew drey dried drier dries drina duba duca duda due duel duena duer dues duet duey dula duma duna dura duva dye dyed dyer dyes eda edie edina ediva edrea eisa enea fica fief fiel fier fila fima fina flea gaea giel gier gies gila gina giza hiaa hieb hier higa ia iba ida ide idea ideal ideas idec iden iida iie ikea ila ina ira isa ita iva jia jie jima kea kia kida kief kiel kier kies kiev kika kila kira kita lea leia lia licea lida lie lieb lied lief liem lien lies lieu lila lima lina lipa lira lisa lita liza mea mia mica mien mier miera mies mika mila mina minea mira misa mita nida nie nied niel nier nies nila nina nita odea odier oie oien olea orea pea pia pica pie pied piel piela pier pies piet pima pina pisa pita plea rea rhea ria riba rica ried rief rieg riek riel riera ries riga riha rima rina ripa risa rita riva sea shea sica sie sieg sieh sieja siek siem sies siew sima sipa tea thea tia tie tied tien tier ties tieu tina tipa tita urea via vida vie vieau vied viel vien viera vies viet view vila vina visa vita viva wied wien wier wies xie yea yie zea zia zieba zieg ziel zier zika zima zisa zita diferrent ==> deferment deterrent different divergent differentiatiations ==> NONE disparingly ==> disarmingly disparagingly sparingly disproportiate ==> disproportionate dissapear ==> disappear dissapearance ==> disappearance dissapeared ==> disappeared dissapearing ==> disappearing dissapears ==> disappears dissobediance ==> disobedience dissobediant ==> disobedient doens ==> adorns akens arens beens bens boen boers boes bones bons boons borns bowens coeds coen coins cones cons coons corns cosens cowens dains damns danes darns dawns deans deas debs deeds deems deen dees deets deis demons den dena denes deng denis denk denn deno dens dense dent dents deny denys denz deon des devens dews dienes dienst diers dies diets dines divens doan doane doanh dobbs dobis dobos dobyns docent docents docks docs dodds dodos doe doege doell doenges doer doerr doers does doffs dogs doheny dohn doing doings dolen doles dollens dolls dols domas domes don dona done doner dones doney dong donis donn donna donnas donne donny dons dooms doors doren dorena dorene doris dorms dorn dos dose doses doss doten dots dotts douds dougens doves dowds dowels dowen dowers dowis down downe downes downs downy doyen dozen dozens dozes drees dregs dreis dress drews drones drowns duels duena duenas dues duets dunes duns dyes dyess dynes edens emens eons evens foes fones fons gens glens goans goeas goen goens goers goes goins goons gowens gowns hens hoefs hoen hoene hoes hones hons horns ions ivens jens joens joers joes johns joins jones koen koons korns kouns lens liens loans loess loews lones lons loons mens moans moen moers moes mones moons neons noes noons nouns oden odes omens ones ons opens orens ovens owens owns peens pens peons poems poets pons rens roen roes sens soens sohns sones sons spens teens tens toes toews tokens tones tons towns viens vons wiens woes yoes zens zones duting ==> acting biting bruting bunting busing busting butting buying citing cuing curing cutting daring darting dating daunting debuting deming denting dering dewing dicing dieting diluting diming ding dining diving doing doling doring dosing doting dotting doubting dousing dozing dring drying dubbing dubin ducking dudding dueling duesing duking dulin duling dulling dulong dumbing dumping dung dunning duong dupin durang during durling durning dusing dustin dusting duties dutil dyeing dying eating editing elting epting fuming fusing gating gusting gutting hating huling hunting hurting jutting kiting luring lusting mating musing muting mutiny noting nutting opting osting otting ousting outing outings pouting puking puming putin putting quoting rating routing ruding ruling rusting siting sting suing suiting ting toting touting tubing tuning turing tusing tutino using voting earnt ==> ant arant arent arlt arn arndt arne arnn arno arnot arns arnst arntz art arzt aunt barn barna barndt barnet barno barns barny bart bernt brant burnt cant carat carn carne carns cart dant darn darns darst dart dartt daunt ear eared earl earle earll earls early earn earned earner earnest earney earns earp ears earth eary east eat egret ehret ent erany erna erne erno ernst erny errant event ewart faint fant fart fearn gant garant garn garnet garno garst gaunt grant hardt harn harne hart hartt haunt hearn hearne hearns hearst heart jaunt kant karat karet karn karns karst kearn kearns kearny lant leant learn learns learnt maret mart meant mearns paint pant parent part peart rant rent saint sant sarant sarna sarni sarno taint tant tarot tart tartt taunt trant uart varn varni want warn warne warno warns wart weant yant yarn yarns yearn yearns zant ecidious ==> deciduous ecomonic ==> economic gnomonic efel ==> abel adel akel apel apfel arel auel axel bedel beel befell begel bel benel betel bevel biel buel cel ciel deel defee defeo defer defex del demel deuel diel duel earl easel ebel eben eber eberl ebey eble eckel eckl ede edel edell eden eder edes edsel ee eeg eel eels eeo efaw effy efta ege eger egle ehle eiffel eisel eitel eke eked el elek eley elf ell elle emel emil emmel enea enex engel epes eppel ere erl erle erol ertel ertl estel ethel etzel eve evel even ever eves evil ewe ewell ewen ewer ewes excel exec exel exes expel extel eye eyed eyer eyes ezell ezer fe feb fed fee feed feel feels feely fees feet fehl feil fel fela feld fell fels felt fen fer few fey fez fiel fil freel frel fuel gael gebel gel giel guel hebel heel hefei heffel hegel hemel hoel ifil igel imel itel jekel jerel jewel jfet joel juel kael keel kegel kesel kiel lebel leffel level medel mel memel mtel nebel nedel neel nel nevel nfl niel noel ofer oftel opel orel peel pfeil piel poel quel rael rebel redel reel refer refuel regel reifel repel revel riel ruel seel segel sel semel tafel teel tel teufel tuel uebel vesel viel vsel wedel zel zemel ziel eigth ==> bight birth dith earth edith edyth eich eigen eight eighth eighths eights eighty eilts emigh engh feight feith fifth fight filth firth girth height heighth high hight hirth keith kight leigh leight leith length light might mirth nigh night ninth pith reith rieth right seith sigh sight sixth tight tilth veith vieth weigh weight weith width wight wirth with electricly ==> electric electrical electrically electricals electricar electricity electrics electrify embezelled ==> embezzled emition ==> ambition demotion edition editions elation emilio emison emission emoticon emotion emotions emption eviction mation mention minion mitton motion petition sedition tuition emmisaries ==> emissaries emmisarries ==> NONE emmisarry ==> NONE emmisary ==> emissary emmision ==> commision edmison edmiston emison emission emulsion envision excision emmisions ==> emissions envisions emmited ==> edited emailed emitted emmie emmit emmitt empted emptied excited exited limited merited emmiting ==> editing emailing emitting empting exciting exiting limiting meriting vomiting empirial ==> empirical emporia imperial Enlish ==> blish elish english enlist inglish kalish klish kulish lish mclish naish polish relish entitity ==> entirety entities entity gentility enviorment ==> environment enviormental ==> environmental enviormentally ==> environmentally enviorments ==> environments enxt ==> ant axt baxt bendt benet bengt bent cent dent east eat edit elat emit empt en ena enact enck end ende endo ends endy enea enex eng enge engh enid enis enitt enix enke enlo enns eno enos enro ensz ent ente entex entz envy enz enzo ernst est et ex exit fendt fent genet gent gnat hext hnat jent kent knit knot knut lent nat neat neet neft nenet nest net nett newt nex next nit not nut pent rent senft sent snot tenet tent text unit vent wendt went zent equivelant ==> equivalent equivilant ==> equivalent eraticly ==> NONE erested ==> armested arrested bested breasted brester chested created crested crusted detested dressed ejected elected erased erected ernster erupted exerted existed forested fretted frosted greeted guested kerestes nested orestes pressed rented reseed rested rester retested rusted tested treated trester trusted vested wrested wrestled essesital ==> essential evidentally ==> evidently exagerrate ==> exacerbate exaggerate exagerrated ==> exacerbated exaggerated exagerrates ==> exacerbates exaggerates exagerrating ==> exacerbating exaggerating examinated ==> eliminated examined laminated exchanching ==> exchanging exculsivly ==> exclusively exelent ==> edelen element excellent exigent extent eyelet relent exerbate ==> exacerbate exerbated ==> exacerbated exerted exerciese ==> exercise exercised exerciser exercises exersize ==> energize exercise oversize exerternal ==> external expeced ==> exceed expect expected expects expelled expend expended expired exposed expierence ==> experience extered ==> altered bettered catered centered entered evered exceed exerted expired extend extended extorted festered fettered lettered metered neutered pestered petered teetered textured uttered watered extint ==> eating elting entin epting exist exit exiting exline extant extend extent extinct exton extort sexting stint texting tint eyasr ==> ayars byars byas dyar dyas ear ears ease eash east easy enasa eras erase eraser exar eyer eyes eyler kysar nasr qasr vyas yahr yasir yass year years yeas yeast fanatism ==> fanatic fanaticism fanatics fatalism faught ==> OK fertily ==> bertil certify eerily ferrill fertig fertile fertility fortify heartily merrily testily fictious ==> facetious factions fiction fictions fictitious fractious frictions vicious fiel ==> OK fiel ==> OK fiels ==> abels afield ailes ails bels biel biela biers bies biles bills cels ciel dials diel diers dies diets diles dills dils duels eels els fails fales falls feds feeds feel feels feely fees feil feild feis fel fela feld felis fell fells felps fels felt felts fess fiala fibers fidel fides fief fiefs fiel field fields fiend fiends fiene fier fiero fieros fiers fierst fiery fiest figel figgs figs fikes fil fila fildes file filed filer filers files filet filets fill filla fills filly film films filo finals finds finely fines finks finns fins fiola fipps fires firms firs fis fiss fists fites fits fitts fives fixes fjeld fleas flees fliers flies flis foell foes foiles foils fools fouls freas freels frees freis frel frels frets friel fries friess frills fuel fuels gels giel gies giles gills girls heels hiems hiers hiles hills iles ills jiles keels kiel kielb kiely kies kiess kills liens lies liles miele miers mies mikels miles mills mils neels neils nels niel nield nields niels nies niess niles nils oils peels pels piel piela piers pies piles pills pixels reels rials riel riely ries riess riles seils shiels siems siers sies siess sills tiegs tiers ties tiles veils vials viel viele viens viers vies viets views viles wield wields wiens wiers wies wiess wiles wills yield yields ziel fiels ==> abels afield ailes ails bels biel biela biers bies biles bills cels ciel dials diel diers dies diets diles dills dils duels eels els fails fales falls feds feeds feel feels feely fees feil feild feis fel fela feld felis fell fells felps fels felt felts fess fiala fibers fidel fides fief fiefs fiel field fields fiend fiends fiene fier fiero fieros fiers fierst fiery fiest figel figgs figs fikes fil fila fildes file filed filer filers files filet filets fill filla fills filly film films filo finals finds finely fines finks finns fins fiola fipps fires firms firs fis fiss fists fites fits fitts fives fixes fjeld fleas flees fliers flies flis foell foes foiles foils fools fouls freas freels frees freis frel frels frets friel fries friess frills fuel fuels gels giel gies giles gills girls heels hiems hiers hiles hills iles ills jiles keels kiel kielb kiely kies kiess kills liens lies liles miele miers mies mikels miles mills mils neels neils nels niel nield nields niels nies niess niles nils oils peels pels piel piela piers pies piles pills pixels reels rials riel riely ries riess riles seils shiels siems siers sies siess sills tiegs tiers ties tiles veils vials viel viele viens viers vies viets views viles wield wields wiens wiers wies wiess wiles wills yield yields ziel firts ==> aerts aires airs arts barts birds bires birks biros birt birth births bits brits burts carts ciros curts darts diets dilts dirks dirt dirty eilts facts faires fairs fares faris farms fart fasts fats feats felts ferns fests fiat fiato fides fiefs fieros fiers fierst fiest fifth fifths fifty figgs fights figs fikes files filets fills films filth finds fines finks finns fins fipps fir fire fired fires firkus firm firma firms firpo firs first firsts firth fis fiss fist fists fit fite fites fits fitt fitts fitz fives fixes flats flints flirt flirts folts fonts fords forks forms fors forst fort fortas forte fortes forth forti fortis forts forty forys fouts frets frias fries friis frist frites frith frito fritos frits fritts fritz fruits fults furs furst furth gifts gilts girds girls girt girth grits harts hilts hints hires hirst hirt hirth hirtz hits hurts iras iris irks irs its kilts kirks kirst kirt kirts kits kitts lifts lists lits litts marts mints mires mirth mirti mirto mirtz mists mitts parts picts pints pires pits pitts ports rifts riots ritts shirts sifts sires siris sirs sits sitts skirts sorts tarts tilts tints tires tiros tits torts viets vires virts virus warts werts wilts wires wirt wirth wirtz wits witts worts writs firts ==> aerts aires airs arts barts birds bires birks biros birt birth births bits brits burts carts ciros curts darts diets dilts dirks dirt dirty eilts facts faires fairs fares faris farms fart fasts fats feats felts ferns fests fiat fiato fides fiefs fieros fiers fierst fiest fifth fifths fifty figgs fights figs fikes files filets fills films filth finds fines finks finns fins fipps fir fire fired fires firkus firm firma firms firpo firs first firsts firth fis fiss fist fists fit fite fites fits fitt fitts fitz fives fixes flats flints flirt flirts folts fonts fords forks forms fors forst fort fortas forte fortes forth forti fortis forts forty forys fouts frets frias fries friis frist frites frith frito fritos frits fritts fritz fruits fults furs furst furth gifts gilts girds girls girt girth grits harts hilts hints hires hirst hirt hirth hirtz hits hurts iras iris irks irs its kilts kirks kirst kirt kirts kits kitts lifts lists lits litts marts mints mires mirth mirti mirto mirtz mists mitts parts picts pints pires pits pitts ports rifts riots ritts shirts sifts sires siris sirs sits sitts skirts sorts tarts tilts tints tires tiros tits torts viets vires virts virus warts werts wilts wires wirt wirth wirtz wits witts worts writs fleed ==> aleen alred bled bleed bleeds bleep blend blued breed cleek clued creed deed eleen faced faded faked famed fared fated faxed fayed fazed fed fede fee feed feeds feel fees feet feld felde felled fend ferd feted feud field fiend filed filled filmed fined fired fixed fjeld flad flamed flared flawed flayed flea fleas fleck fled fledge fledged flee fleece fleeced fleecy fleek fleer flees fleet fleets flegel fleig flener flesh fleshed fleta flett fleur flew flex flexed flexer flexes flexi flied flier flies floe flood flowed floyd flud fludd flue fluet fluid flye flyer folded fread fred frede free freed freeh freel freen freer frees freet freid fremd freud fried fueled fumed fused glee glued greed heed klee kleen kleer klees kneed lead lebed led lee leeb leed leeds leedy leek leen leep lees leet lend lewd lied need peed plead pled plied reed saeed seed sled sledd slee sleek sleep sleet sneed speed steed teed tweed ulee waleed weed fomr ==> amor amr boar boer bohr bom bomar bomb bomer boor bour coar cohr com coma comb come comer comm como comp coms cor corm corr cour doar doer dohr dom dome domer door dorm dorr dour fahr fair fama fame famer far farm farr fear fehr fema femur fer ferm feur fier fima fir firm flohr flom floor flor flour fm foal foam foams foamy foard fob fodor foe foes fog fogg fogs fogt fogy fohl foia foie foil fold folk folmar folmer folz fomby fomon fonar fond fone foner fong fons font fonz foo food fool foor foos foot fop for fora ford fore fork form forma former forms forr forry fors fort forum foss foth foti foul four fours fout fowl fox foxx foxy foy foye foyer foyt fro from frome fromer fromm fuer fuhr fume fumi fur furr goar goer gohr goma gomer gorr hoar hom homa home homer homo homs horr hour ifor jour kohr komar komer komi komp koor loar lohr loma lomb lor lour mohr moir mom moma moms moor mor morr mr nohr noir nom nome nomi nomo nor norm oar ofer ohr oma omar omer or orr our poer pom poma pomp poor por porr pour qom roar rohr rom roma rome romer romm romo romp roms soar soir som soma some somer sor sour tom toma tomb tome tomer toms tor torr tour voir womb womer wor worm xoma yom yoor your fonetic ==> bionetic fanatic frenetic genetic kinetic phonetic poetic forunner ==> brunner fonner forerunner forkner forner forstner fortner founder fournier runner fougth ==> bough bought cough dough faught fauth fogt forth foth fouch fought fourth fourths foust fout foutch fouts fouty foutz fruth furth gough hough kough lough louth mouth ought pough rough rought routh sought south tough vought youth Foundland ==> NONE fromed ==> armed biomed boomed browed cromer crowed domed doomed dromer dromey droned eroded famed farmed filmed firmed flamed flowed fooled footed forced forged forked formed former frame framed framer frames frayed fred freed fremd fried froder frogmen from froman frome fromer fromm fromme frommer frond fronde fronek fronted frosted frowned froze frozen fumed gromek gromer gromes groomed groped homed ironed krome kromer loomed primed probed proved roamed robed roed rome romel romeo romer romes romey roped rowed zoomed gae ==> OK gae ==> OK ganes ==> OK gaurentee ==> guarantee gaurenteed ==> guaranteed gaurentees ==> guarantees geometricians ==> NONE Ghandi ==> brandi chand chanda ghandi grandi hand handa hands handy hani hanni hanoi hindi landi mandi nandi randi sandi shand shands shandy shanti zandi glight ==> alight alright bight bligh blight bright delight dwight eight feight fight flight flights flighty fright gaslight gigot gilgit glint haight height hight kight knight leight licht light lights lighty might night plight right sight slaght sleight sligh slight slights spight tight voight weight wight wright gogin ==> agin begin bodin bogan bogen bogie bogin bolin bonin borin botin bovin cobin cogan coggin coin colgin colin covin cowin dogan dolgin dolin domin dorin edgin elgin fagin forin gagan gagen gain galin garin gavin gigi gin goan gobain goben gobi gobie gobin goblin godin godina godine goding godino godkin godwin goen goffin goga gogan gogel goggin goggins gogh goghs goglia gogo goguen gohn goin going goins golan goldin golen golgi gong gonia goodin googin googins gookin goon gopi goran gordin goren gorgon gori goria gorin goring goris gosdin goslin gouging gouin govan gowan gowen gowin gowing gowins gown goyim grain grein grin grodin grogan groin gugino guin gwin hagin hobin hodgin hogan hogen jobin join jolin kagin kogan kogi koglin kolin kosin logan logic logie loin lorin lovin magin mogan molin morin nagin nolin odin ogan oguin okin olin orin polin ragin robin rodgin rodin rofin rogan rogin rolin ronin rosin rowin scogin sobin solin sorin sosin tobin tolin toxin ugolin vogan volin wogan wolin yogi gogin ==> agin begin bodin bogan bogen bogie bogin bolin bonin borin botin bovin cobin cogan coggin coin colgin colin covin cowin dogan dolgin dolin domin dorin edgin elgin fagin forin gagan gagen gain galin garin gavin gigi gin goan gobain goben gobi gobie gobin goblin godin godina godine goding godino godkin godwin goen goffin goga gogan gogel goggin goggins gogh goghs goglia gogo goguen gohn goin going goins golan goldin golen golgi gong gonia goodin googin googins gookin goon gopi goran gordin goren gorgon gori goria gorin goring goris gosdin goslin gouging gouin govan gowan gowen gowin gowing gowins gown goyim grain grein grin grodin grogan groin gugino guin gwin hagin hobin hodgin hogan hogen jobin join jolin kagin kogan kogi koglin kolin kosin logan logic logie loin lorin lovin magin mogan molin morin nagin nolin odin ogan oguin okin olin orin polin ragin robin rodgin rodin rofin rogan rogin rolin ronin rosin rowin scogin sobin solin sorin sosin tobin tolin toxin ugolin vogan volin wogan wolin yogi gouvener ==> gruener souvenir govement ==> gourment goverment government movement movements pavement govorment ==> gourment goverment government govormental ==> governmental grafitti ==> graffiti gravitt greatful ==> dreadful fretful grateful restful greatfully ==> dreadfully gratefully Guaduloupe ==> guadeloupe haev ==> ae aer amev atv av ave bae baek baer baez bev biev caen cave chae dae dave dev eave ev fae fave gae gaea gael gave ha haab haaf haag haak haan haar haas habel haber habs haby hach hack had hada hadd hade haden hader hades haen haese hafen hafer hafey hafez haff haft hag haga hage hagee hagel hagen hager hagey hagg hagy hah hahl hahm hahn hahs haid haig haik hail haim hain hair hait hajek hajj hake hakes hal hald hale halen hales halevi haley half hall halm halo halt halve ham hama hamed hamel hamer hames hamm hamp hams han hana hand hane hanel haner hanes haney hanf hang hani hank hann hano hans hany hao hap happ haq har hara harb harc hard hare harem haren harer hares hari hark harl harm harn haro harp harr hart harv harve has hase hasek haser hash haso hass hast hasz hat hata hate hated hatem hater hates hath hats hatt hatz hau haub hauer hauf haug hauk haul haun haus haut have havel haven haver haves havey haw hawe hawes hawk hawn haws hay haye hayek hayen hayer hayes hayn hays haze hazel hazen hazy hces he head heal heap hear heat heave heavy hee heeb heed heeg heel heer hees heh hem hen hep her hew hex hey hieb hier hive hoe hoeg hoek hoel hoen hoes hoey hove hren hue hued hues huey hwe hye hyer jae kael kiev laevo lave lev mae maes maeve maez marv mav mave naef naeve nav nave pae paek paez pave rae rael rave rev saez save shaer shalev shave tae wave zev harras ==> areas arias armas array arrays arris bargas barnas barra barras barres barris barros barrs barrus borras caras carra carras carris darrah farias farkas farra farrah farran farrar farris garris garros gavras haas habeas hairs halas hallas hamas hammas hanas hara haran harare harass hards hares hargan hargis hargus haris harks harlan harman harmes harms harps harr harra harrah harral harre harrel harren harrer harries harris harriss harrod harrods harron harrop harrow harry hartis harts havas havran hurrah hurray hydras karas karras madras maras marra marris marrs oharra parkas parra parras parris perras pharris porras sardas sarra sarraj sarris sharrar taras torras vargas harrased ==> arrayed barraged harassed harried harrises narrated harrases ==> barrages harass harasses hargraves harries harrises harriss narrates harrasing ==> arraying harassing harring harrowing harrasment ==> harassment harrasses ==> carcasses harassed harasser harassers harasses harnesses harrises heared ==> bared beaded beamed beard bearded beare bearer blared cared ceased cheated cheered cleared dared dearer eared earned eased erred fared feared flared gared geared gearey glared haired hamed hard hare harem haren harer hares harmed harned harped hated hatred head headed headen header heald healed healer healey heaney heape heaped hear heard hearer hearers hearin hearl hearn hearne hearns hearon hears hearse hearst heart hearted hearten hearth hearts hearty heated heater heave heaved heaven heaves heavey hebard hebrew hedged heed heeded heeled heeren helped hemmed henard herald herd herded here herod herre herreid herren herrod heward hired hoard hoarded hoare huard jared jeered leaded leafed leaked leaned leaped leard learned leased meares neared nearer oared pared peaked peered reaped reared roared scared seabed sealed seared seated shared sheard sheared shearer smeared snared soared spared stared teamed teare teased veered weaned wearer wearied weaved yearend yearned zared hemmorhage ==> hemorrhage herad ==> ahead bead beard bera beran berard bernd brad bread cera cerda dead dread ecad emad era eras erda fera feral ferd fread genrad gera gerald geran gerard gerd gerda grad had hadad hamad hara harada harald haran hard head heads heady heal heald heap hear heard hearl hearn hears heart heat hebard hebda heda hedda heed heid held heman henao henard her hera heradia herald heralds herb herbal herbs herd herda herdal herded herds herdt here herin herk herl herm herman herms hern hernan herne hero herod herold heron heros herr herre herro herrod hers hersh herst hert herta hertz herve herz heward heyd hirai hiram hird hired hlad hoard hora horak horan hord huard hurd jerald jerod kera lead leard mead meraz mirad morad murad nead nerd nexrad pera peras rad read reread semrad sera seraw serda shead sheard sherak sherard sherod terada teran thera therat thread tread vera veras verda zera herad ==> ahead bead beard bera beran berard bernd brad bread cera cerda dead dread ecad emad era eras erda fera feral ferd fread genrad gera gerald geran gerard gerd gerda grad had hadad hamad hara harada harald haran hard head heads heady heal heald heap hear heard hearl hearn hears heart heat hebard hebda heda hedda heed heid held heman henao henard her hera heradia herald heralds herb herbal herbs herd herda herdal herded herds herdt here herin herk herl herm herman herms hern hernan herne hero herod herold heron heros herr herre herro herrod hers hersh herst hert herta hertz herve herz heward heyd hirai hiram hird hired hlad hoard hora horak horan hord huard hurd jerald jerod kera lead leard mead meraz mirad morad murad nead nerd nexrad pera peras rad read reread semrad sera seraw serda shead sheard sherak sherard sherod terada teran thera therat thread tread vera veras verda zera hinderence ==> hindrance inference historicians ==> historians honory ==> condry conery conoly conroy conry donor donors gomory hendry henery henry hoary holtry honer honey honky honold honor honora honorary honore honored honoree honoria honors honour hooey hooky hooray hornor horny howery howry hungry mondry monroy sonora hten ==> aden ahlen ahren aken amen aren ate atek aten ater ates aton auen auten aven been ben bien boen bren caen chen chien coen deen den doten eaten eben eden ehlen ehmen ehren en eton even ewen fen gen gheen glen goen gren gwen haan haden haen hafen hagen hahn hain halen han hane hann hanten haren harn harten hasten hate hated hatem hater hates haton hatten haun haven hawn hayen hayn hazen hces he hee heeb heed heeg heel heer hees heh hehn hein helen hem hen heng henk henn hens heon hep her hern heth hett hetu hetz heun hew hewn hex hey heyen heyn hieb hier hine hinn hirn hite hites hoben hoe hoeg hoehn hoek hoel hoen hoene hoes hoey hogen hohn holen holten homen hon hone honn hoon hooten horen horn horten hote hotel hoten houten hoven hren hron huan hue hued hues huey huhn hulen hun hunn hurn husen hwan hwe hyden hye hyena hyer hymen hymn hyun iden ihnen itek itel item iten iven iwen jen katen keen ken koen kren leen len lien luten men mien moen moten mtel oden often oien oken olen omen ooten open oren orten osten otey otten outen oven owen oxen oyen pen phen poten reen ren rhoten roen roten ryen seen sen sheen shen shoen stan stec steen stein stem sten stena stene steno stent steny stenz step stern stet stew stun suen sven tan te tea tec ted tee teen tek tel ten tena tend teng tenn tens tent teo ter tern tet tew tex than the thea thee thein them then theo theon thew they thien thin thoen thon thun tien tin ton tuten uden uren veen vien wen when whiten wien wren yen yuen zen hten ==> aden ahlen ahren aken amen aren ate atek aten ater ates aton auen auten aven been ben bien boen bren caen chen chien coen deen den doten eaten eben eden ehlen ehmen ehren en eton even ewen fen gen gheen glen goen gren gwen haan haden haen hafen hagen hahn hain halen han hane hann hanten haren harn harten hasten hate hated hatem hater hates haton hatten haun haven hawn hayen hayn hazen hces he hee heeb heed heeg heel heer hees heh hehn hein helen hem hen heng henk henn hens heon hep her hern heth hett hetu hetz heun hew hewn hex hey heyen heyn hieb hier hine hinn hirn hite hites hoben hoe hoeg hoehn hoek hoel hoen hoene hoes hoey hogen hohn holen holten homen hon hone honn hoon hooten horen horn horten hote hotel hoten houten hoven hren hron huan hue hued hues huey huhn hulen hun hunn hurn husen hwan hwe hyden hye hyena hyer hymen hymn hyun iden ihnen itek itel item iten iven iwen jen katen keen ken koen kren leen len lien luten men mien moen moten mtel oden often oien oken olen omen ooten open oren orten osten otey otten outen oven owen oxen oyen pen phen poten reen ren rhoten roen roten ryen seen sen sheen shen shoen stan stec steen stein stem sten stena stene steno stent steny stenz step stern stet stew stun suen sven tan te tea tec ted tee teen tek tel ten tena tend teng tenn tens tent teo ter tern tet tew tex than the thea thee thein them then theo theon thew they thien thin thoen thon thun tien tin ton tuten uden uren veen vien wen when whiten wien wren yen yuen zen htere ==> ater bere deere ere frere gere giere haese haire hamre hare harre hater haters hebe hee heeke heer heeren heese hege her hera herb herd here herk herl herm hern herne hero herr herre hers hert herve herz hewe heye hier hiers hire hjerpe hoare hoene hoerr hyer hyers hyre jere mere metre opere oteri otero pere petre sere shere stare steer steere stege stene stereo sterk sterle stern sterne sterr steve store teare tee teer tele tepe ter terex teri term tern terre terse tese tete thede thee theme thera there therm these three tire tore tre tree ture tyre utero vere vetere were where htey ==> acey adey akey aley amey arey ate atek aten ater ates athey atley avey batey bey bley brey coey dey drey duey ebey eley estey etty fey frey grey haby haen hafey hagey hagy haley haney hany hastey hate hated hatem hater hates hatley hatty havey hay haye hazy hces he hedy hee heeb heed heeg heel heer hees hefty heh hem hemy hen heney hep her heth hett hetty hetu hetz hevey hew hewey hex hey heyd heye heyl heyn heys hidy hieb hier hiley hiney hisey hite hites hitty hoe hoeg hoek hoel hoen hoes hoey hokey holy homey honey hooey hosey hote hotel hoten hotly houy hovey hovy howey hoy hoye hren hudy hue hued hues huey hwe hy hye hyer ikey irey itek itel item iten itsy itty ivey joey katey key kley krey ley lutey matey mey mtel ney obey okey oley oney otey patey petey prey pty rey shuey spey stay stec stem sten steny step stet stew stoy strey sty suey tay te tea tec ted tee tek tel ten teo ter tet tew tex the thea thee them then theo thew they thuy thy toy trey try ty tye urey utley utsey vey wey whey whitey htikn ==> atkin haik haiku hain heiken heiko hein hike hink hinn hirn itkin stika stink stirn thien thin think tian tien tike tiki tin hting ==> acting aging aping being bing biting bring ching citing cling cuing dating ding doing doting dring dying eating eking elting epting etling ewing fling gating ging going gring haig hain hains halting hang haning haring harting hasting hating having hawing haying hazing heating hein heine heini heinig heinl heino heins heiny heinz heling heming heng hering herting hewing heying hiding hiking hind hine hing hinge hink hinn hino hint hinting hinz hiring hitting hmong hoang hoeing holing homing hong honig honing hoping hosing hosting hoving hoying hsiung huang huling hung hunting hurting hwang hyping icing ing jing king kiting kling kring laing ling lying mating ming muting ning noting opting osting otting outing owing ping pring qing rating ring shing shying sing siting sling stang stieg stig stine sting stings stingy stink stint stong string stung suing swing taing tang teng thang thin thine thing things thingy think thins thong thwing tig tin tina tine ting tinge tino tins tint tiny tong toting tung tying using voting vying whiting wing wring xing ying zing htink ==> bink blink boink brink chink clink dink drink fink flink frink haik hain hains hank hating heick hein heine heini heinke heinl heino heins heiny heinz henk hick hinck hind hine hing hink hinn hino hint hinz honk hunk ink klink link mink pink plink rink shrink shtick sink smink spink stank stick stine sting stink stinks stinky stint stunk swink tank thank thick thin thine thing think thinks thins thunk tick tin tina tine ting tino tins tint tiny tonk vink wink zink htis ==> ais amis antis aris artis ates avis axis bis bits bois buis chits chris cris dais deis dis duis eis enis estis feis fis fits flis fotis geis ghitis haas habs hahs haid haig haik hail hails haim hain hains hair hairs haist hait haitis hams hans haris hartis has hass hates hats haus havis haws hays hces hees heid heil heim heims hein heins heir heirs heise heiss heist heit hems hens hers hess hews heys hi hid hilts him hints hip hips his hise hiss hit hite hites hits hitt hitz hix hobs hoes hogs hoi hoist hoit homs hons hoos hops hors hoss hots hovis hsia hubs hues hugs hui huie huish huls hums huss huts hutus ibis intis iris is isis its kis kits kris lais leis lis lits lois lti luis mais matis meis metis mis neis notis oatis ortis otis otts pais pits pris rais reis ruis sais seis shits sis sits skis stds stig stil stils stir stirs stys thais theis thetis thi thies thin thins this thus ti tia tic tics tie ties tig til tim tims tin tins tip tips tis tish tit tits ts tvs uzis vis wais weis whitis wis wits zeis humer ==> almer amer armer auber auer auger auker baumer beumer blumer bomer brumer buder buer buker bulmer bummer bumper buser buyer comer culmer cumber cuter damer dimer domer duer duker dumber dumez dumler dummer dumper duper durer eamer eimer elmer emmer ermer euler famer fuer fulmer fume fumed fumes furer gamer gaumer gomer guber guier gumaer guyer haber hader hafer hager hamar hamed hamel hamer hames hamler hammer hamner hamor hamper hamre haner hanmer harer harmer haser hater hauber hauer haufer hauger hauler hauser hauter hauver haver hayer heber heer heger heier heimer helmer hemel hemker hemler hemmer her heuer heuser hewer heyer hider hier hiker hiler hilmer hime himel himes hiner hiser hizer hofer hoger holmer home homed homen homer homers homes homey honer houser hover hower hoyer hube huber hubers hubert hubler hubner hubor hucker hudec hudek hudler hue hueber hued hues huey huffer huge hugel hugger huie hulen hulet hulme hum human humber humbert humbler hume humerus humes humfry humi humid humke huml humm hummel hummer humor humour hump humped humpert humph hums humus humvee hunger hunker hunter hupe hupfer hur hurm husar huse husen huser husser huster hutter huwe huyler huyser hyder hyer hyler hymel hymen hymer hymes hyper hyser ibmer jumper kamer khmer komer kuder kuker kumar kume kumler kummer kuper kuter lamer luber ludmer luger luker lumber lumen lumet lumex lumper luper luter mer mumper namer nemer nuber nufer number numed ohmer omer osmer outer pamer plumer puder purer queer ramer remer rhymer rimer romer ruder rufer ruger ruler rumen rumer rumery rumler rumor ruter rymer schumer shimer shuler shumer simer somer suber suder sumler summer sumner sumter super surer suter tamer thumper timer tomer tumey tumor tuner uber uher uhler ulmer user wimer womer wymer zuber zuker zumel zuver hvea ==> area asea ava ave aven avena aver avera avey avia bea blea brea cea chea crea dea deva enea eva eve evel even ever eves flea gaea geva govea ha hada haen haga hama hana hara hata have havel haven haver haves havey hces he head heal heap hear heat heda hee heeb heed heeg heel heer hees heh hem hen hep her hera hevey hevia hew hex hey hiaa hieb hier higa hive hives hoe hoeg hoek hoel hoen hoes hoey hola homa honea hora hosea hovda hove hovel hoven hover hovey hreha hren hsia hua huda hue hued hues huey hula huta hwa hwe hydea hye hyena hyer idea ikea iva iven iver ives ivey kea lea leva mcvea mea neva odea olea orea ova oven over ovex pea plea rea reva rhea sea shea svec sven tea teva thea urea uva ve veal veba veda vee vega vela vena ver vera vet veta vex vey via yea yves zea zeva hvea ==> area asea ava ave aven avena aver avera avey avia bea blea brea cea chea crea dea deva enea eva eve evel even ever eves flea gaea geva govea ha hada haen haga hama hana hara hata have havel haven haver haves havey hces he head heal heap hear heat heda hee heeb heed heeg heel heer hees heh hem hen hep her hera hevey hevia hew hex hey hiaa hieb hier higa hive hives hoe hoeg hoek hoel hoen hoes hoey hola homa honea hora hosea hovda hove hovel hoven hover hovey hreha hren hsia hua huda hue hued hues huey hula huta hwa hwe hydea hye hyena hyer idea ikea iva iven iver ives ivey kea lea leva mcvea mea neva odea olea orea ova oven over ovex pea plea rea reva rhea sea shea svec sven tea teva thea urea uva ve veal veba veda vee vega vela vena ver vera vet veta vex vey via yea yves zea zeva hwihc ==> which wich hypocracy ==> hypocrisy idaeidae ==> NONE illegimacy ==> illegitimacy imaginery ==> imagery imaginary imagine imagined imagineer imagines imanent ==> eminent immanent imminent imnet manet imanent ==> eminent immanent imminent imnet manet iminent ==> eminent immanent imminent imnet migent minet immidately ==> immediately impecabbly ==> impeccably improvision ==> improvisation improvising provision inbetween ==> between incidently ==> accidently incident incidental incidentally incidentals incidents incompatablities ==> NONE incompatablity ==> incompatibility incomptable ==> incomparable incompatible indomitable indefineable ==> indefinable indepedantly ==> independently independendet ==> independence independent indigineous ==> indigenous indespensible ==> indefensible indispensable indispensible inevatible ==> inevitable inevititably ==> inevitably infalability ==> infallibility ingreediants ==> ingredients inheritage ==> heritage inheritable inheritance inheritage ==> heritage inheritable inheritance instade ==> finstad insane inside install instance instant instead instone intake invade onstad onstage stade instatance ==> instance instutionalized ==> institutionalized instutions ==> institutions instructions internation ==> alternation incarnation integration intention interaction international intonation iteration interrugum ==> interregnum irelevent ==> irrelevant relevant iresistable ==> irresistible iresistably ==> irresistibly ironicly ==> ironic ironical ironically iwll ==> all aull awol ball bell bill boll bull call cell coll cull dall dell dill doll dull dwell ell ewell fall fell fill full gall gell gill goll gull hall hell hill holl hull ialla idle idly idol idyll ifil ifill igel ihle ikle il ila ilg ilk ill illg ills ilo imel iola iole irell isla isle itel iwai iwan iwen iwo jell jill kall kell kill koll kull lall lil lill loll lull mall mell mill moll mull nall nell niall nill noll null owl owls pall pell pill poll pull rall rill roll sall sell sill soll swell swill tall tell till toll tull twill viall voll wal wall weill well wil wild wile wilk will willa wille willi wills willy wilt wily woll yell zell zill zoll journied ==> fournier journey journeyed mourned journies ==> bournias fournier journals journey journeys juries jstu ==> ast asta esau est esta este esty etsu hetu hsu hutu isty isu jamu jest jests jet jets jett jost jot ju juju jus just justa justo justus justy jut jute juts ost ratu shu siu sta stu stub stud stum stun sty su suu tatu tsu tu tutu judisuary ==> judiciary konw ==> aon bon bona bond bone bong boni bonk bonn bono bons bony bow bown con cona cone cong conk conn cons cow don dona done dong donn dons dow down eon eons fond fone fong fons font fonz gond gone gong gow gown hon hone hong honk honn hons how ikon ion iona ione ions jon jone jong joni jonn kan kana kane kang kann kano kant kanz ken kenn keno kent keown kew kin kind king kinn kint knew knob knop knot know known knows knox knoy ko koba kobe kobs koby koch koci kock kodo koen koep koff kofi kofu koga kogi koh kohl kohn kohne kohr koji kok koke koki koko kol kolb kole kolk koll kolm kolp komi komp kon kona kondo konen kong konig kono konop konz konzi koo koob kooi kook kool koon koone koons koop koor koos kooy kope kopf kopp kops kopy kora korb korf korn korns kort kory kos kosa kosh koss kost kosy kot kote koth koto kott kotz kouns koyo koza kozo kron krona krone kronk kun kuna kung kuns kunz kuow kwon kwong kyna kyne kyong loew lon lona lone long loni lons louw low lown mon mona mone mong monk monn mono mont mony mouw mow non nona none now okon on ona one ong ono ons oona ow own pon pond pong pons pont pony pow ron rona rone rong roni ronk row skow snow son song soni sonn sons sony sow sown ton tone tong toni tonk tonn tons tony tow town von vona vong vonk vons vow won wond wong wonk wont wow yon yona yong yow zon zona zone kwno ==> anno ano arno beno bono cano cino dano deno dino eno erno fino gano geno gino hano hino inno iwo juno kalo kan kana kane kang kann kanno kano kanon kant kanz kao kato kawano kayo kedo keio ken kenn keno kent kenzo keo keto khoo kido kilo kin kind king kinko kinn kint knob knop knot know knox knoy ko kodo koko kon kona kondo kong kono konop konz koo koon koto koyo kozo kron kubo kun kuna kung kunio kuns kunz kuo kwai kwak kwan kwang kwik kwok kwon kwong kyna kyne kyo lano leno lino mano meno mino mono nano nino no nuno okano okuno onno ono own owns pino reno ryno sano sino tino two ueno uno vano veno who wino wo won woo yano zeno labatory ==> aleatory labaton laboratory laudatory lavatory layed ==> abed aced aged allayed alred alyea awed axed aye ayer ayes baked bared based bated baye bayed bayer bayes bladed blamed blared blazed caged caked caned caped cared caved cayer cayes clawed clayey dared dated daye dazed delayed dyed eared eased elated eyed faced faded faked famed fared fated faxed faye fayed fayez fazed flamed flared flawed flayed frayed gared gated gaye gayer gazed glared glazed hamed hated haye hayek hayen hayer hayes jaded jared jawed jaye kaye kayes keyed labe label laber lace laced lacer laces lacey lacked lad ladd lade laden lader ladled lady lafer lage lager lagged lahey laid laird lake laker lakes lakey lame lamer lamey land lande landed lane lanes laney lapd lape lapel lapped lapsed lard larded lare laredo larew larned lase lasek laser lashed lasted late later latex laud laude lauded laue lauer lave laveda laven laver lavey lawes lawyer laxey lay layah layden laye layer layered layers layhee layla laymen layne lays lazer lead leaded leafed leaked leaned leaped leased lebed led leed lied liked lined lived loaded loaned lobed loved loyd loye loyer loynd lured lyde lye lynd maned mated maxed mayde maye mayeda mayer mayes naked named oared okayed paced paged paled pared paved pawed paye payee payer placed planed plated played player prayed raced raged raked raped rated raved raye rayed razed relayed saeed sated saved sawed sayad saye sayed sayer slated slayer spayed stayed swayed syed tamed taped taxed toyed waded waged waned waved waxed waye zared zayed leanr ==> bean beane beans bear clean cleaner cleans clear dean deana deane deaner deans dear ear earn elan eland elane eleanor fear fearn gean gear glean hear hearn ileana jean jeana jeane jeaner jeans kean keane keanu kear kearn lahr lair lan lana land lane lang lani lank lann lano lant lanz lar laur lea leabo leach lead leader leads leaf leafs leafy leah leahy leak leake leaker leaks leaky leal leala leamer leamy lean leana leander leandro leaned leaner leaners leann leans leant leanza leap leaps leapt lear leard learn learner learns learnt leary leas lease leaser leash leask least leath leave leaver leavy leazer lebar leber leder leen leena legan leger legner lehan lehane lehn lehne lehner lehr leier lein leiner leino leins leland leman lemans lemar lemarr lemur len lena lenard lenart lenarz lend lene leng lenk lennar lenny leno lens lent leny lenz leon leona leone leong leoni leper lerner lesane leser lesner letner leung levan levana levant lever lewan lian liana liane liang liar llana llano loan loans loar luana luane lunar mean meaner meanor means meant meany mear near olean olear pear rear sean seanor sear tear wean weant wear year yearn lefted ==> alerted belted bested defied dented elated elected feted gifted heated hefter jetted lasted leaded leafed leaked leaned leaped leased lebed lectec lecter leed leete leffel leffew lefler left lefties lefton lefty legged leite leiter lester letter levied lewter lifted lifter listed looted luffed lusted melted meted nested netted pelted petted rafted refuted rented rested seated sifted tested texted tufted vented vested vetted wafted lenght ==> bengt benight eight engh feight height hengst leget legit leicht leigh leight leighty lenart leng lengel lenger lengle length lengths lengthy lent light longhi sleight weight lieing ==> aiding ailing aiming airing being biding biking biting blueing boeing citing dicing diesing dieting diming dining diving dyeing eyeing filing fining firing fixing fleeing geeing giving gliding hiding hiking hiring hoeing icing jiving kiting lading laing laning lawing laying leeming lein leino leins leising leming leng lenig leong leung lewing liang libbing licking liebig liebling lien liens liesin lifting likening liking likins limine liming limping ling lining linings linking listing living livings loring losing loving lowing luring lying mining mixing oiling peeing piecing piling pining piping riding rising seeing siding sieling sieving siting sizing slicing sliding teeing tiding tiein tieing timing tiring toeing viewing viking vining widing wieting wiling wining wiping wiring lisence ==> absence essence licence licences license lince lisec lisenbee lisenby lisette lorence silence litature ==> literature stature lonly ==> bondy boney bonny bony colly comly conely coney conley conly conny conoly conry coyly danly doily dolly doney donley donny folly fondly godly golly hanly henly holly holy honey honky hotly jolly joly jowly lally landy laney lanky lanny lenny leny lilly lily lindy linley linzy loamy lobby locey locy lodley loewy lofty lokey lol lola loll lolley lolli lolly lon lona lonas londo lone lonely loner lones loney long longe longley longo longs loni lonny lonon lons lonsky looby looney loony loopy lordly lordy lorey lorry lory losey lotty loudly loury lousy lovely lowey lowly lowney lowry lowy loy lundy lunny manly molly moly mondy money monty mony nobly oily olly olney oney onley only orly polly poly pony rolly roney ronny rowly slowly solly songy sonny sony tolly toney tony vonny wooly lveo ==> aleo algeo alvero alves alvey avco ave aven aver avey ceo cleo deo eeo elves eve evel even ever eves geo iven iver ives ivey ivo keo labo laevo lago lano lao lato lave laven laver lavey lazo le lea lebo led ledo lee leeb leeco leed leek leen leep lees leet leg lego leh lei lek lem len leno leo leon leos lep les let leto leu lev leva leve levee level leven lever levey levi levy lew lex ley liao lico lido lie lieb lied lief liem lien lies lieu lifo limo lino liro live lived liven liver lives lo lobo loco loe loeb loew logo loo loro loso love loved loven lover loves ludo lue lueh lugo luo lupo lye meo neo oleo olver olvey oreo oven over ovex reo seo svec sven teo theo uneo valeo ve vee velo veno ver vero vet veto vex vey vo yeo yves Lybia ==> cobia fabia lydia nydia robia rubia ryba rybka sabia subia sybil syria tibia tobia wynia xylia zubia maintainance ==> maintenance maintainence ==> NONE maintance ==> maintenance quaintance maintinaing ==> maintaining maintioned ==> maintained mantione mentioned maked ==> aaker abed aced aged ake akel aken aker akey amaker amazed asked awed axed backed bake baked baker bakes bakey balked banked bared barked based basked bated bayed biked braked caged cake caked cakes caned caped cared caved dake dared dated dazed duked eaken eaker eakes eared eased eked faced faded fake faked faker fakes famed fared fated faxed fayed fazed gared gated gazed hacked hake hakes hamed hated hawked hiked irked jacked jaded jake jakel jakes jared jawed joked laced lacked lake laker lakes lakey leaked liked mabe mabee mabel maben mabey mace maceda macedo macek macey macke mackel macken mackey mad madd made madej madel maden mader madey mae maeda maes maez magee magel mager mages magid mahe mahen maher maheu maid maier mailed maimed majer majid mak makar make makela maker makers makes makeup maki makin mako makos makro male malec malek maler males maley malted mame mamet mane maned maner manes manet maney manke manker mankey manned mapel mapes mapped mare marek mares maret marez marke marked markee markel marken marker market markey marred mase masek maser mashed maske masked masker massed masted mate mated mateo mater mates matey maud maude maue mauer mauled maund mave maven maves maxed maxey mayde maye mayeda mayer mayes maze mazel mazer mazes mckee mckey mead meaker med meted mike mikel mikes mikey milked mined mired mixed moaned mocked moded moke mokes moped moved mowed mused muted naked named oakes oakey oared paced packed paged pake paled pared parked paved pawed peaked poked raced racked raged rake raked raker rakes ranked raped rated raved rayed razed sacked saeed sake saker sakes sated saved sawed sayed smacked smoked soaked staked tacked take takeda takei taken takeo taker takes talked tamed tanked taped tasked taxed waded waged wake waken wakes wakid walked waned waved waxed yake yakel yanked yoked zared zayed maltesian ==> artesian cartesian malaysian markes ==> ares aries armes arses artes backes bakes bankes bares barges barke barked barker barkers barkes barkey barks barkus barnes barres berkes birkes brakes burkes cakes cares carles carnes carves dares darke darken darker darkest dirkes drakes eakes earles fakes fares faries farkas farnes fawkes frakes garces garges garnes hakes hankes hares harke harken harkens harker harkey harks harmes hawkes jakes jares karges karnes kartes lakes larke larkey larks macke mackel macken mackey macks madres maes mages maines make maker makers makes makos makris males manes manges manke manker mankey mannes mapes maples marais maras marbles marcel marches marcks marcos marcus marden marder mardis mare marek mares maresh maret marez marge marget margus marie mariel marien marier marines maris marius marje mark markan marke marked markee markel markell marken marker markers markert markese market marketi markets markey markie markin markka markkas markle markley marko markos markow marks markum markup markups markus marky marlen marlens marler marley marlys marmer marner marney marois marose marous marques marred marren marries marris marrs mars marse marsee marshes marte martek martel marten martens marter martis marts martus marvel marvels marver marxen maryse marzec maske masked masker masks masses mates mathes mattes maves mayes maynes mazes meares meckes menkes merges merkel merker merkey mertes mikes mires mokes mores morken myres nares narjes oakes pares parkas parke parked parker parkers parkes parkey parks parnes raikes rakes sakes sarkis sarles sparkes starkes takes tarses vares varies varnes varves wakes wares warnes yerkes Massachussets ==> massachussetts materalists ==> materialist naturalists matheticians ==> mathematicians mear ==> OK mear ==> OK mear ==> OK medevial ==> bedevil medeva medial medieval messenging ==> lessening messaging mileau ==> bibeau bleau boileau gibeau gilead mclean mclear melear mila milam milan milas mile mileage mileham milem miler miles miley milham milian milieu millan millar millau millay milman milsap minea minear mineau mislead moreau pineau rideau soileau vieau miliraty ==> milbrath military militate mischevious ==> mischievous Missisipi ==> NONE misteryous ==> mysterious mkea ==> aka ake akel aken aker akey area asea bea blea brea cea chea crea dea eka eke eked ema enea flea gaea idea ike ikea ikeda ikey ka ke kea keal kean kear keas keay kee keg kem ken keo ker kera keta kew key kia lea ma mada mae maeda maes maez maia mak make makela maker makes mala mama mana mara masa mata maxa maya maza mba mckeag mckean mckee mckey mcvea me mea mead meal mean mear meat meca med meda medea mee meek meer mees meet meg mega mei mel melka men mena menka meo mer mesa met meta mew mex mey mez meza mia mica mien mier miera mies mika mike mikel mikes mikey mikva mila mina minea mira misa mita moca moe moen moes moet moga moka moke mokes mola moma mona mora morea mota moua moya mpeg mtel muha mula muma mura musa myer myla myna myra odea oka oken okey okra olea orea pea plea rea rhea sea shea skeat skew tea thea urea yea zea moent ==> agent ament amount arent avent bent boen bonet brent cent coen cogent count covent dent docent ent event fent foment font gent ghent goen goens gonet hoeft hoen hoene ident jent joens joint joynt kent koen lent manet meant meat meents meert meet melt men mena mend meng menk menn meno mens mente mento mentz menu menz mest met mien mieno miert migent minet mint moan moans moat moden modena modest moe moede moen moench moers moes moet mohit mohn moina moist molen molest molt moment moments mon mona mone mones monet monett money mong monit monk monn mono mont monte month monti monts monty montz mony moon moone moons moot morant moren morena moreno moret morn morna mort most mote moten mott mound mount mounts mountz mowat mowen moyna mozena munt oest omen omens osment ozment pent poet point pont potent rent rodent roen scent sent soens sonet spent stent tent trent vent voest went wont yoest yount zent monestaries ==> monasteries monestary ==> momentary monastery monetary monolite ==> minorite monoclate monolith monoliths monoxide monzonite moonlike moonlit montanous ==> monotonous montanans montano mountainous monts ==> OK moreso ==> OK morroco ==> marrocco moorco moresco morlock morocco morro morrone morrow orrico munbers ==> bunkers funders gunners hubers hunters jungers lubbers lunberg manders maners manners members mengers mincers miners mongers muggers munger munier munkres munter munzer murders mushers musters mutters numbers rubbers runners Napoleonian ==> apollonian naturely ==> natural naturally nature natured naturedly natures neccesarily ==> necessarily neccesary ==> necessary necessiate ==> necessitate necessitated necessitates necessity neglible ==> legible negligible neigbour ==> neighbor neighbour neighbours neigbouring ==> neighboring neighbouring neigbours ==> neighbors neighbour neighbours nessasarily ==> NONE nessecary ==> NONE nkwo ==> akao akio akzo ekco eko iwo kao keo know ko koo kuo kwok kwon kyo nakao nano naro naso nato naw neco nemo neo nero neto new news newt ngo nico nikko niko nino niro nito no nokyo nolo nomo noto novo now nowa nudo nuno okdo okpo okwu skow two wo northereastern ==> northeastern noticible ==> noticeable nowe ==> anode awe blowe bobe bode boe boge bole bone booe bore bose bove bow bowe bowed bowel bowen bower bowes bowie bowl bown bowne bows bowse boye boze browe cobe code coe coke cole come cone cope core cose cote cove cow cowed cowen cower cowie cowl cows coxe coye crowe dawe doe doge doke dole dome done dope dore dose dote douwe dove dow dowd dowe dowel dowen dower dowie down downe dowse doze duwe ewe flowe foe foie fone fore fowl fowle foye gnome goe gone gore gose gove gow gowen gower gown growe hawe hewe hoe hoge hoke hole home hone hope hose hote hove how howe hower howes howey howie howk howl howle howse howze hoye huwe hwe inoue iole ione iowa jobe joe joie joke jone jose jowl joye knode knoke knope know knowed knower known knows kobe koke kole kope kote krowe lobe lode loe loew loewe loge lone lope lore lose love low lowe lowen lower lowes lowey lown lows lowy loye mobe mode moe moke mole mone mope more mose mote move mow mowed mowen mower mows moye nace nale name nase nate nave naw ne nee nene neo neue neve new newer newey news newt nice nie nike nile nine nite no noa noaa noah noam nobbe nobec nobel noble noce nock nod noda node nodes nods noe noel noes noga nogle noh nohl nohr noir noise nokes nola nold nolde nole nolen noles nolet nolf nolie noll nolo nolt nolte nom nome nomi nomo non nona nonce none nonie nook noon noone noose nope nor nora nord nored norem noren norex norge nork norm norse norte norweb nose nosed nosek noses noss nosy not note noted notes noth noto notre nots nott notte notz noun nous nov nova novel novey novi novo novy now nowa nowak nowell nowels noyce noyd noyes nude nuke nute nyce nye ode oie ole once one ooze ore ose ow owe owed owen owes owl own oye poe poke pole pope pore pose pote pow powe power pows rawe robe rode roe rohe role rome rone rope rose rote rove row rowe rowed rowen rower rowes rows rowse roye ruwe snoke snore snow snowe snowed snows snowy sole some sope sore sow sowa sowed sower sowle sown sows stowe tobe toe tole tome tone tope tore tote tow towe towed towel tower towey towle town towne tows toye uwe voge vore vose vote vow vowed vowel vows we woe woke wore wove wow wowed wowie wows yoe yohe yoke yore yow zewe zoe zone nucular ==> jocular jugular muscular necula nodular nuclear secular tubular obstacal ==> obstacle obstruced ==> obstruct obstructed obstructs ocasionaly ==> occasional occasionally ocassion ==> cashion cassin cassino casson ocasio occasion omission passion ocassional ==> occasional ocassionally ==> occasionally ocassionaly ==> NONE ocassioned ==> occasioned ocassions ==> occasions omissions passions occassionaly ==> occasional occasionally occurance ==> occupancy occurrence occurances ==> occurrences ocurr ==> acura burr carr corr cour court coury cur curb curd cure curl curro curry curt durr furr gurr kocur murr nurr obarr occur occurs ochra ochre ocker okura orr our ours purr schurr scurry shurr spurr ocurrance ==> currence durrance occurrence officaly ==> efficacy official officially officials oftenly ==> oftel often oftener openly ommision ==> commision commission omission ormiston ommited ==> commitee committed commuted limited omitted orbited ommiting ==> committing commuting limiting omitting orbiting vomiting onot ==> alot ano ant arnot blot bondt bonet bono boot clot coot cot donat donor donut dot eno enos ent font foot gnat godot gonet got hnat honor hoot hot huot ingot into jot junot knit knob knop knost knot knoth knots knott know knox knoy knut kono konop kot lonon loot lot minot miot monet monit mono mont moot nat net nit no noa nod noe noh nolt nom non nook noon nor not note noth noto nots nott notz nov now nut oat obit oboe obon obst ocon oct odom odor oest oft ohrt okon oldt olof olt omit on ona onan onate once oncor ondo one oneok ones onex oney ong onion only onni onno ono onoda ons onset ontko onto onus onyx ooh oona oooh oop opt opto orct oro oros ort ost ot ott otto oust out pinot plot poinot pont ponto pot riot robot root rot scot shot slot snob snort snot snout snow sonat sonet soot sot spot szot tonto toot tot trot unit uno unos unto wont onot ==> alot ano ant arnot blot bondt bonet bono boot clot coot cot donat donor donut dot eno enos ent font foot gnat godot gonet got hnat honor hoot hot huot ingot into jot junot knit knob knop knost knot knoth knots knott know knox knoy knut kono konop kot lonon loot lot minot miot monet monit mono mont moot nat net nit no noa nod noe noh nolt nom non nook noon nor not note noth noto nots nott notz nov now nut oat obit oboe obon obst ocon oct odom odor oest oft ohrt okon oldt olof olt omit on ona onan onate once oncor ondo one oneok ones onex oney ong onion only onni onno ono onoda ons onset ontko onto onus onyx ooh oona oooh oop opt opto orct oro oros ort ost ot ott otto oust out pinot plot poinot pont ponto pot riot robot root rot scot shot slot snob snort snot snout snow sonat sonet soot sot spot szot tonto toot tot trot unit uno unos unto wont oppononent ==> opponent oppositition ==> opposition opthamologist ==> ophthalmologist opthalmologist orded ==> added aided arbed arden armed boarded bonded borden border bordes bored bred breed carded ceded coded corded corder cordes creed cried dred dredd dried ended eroded erred faded folded forced forde forged forked formed fred freed fried goaded gorden gorder gored graded greed herded hoarded hooded horde hordes horned horsed irked jaded jorde jorden larded loaded lorden moded molded morden nodded norden norder nored norred oared odd odden odder ode odea oded odem oden oder odes ogden ogled oiled olde olden older onder oozed opted orand orben ord ordaz ordeal order ordered orders ore orea orel orem oren oreo ores orgel orkem orme ormes orne orner orren orser orten ortez orzel osred outed owed owned pored ported prided pried red redd reed ried robed rodd rode roden rodeo roder rodes roed roped rowed sided sordid sorted traded tried urged voided waded warded wooded worded worden worked orgin ==> agin ardin argon arkin arlin armin arpin arvin begin bergin bogin borgen borgia borin brain brin broin bruin burgin coggin colgin corbin corgi corrin cortin corvin corwin cragin crain dolgin dorgan dorin dornin drain durgin edgin elgin erin ermin ervin erwin fagin forgie forging forin fortin frain frein fruin gin goggin goin googin gordin gorgon gorin grain grein grin groin hagin hodgin horgan irvin irwin kagin krain krein lorain lorin magin margin morain morfin morgan morgen morgun morin morrin nagin nordin norlin norvin norwin ocain odin ogan ogren oguin ohlin okin olguin olin ongpin oquin oran orban orben orbin orbis orbit ordain oregan oregon oren org organ organs orgel orgies orgill orgy ori origin origins orin orion orix orkin orlan orman orn orogil orran orren orrin orris orsi orsini orsino orson orten ortis ortiz orton ortwin orvin orvis orwig oslin ostin ragin rain rein rhin robin rodgin rodin rofin rogan rogin rolin ronin rosin rowin ruin sorgen sorin sorkin torain train urgen urging ursin urwin virgin vrain wergin yergin zorkin origanaly ==> original originally originals otehr ==> ater baehr behr bother ether fehr gehr hehr kehr lehr loehr mehr mother nother ober oder ofer ohr olear oler omer orear oser osher oster oteri otero otey otha other others otmar otter outer over oyer roehr rother sehr soter stahr stear steer stehr sterr stoehr stohr stuhr tear teer ter uther voter wehr woehr yother zehr owrk ==> ark awry bark berk birk bork burk cork cwik dark derk dirk dowry erk fork gerk hark herk howk howry irk jerk kirk kurk kwak kwik kwok lark lowry lurk mark merk mork mowry murk nork nowak oak oar oars ogre ohr ohrt ok okra olk opry or ora orb ord ore orf org ori orks orky orn oro orr ort ory our ours ow owe owed owen owes owl owls own owns ozark park perk pork purk roark rork rourk sark sirk towry turk wark werk wik wok wolk wonk wor word wore work works worm worn wouk wry wyk york zirk owudl ==> okuda owada owed owl would wurl Palistian ==> NONE pallete ==> allee allege allele allene ballet ballets gallet hallet hallett mallet mallett mallette palate palese palette pallante paller pallet pallets pallett pallone parlee parlett parlette paulette pellet pelleted pellets pellett pollet pollett pollute sallee vallee vallette wallet wallets walleye pamflet ==> amulet hamblet hamlet pallet pamphlet parituclar ==> particular parralel ==> parallel parrill parrallell ==> parallel parallels particually ==> partially particularly pary ==> OK passerbys ==> passerby passers passersby peculure ==> NONE pensinula ==> peninsula percepted ==> excepted perceived percept perfected permeated perverted performes ==> perforates perforce perform performa performed performer performers performs perfumes permenant ==> permanent permenante permenantly ==> permanently permenante perphas ==> cephas gerchas peras perches perham perhaps perras serpas personell ==> pernell personal personally personals personnel pesnell presnell pressnell phenomenonal ==> phenomenal phenomenon phenomenonly ==> phenomenally phenomenon phenomonenon ==> phenomenon Phillipine ==> phillipine phillipines Phillipines ==> phillipine phillipines pinnaple ==> pineapple pinnacle winnable playwrite ==> NONE playwrites ==> NONE poety ==> booty coey cotty coty dotty doty douty dowty forty fouty goetz gouty hoey hoity joey loewy lofty lotty moet monty mooty morty noeth otey paeth paetz panty party patey patty paty peay peery peet peete peets peetz peevy peony pet peta pete petey peth peto petr petry pets pett petty petz piet piety pietz pity platy plenty plett pletz ploetz poe poehl poel poem poems poer poet poetic poetry poets pointy pokey poky poley polity polly poly pont ponte ponti ponto ponts pony poppy pordy porgy porky port porta porte porth portly porto ports portz posey post posts pot pote poten poth pots pott potts potty pout pouts pouty poverty pret prete pretty prey prouty pty puett puetz putty rosty sooty sporty spotty toity totty zoete polical ==> comical conical domical helical logical monical optical pelican polecat polemical police policed polices polich policy political topical positon ==> boston coston losito pasion piston poison poisson polito polston ponton portion poseidon posit posited position positions positron positrons posits posten postino poston potion poulton poynton roston sposito possiblilty ==> possibility practial ==> fractal partial practical practice practise racial practially ==> partially practically racially practicly ==> practical practically practice practiced practices practioner ==> practitioner practioners ==> practitioners prairy ==> airy brainy crary dairy fairy fraire frary friary grainy hairy pair pairs parity parry pary patry peary phair plair prairie praise pray primary priory privy rainy precedessor ==> predecessor predicitons ==> prediction predictions predictors predomiantly ==> predominantly predominately prepair ==> praxair prepaid prepare preparer prepay preppie prevail prewar repaid repair repairs prepatory ==> predator predators predatory preparatory prevelant ==> prevalent prevent priveledges ==> privileges privelige ==> privilege priveliged ==> privileged priveliges ==> privileges privelleges ==> privileges privledge ==> privilege probalibity ==> probability procedger ==> procedure proffesed ==> professed proffered proffesion ==> profession profusion proffesional ==> professional proffesor ==> professor proffer profilic ==> profile profiled profiles profiling prolific prominately ==> predominately prominately ==> predominately proseletyzing ==> proselytizing protoganist ==> protagonist prouncements ==> pronouncements pususading ==> NONE pyscic ==> cystic mystic pesci psychic qtuie ==> athie attie bouie buie ettie huie louie que qui quid quiet quik quin quine quip quire quit quite quiz stude stuve tie trie tube tude tue tuite tune ture qtuie ==> athie attie bouie buie ettie huie louie que qui quid quiet quik quin quine quip quire quit quite quiz stude stuve tie trie tube tude tue tuite tune ture qutie ==> artie attie auntie batie buie bute butte curie cute dubie durie duthie duties dutil ettie futile huie judie julie jute katie lucie lulie lurie lute lutze mute muti nute petie pute putin quade quai quaid quail quain quake quale quave quaye que queue qui quid quiet quik quin quine quip quire quit quite quito quits quiz quote rubie rudie ruthie rutile suite susie suzie tie tuite untie urie uthe utke rabinnical ==> rabbinical racaus ==> actus baccus bachus backus bacus cactus casaus dacus eachus fracas macau macaws racal racers races racks radars radius ragas ramus rascals rasmus rastus raucous recaps ricans ruckus reaccurring ==> recurring reacing ==> beaching beaming bearing beating bracing breaching breading breaking ceasing creaking creating dealing dearing defacing dreading dreaming ealing easing eating erasing facing fearing fencing freaking gearing gracing greasing heading healing heaping hearing heating heaving keating leaching leading leafing leaking leaming leaning leaping leasing leaving mealing meaning menacing nearing pacing peaking placing preaching racine racing racking raging raking raping rating raving razing reaching reacting reading readings readying realign reaping rearing rearming recine redacting redding reding redoing reducing reeking reeling regaling rehling reiling reining reising relating relaxing relaying relying remaking renaming rending rensing renting repaying replacing rescind rescuing resting retaking retracing reusing revving roaming roaring sealing searing seating spacing teaching teaming tearing teasing tracing treading treating weaning wearing weaving wreaking realitvely ==> relatively rebounce ==> bounce denounce rebound rebounded rebounds renounce renounced renounces resource reccomend ==> recommend reccomendations ==> recommendations reccomended ==> recommended reccomending ==> recommending reccuring ==> lecturing recouping recurring recusing rescuing securing reciepents ==> recipients referiang ==> refering referring revering referrs ==> defers prefers reefers refenes refer referee referees referral referrals referred refers reforms reveres reverts rewerts reffered ==> buffered differed jefferey mefferd offered prefered proffered referee referred refueled rendered renfred reoffered revered suffered relitavely ==> relatively remaing ==> beaming demain deming demming dreaming emling heming hemming leaming leming lemming ramming ramping reading reaping rearing rearming redding reding redoing reeking reeling regain regains regaling rehling reiling reining reising relating relaxing relaying relying remain remained remaining remains remaking remand remarking remind removing renaming rending rensing renting repaint repaying resting retain retains retaking reusing revving roaming romain romaine romping teaming tremain tremaine rememberable ==> NONE remenicent ==> reminiscent reminent ==> eminent imminent preeminent prominent regiment reinert reinvent remnant resident reticent ruminant reoccurrence ==> occurrence recurrence repeteadly ==> repeatedly reputedly repetion ==> deletion depletion reaction reception rejection relation repetition repetto retention representive ==> representative representing representives ==> representatives responnsibilty ==> responsibility ressemblence ==> resemblance resssurecting ==> NONE ressurect ==> resurrect ressurected ==> resurrected ressurection ==> resurrection restaraunt ==> restaurant restraint restaraunteur ==> restauranteur restaraunts ==> restaurants restraints restauration ==> restoration resteraunt ==> restraint resteraunts ==> restraints restraunt ==> restrain restrains restraint restraints resturaunt ==> restaurant restraint rigeur ==> criger giger iger kiger kriger niger prieur rager regehr reger reiger rider rieger rigel rigler rigor rigueur riker rimer rineer riner ringer riser riter ritger river rizer roger ruger sigur tiger viger rininging ==> ringing rised ==> aided aimed aired arise arisen arises assed based biased biked bise bisek bisel biser braised bribed bruised bused cisek cited cried crise crises cruised diced died dined dise dished dived dried eased eisel eisen erased filed fined fired fiser fished fisted fixed fried frisked fused griped grise hiked hired hise hisel hiser hisey hissed hosed iced irises irked ise iser kise kiser kissed krise lied liked lined lise lisec listed lived mined mired misek miser mises misled missed mixed mused nied nisei nixed nosed oiled pied piled pined piped pissed poised posed praised priced prided pried primed prized raced raged raided railed rained raise raised raiser raises raked raped rase raser rasey rasped rated raved rayed razed red reed reid reined reise reisen reiser reseda reseed reser reset rested reused revised riad ribbed rice rid ride riden rider rides ridged rids ried riede riedl riedy rief rieg riek riel ries riese riesen rieser riesh riess rife riffed rifled rigel rigged rigid rike rikeld riker rile riled riles riley rimel rimer rimes rimmed rind rine riner rines riney ringed rinse rioted ripe ripen ripped risa risc risch risden rise risen riser rises rish rishel risher risi risin risk riske risked risko risks risky risley risner riso rison riss risse risser risso rist rister rite riter rites riven river rives rivet riyad rizer robed roed roiled roped rose rosel rosen roser roses rosey roused rowed ruined ruled ruse rused ruses rushed rusted ryser sided sited sixed sized tied tiled timed tired tried used vied vise wied wined wiped wired wise wised wisel wiser wished zises rythem ==> anthem lathem rathe rathel rather raychem rhem rhythm rothe rother ruther ryohei ryther them withem wythe rythim ==> mythic pythia rahim rhythm ruthie ryther rythyms ==> rhythms sacreligious ==> sacrilegious sargant ==> arant argent arrant dargan farrant garant gargan gargano hargan largent sagan salant saran sarant sarbane sargeant sargen sargent sarratt savant sergeant sergent servant tarrant vagrant variant warrant sattelite ==> satellite sattelites ==> satellites saught ==> augat aught baugh baughn bought caught draught faughn faught fought fraught gaugh haight haugh haughn haught haughty laugh laughs naught naughty ought paugh rought sault sight slaght slaugh slight sought spaugh spight taught vaugh vaughn vaught vought waugh schedual ==> schedule scholarstic ==> scholarship scholastic scirpt ==> scarp scarpa scire scrip scripp script scripts sculpt shirt skirt spirit screenwrighter ==> screenwriter scrutinity ==> scrutinize scrutiny secceeded ==> exceeded seceded succeeded seceed ==> decked decreed exceed necked preceed recede receded reseed sacked sacred saeed screed seabed sealed seared seated seaweed secede seceded seckel second secord secret secreted secured seed seeded seemed seeped seized sensed served severed sewed sexed sneed socked speed steed streed succeed sucked seceeded ==> exceeded receded secede seceded secluded seconded secreted seeded speeded succeeded seeked ==> beefed beeker beeped cheeked decked deeded deemed eked heeded heeke heeled jeered jerked leaked meeker necked needed peaked peeked peeled peeped peered peeved perked reeled sacked saeed seabed sealed seared seated seceded seckel seeber seed seeded seefeld seeger seek seeker seekers seeks seeley seemed seeped seese seever seized selke seneker sensed served severed sewed sexed shekel skewed sleeker sleeved smoked sneaked sneed sneered sneezed soaked socked speed speeded spewed spiked staked steed steeled steeped steered stewed stoked sucked sueker sulked veered weeded weekend weekes seldomly ==> seldom sence ==> absence agence bence bench bene benge benke benne bente bunce cece cenci dance denice denne dense dente deuce enck ende enge enke ente essence fence fenced fences fencl genco gene genie genre gonce hance hence hench henie henke henle henne hense henze ince jenne kente kerce kunce lance leece lene lenke lince mance meece menace mencer mench mende menge menke menne mente menze merce mince munce nance neace neece neice nene nonce once ounce peace pence pense perce pesce ponce rance reece rencen rench renco rende rene renee renne salce sande sane sante sauce scene science sconce seaco seale seance sease sec seck seco sect sedco sedge seduce see seen seese sege segue seide seife seige seine seize selbe selie selke selle sen sena senate send sender sendo sends seneca senese seney senf senff senft seng senger senile senk senko senn senna senne senner sennet senor sens sense sensed sensei senses senske sent senter senty sentz sepe serco sere serge serle serpe serve sese sette seve shenice silence since sine singe skene slice snee sonne sorce space speece spence spencer spice stance stencel stench stene stice sunde sync synch tench tense thence vance venice venne venue vince wench wenck wende wenge wenke wente whence wince xene yene yonce sepina ==> celina defina depina edina emina erina espana espinal espino femina gemina lepine levina medina melina nelina ospina pecina pepin pepita pesina pina regina reina retina sabina sakina salina samina sapia savina sedita sedona seeing seeping sein seine seita selena selia seliga selin selina selinas selinda seminal seminar semira sena senna sepeda sepia sepich sepik septa septima serena seria serino serna sevin sewing shiina slepian spin spina spinal spine spink spino spins spiny spira spiva supine verina vezina zelina zenina sepulchure ==> NONE sepulcre ==> NONE sheat ==> ahead beat chat chea cheap cheat cheats chert chest chet chiat choat cleat eat feat ghent great hat head heal heap hear heart heat heath heats heft heit helt hert hett hext hnat khat meat neat oshea peat pleat rhea rheta rhett sabat sadat sat scat scent schear sea seal seam sean seaq sear seas seat seato seats seay sect sent sept set sha shaak shaath shad shaer shaft shag shah shai shalt sham shan shant shao shap shaq shas shatt shatz shaw shay she shea shead sheaf shealy shean shear sheard shearn shears sheath sheathe sheats sheba sheck shed shedd sheds sheek sheen sheep sheer sheet sheets sheetz sheff shehan sheik sheil shein shek shelf shell shelp shema shen shena sheng shenk shep shepp sher sherak shere sheri sherk sherr sheth shevtl shew shia shiah shias shift shirt shit shoaf shohat shoot short shot shott shout shuart shunt shut shutt skeat skeet slat sleet slept sloat smead smeal smear smelt smet snead sneak sneath sonat spat speak spear speas spent splat squat staat stat stead steak steal steam stear stent stet surat swat swear sweat sweats sweatt sweaty sweet swept swett teat that thea theft therat theta threat treat what wheat whet sheat ==> ahead beat chat chea cheap cheat cheats chert chest chet chiat choat cleat eat feat ghent great hat head heal heap hear heart heat heath heats heft heit helt hert hett hext hnat khat meat neat oshea peat pleat rhea rheta rhett sabat sadat sat scat scent schear sea seal seam sean seaq sear seas seat seato seats seay sect sent sept set sha shaak shaath shad shaer shaft shag shah shai shalt sham shan shant shao shap shaq shas shatt shatz shaw shay she shea shead sheaf shealy shean shear sheard shearn shears sheath sheathe sheats sheba sheck shed shedd sheds sheek sheen sheep sheer sheet sheets sheetz sheff shehan sheik sheil shein shek shelf shell shelp shema shen shena sheng shenk shep shepp sher sherak shere sheri sherk sherr sheth shevtl shew shia shiah shias shift shirt shit shoaf shohat shoot short shot shott shout shuart shunt shut shutt skeat skeet slat sleet slept sloat smead smeal smear smelt smet snead sneak sneath sonat spat speak spear speas spent splat squat staat stat stead steak steal steam stear stent stet surat swat swear sweat sweats sweatt sweaty sweet swept swett teat that thea theft therat theta threat treat what wheat whet sheat ==> ahead beat chat chea cheap cheat cheats chert chest chet chiat choat cleat eat feat ghent great hat head heal heap hear heart heat heath heats heft heit helt hert hett hext hnat khat meat neat oshea peat pleat rhea rheta rhett sabat sadat sat scat scent schear sea seal seam sean seaq sear seas seat seato seats seay sect sent sept set sha shaak shaath shad shaer shaft shag shah shai shalt sham shan shant shao shap shaq shas shatt shatz shaw shay she shea shead sheaf shealy shean shear sheard shearn shears sheath sheathe sheats sheba sheck shed shedd sheds sheek sheen sheep sheer sheet sheets sheetz sheff shehan sheik sheil shein shek shelf shell shelp shema shen shena sheng shenk shep shepp sher sherak shere sheri sherk sherr sheth shevtl shew shia shiah shias shift shirt shit shoaf shohat shoot short shot shott shout shuart shunt shut shutt skeat skeet slat sleet slept sloat smead smeal smear smelt smet snead sneak sneath sonat spat speak spear speas spent splat squat staat stat stead steak steal steam stear stent stet surat swat swear sweat sweats sweatt sweaty sweet swept swett teat that thea theft therat theta threat treat what wheat whet shoudln ==> should shouli shoun shreak ==> break creak freak schreck schrenk scream shaak shark shea shead sheaf shean shear sheck sheek sheik shek shenk sherak sherk shrake shramek shrank shreck shred shreds shrek shreve shrewd shriek shrink shrock shrunk sirek sneak speak spread squeak steak streak streaks stream streck syrek thread threat wreak shrinked ==> shined shirked shrieked shrine shriner shrines shrink shrinks shrunken sprinkel sprinkled sprinted stringed sicne ==> acne aine bice diane dice dicke dine dione ficke fiene fine finne hice hine ice ince ione kiene kinne liane lice lince line linne mice micke milne mince mine mione nice nicen niche nine piche picone pine rice riche ricke rine rinne saine sane saone scene scire scone seine senne shane shine shone shyne sian siang siano sible sic sica sichel sick sickel sicken sicker sickle side sidle sidney sie siebe siecle siege siese sieve sigle sign signa signed signer signet signs simcoe sime simone sin since sind sine siner sines sing singe sink sinn sinned sinner sino sins sipe siple sire siren sirna siscoe sisney site sithe sitze size skene slane slice slone sonne spice spine stene stice stine stone styne sucre swine tice tine vice vince vine wice wicke wince wine winne zine signficiant ==> significant signifantly ==> significantly sinse ==> aine ainge anise anse bines binge bins bise dense dine dines dinsa dinse dise fine fines finke finne fins giese gines ginsu hense hinde hine hines hinge hinze hise honse ilse ince ines inge ins insel inset ise jines kines kinne kinsel kinser kinsey kinst kise liese lince linde line lines linke linne lins linse linsey lise mince mine mines minge minke minsk niese nine nines ninsu pense pine pines pins riese rine rines ringe rinke rinne rinse rise risse saine sande sane sans sanso sante sasse sause sease seese seine senese senne sens sense sensed sensei senses senske sese shine shines shinsei sias sible side sides sidle sids sie siebe siege sies siese siess sieve sigle signs sikes sime simes sims sin sinai sinar sinay since sind sindt sine siner sines sing singe singed singel singer singh single sings sinha sinise sinisi sink sinker sinko sinks sinn sinned sinner sino sinor sins sinsel sinus sinuses sipe sipes siple sips sire sires sirs sis sisk sisney sissel sissie sissy site sites sithe sits sitze sixes size sizes skase skins snee snide snipe sones sonne sons spine spines spins stine stines suisse sunde suns sunset swine tense tine tines tinge tins tinsel usines vince vine vines vinje vinso vise wiese wince wine wines winge winne wins wise zine zines zinke zins zinser Sixtin ==> biotin liftin tintin snese ==> anise annese anse beese boese danese deese dense dnase esse feese frese geese giese haese heese hense ines keese knee knees kness lanese leese liese maese meese nase nease nee nees neese nene nes nesi ness nest neste neue neve niese nose obese ones pense plese reese riese roese sasse sause scene sease see sees seese sege senese senne sens sense sensed sensei senses senske sepe sere sese seve shere siebe siege sies siese siess sieve sines sinise skase skees skene slee smee snake snape snare snead sneak snee sneed sneer sneers sneeze sneh snell snide snipe snoke snore snowe sones spease spees stees stege stene steve suede sues suess swede swete tense tese these unease weese wiese zeese soilders ==> boilers boulders builders childers folders guilders holders molders oilers seiders selders shoulders siders silvers sodders solder soldiers soliders sollers solvers souders sowders spiders spillers spoilers worlders soley ==> OK sophicated ==> NONE sotyr ==> coty doty motor motyl oster rotor sater satya sitar soar sober soder sofer softer soir solar soler soltys somer sonar sony sonya sooter sooty sooy soper sor sorry sort sorter sortor sot sotak soter soto sotti sour soutar souter sower soy soya star stir stohr storr story stoy stoyer sty styer stys styx suter sutor voter sould ==> auld bold boule bound cold could coull dold doud fold fouad foul foulds fouled foulk fouls found fuld gold goold gould gourd hold houle hound joule loud mold moul mould moulds mouldy mound nold old poul pound roald round saud saul sauls sault scald schuld scold scud scull seoul should shouli shula shull skulk skull smull soard soble sod sohl soil soiled soils sol sola sold soldo sole soli solid soll solly solo solt solum sood soucy souk soul soule soules souls sound sounds soup souped soups soupy sour soured sours sous sousa south souto souza sowed sowle spud squad squid stud stull sudd sued sul sulk sult sund told vold wold world would wound sould ==> auld bold boule bound cold could coull dold doud fold fouad foul foulds fouled foulk fouls found fuld gold goold gould gourd hold houle hound joule loud mold moul mould moulds mouldy mound nold old poul pound roald round saud saul sauls sault scald schuld scold scud scull seoul should shouli shula shull skulk skull smull soard soble sod sohl soil soiled soils sol sola sold soldo sole soli solid soll solly solo solt solum sood soucy souk soul soule soules souls sound sounds soup souped soups soupy sour soured sours sous sousa south souto souza sowed sowle spud squad squid stud stull sudd sued sul sulk sult sund told vold wold world would wound soverignity ==> sovereignty spects ==> aspect aspects ejects elects erects expects inspects pacts peets pelts pests pets picts respects scents seats sect sects selects sets sheats sheets skeets spaces spats speaks spears speas spec specht species speck specks specs specter spector spectra spectre speeds spees speirs spektr spells speltz spends spens spent sperms speros speth spews spices spits splits sports spots spotts spouts spurts suspects sweats sweets spects ==> aspect aspects ejects elects erects expects inspects pacts peets pelts pests pets picts respects scents seats sect sects selects sets sheats sheets skeets spaces spats speaks spears speas spec specht species speck specks specs specter spector spectra spectre speeds spees speirs spektr spells speltz spends spens spent sperms speros speth spews spices spits splits sports spots spotts spouts spurts suspects sweats sweets spreaded ==> breaded dreaded pleaded screamed serenaded shredded speeded sprayed spread spreader spreads streaked streamed threaded spred ==> aired alred aprea aspired astred bared bored bred cared cured dared dred eared erred fared fired fred gared gored hired jared lured mired nored oared opted osprey osred pared peed pied pled pored pre pree prem prep pres pret prew prey pried prod red sacred saeed sapped sare sated saved sawed sayed scared scored screed screw scrod seared seed sere seres serex served sewed sexed sffed shared shed shied shored shred shreds shrek shrewd sided sipped sire sirek siren sires sited sixed sized skied sled snared sneed soared sore sorel sores sorey sorted soured sowed spaced spade spaid spare spared spares sparked sparred spayd spayed spec sped speed speeds speedy speer spees spend spera sperl sperm spero spew spewed spey spiced spie spied spiel spier spies spiked spire spires spore sporer spores sported spray sprayed spread spreads spree spreen sprees sprehe spreng sprow spruced spry spud spurned spurred spurted stared steed stored streb streed strep strew strey sued sure suren surer sures surfed surged swed syed syrek szwed tired upped wired zared stirrs ==> satires shires shirr shirts siers sires siris sirri sirs sitars skiers skirts smirks spiers spires spiros stairs stares starks starns starr starrs starry stars starts stears steers sterns sterr sterry sticks stiens stier stiers stiffs stigers stiles stills stils stilts stines stings stinks stints stipes stir stires stirn stirred stirrup stirrups stirs stites stivers stores storms storr storrs storts strips styers swirls tiers tires tiros stornegst ==> sternest strongest strat ==> astra astral astray atra brat carat istat karat krat rat sabat sadat sara sarah saran sarant sat scat scram scrap seat sera seraw skeat slat sloat smart sonat sort spat splat spratt spray sproat squat sram sta staab staal staar staas staat staats stab stac stadt stag stai stam stan stant star stare stark starn starr stars start starts stary stat state stats statz stay stead steak steal steam stear stent stet stilt stint stitt stolt stora stott stout strack strada strafe strahl strahm strain strait straits straka stram strand strang strano strap straps strata stratas strate strater stratum stratus straub straum straus straw strawn straws stray strays streak stream streb street streit strep strew strey striar strict strip strite strnad stroh strom stroot strout strow strub strum strut struts strutz stuart studt stunt sura surat swart swat sweat tart tat teat that trac tract trait trak tram tran trant trap traut trax tray treat trot xtra strenght ==> straight streight streng strenger strength strengths strenghten ==> straighten strengthen strengthens strenghtened ==> straightened strengthened strikely ==> stitely stokely strictly strike striker strikers strikes stroy ==> alroy astray astro astros broy croy deroy destroy elroy kroy leroy mcroy ostrom ostrow roy saros savoy scrod secoy sgro sgroi sircy siroky siron sooy sorey soros sorry soy spray sprow spry stacy staron starry stary stay steny sterry stol stony stood stool stoop stop stora store storey stork storm stormy storr story storz stow stoy stram strap straw stray strays streb strep strew strey strip strobe strobl strock strode stroh strohl strohm stroik strojny stroke strole stroll strom stroma strome strong stroop stroot strope stroud stroup strout strove strow strub strum strut study sturdy sty styron surly surry sutro syron tory toy tray trey trod tron trot trow troy troyu try suburburban ==> NONE succesfuly ==> successful successfully succsessfull ==> successful successfully sucesful ==> successful sucesfully ==> successfully sucesfuly ==> NONE sucesion ==> secession suasion succession suction sucessfull ==> successful successfully sucessfuly ==> successful successfully sucessot ==> successor sucidial ==> suicidal sundial superceeded ==> superseded suplimented ==> supplemented supposingly ==> supposing suprisingly suprize ==> prize sprite sunrise supine supreme surprise uprise upsize suprized ==> prized surprised suprizing ==> surprising uprising upsizing suprizingly ==> suprisingly surprisingly surrended ==> surrender surrendered surrenders surrounded suspended surrended ==> surrender surrendered surrenders surrounded suspended surreptious ==> surreptitious surreptiously ==> surreptitiously surveilence ==> surveillance suseptable ==> susceptible symettric ==> NONE symmetral ==> symmetrical symmetry sysmatically ==> systematically tahn ==> aah ah aha ahh ahl ahn aho ahr ahs an ann aon arn aten atha aton ayn bah bahan bahe bahl bahm bahn bahr baht bain ban banh bann barn baun behn bihn bohn caan caen cahan cahn cain can cann carn chan cohn dah dahl dahm dahn dain damn dan dann darn daun dawn dehn dohn earn ethan fahd fahl fahr fahs fahy fain fan fann fawn fehn gahan gahm gahn gahr gain gan gann garn glahn gohn grahn haan haen hah hahl hahm hahn hahne hahs hain han hann harn haun hawn hayn hehn hohn huhn iain ian icahn jaan jahn jahns jahr jain jan jann john kah kahan kahl kahn kahng kahr kain kan kann karn kehn khan kihn klahn kohn krahn kuhn lahm lahn lahr lain lan lann laun lawn lehn lohn luhn mah mahan mahe mahen mahin mahl mahn mahon mahr main man mann mihn mohn nah nahm nan nuhn oahu oanh pah pahl pain pan pawn phan rah rahe rahl rahm rahn rain ran ranh rann raun rehn rihn rohn saha sahl sahm sahr sain san shan sohn spahn stahl stahr stain stan stann starn ta tab tabb tabs tac tack taco tact tacy tad tada tadd tae taff taft tag tagg tags taher tahoe tai tail taing taint tait taj tak take taken taki taku tal talc tale talk tall talon tam tama tame tami tamm tamp tan tanen tang tani tank tann tans tant tanu tao taos tap tape tapp taps tar tara tarin taro tarp tarr tart tash tasha tashin task tasm tass tat tata tate tatu taub taul taunt taut tavy tawny tax taxi tay tays teahan teen tehan ten tenn tern th thad thai thain thal tham than thane thang thanh thank thano thao thar that thau thaw the then thi thin tho thon thun thy tian tien tin ton tonn toon torn town trahan train tran tron tuhan turn twain twin utah vahl vain van vann varn wah wahl wain waln wan wann warn whan xan yah yahi yahn yahr yan yarn yaun yawn yohn zahm zahn zain zan zaun zhan taht ==> aah abt act aft ah aha ahh ahl ahn aho ahr ahs alt ant apt art ast at atha axt bah bahe bahl bahm bahn bahr baht bait bart bast bat bath batt baxt cahn cant cart cast cat catt chat daft dah dahl dahm dahn dant dart dat east eat fact fahd fahl fahr fahs fahy fait fant fart fast fat fath gahm gahn gahr gait galt gant gast gat gath gatt gaut haft hah hahl hahm hahn hahs hait halt hart hast hat hath hatt haut jagt jahn jahr kah kahl kahn kahr kalt kant kast kat kath katt khat lahm lahn lahr lahti lait lant last lat lath laut macht mah mahe mahl mahn mahr mahrt malt mart mast mat math matt nah nahm nast nat nath oahu oat oath pact pah pahl pait pant part past pat path patt raft rah rahe rahl rahm rahn rait rant rapt rast rat rath raut saha sahl sahm sahr salt sant sat staat stadt stahl stahr stant start stat ta tab tabb tabs tac tacit tack taco tact tacy tad tada tadd tae taff taft tag tagg tags taher tahiti tahoe tai tail taint tait taite taitt taj tak take taki taku tal talc tale talk tall talty tam tama tame tami tamm tamp tan tang tani tank tann tans tant tanu tao taos tap tape tapp taps tar tara taro tarot tarp tarr tart tarte tarts tartt tartu tash tasha task tasm tass taste tasty tat tata tate tatty tatu taub taught taul taunt taut tavy tax taxi tay tays teast teat teet tent test tet text th thad thai thal tham than thao thar that thau thaw the thi tho thy tift tight tilt tint tit toast todt toft toot tort tot toth tout tracht tract trait trant traut trot tuft tut tutt uart utah vahl vast vat vath waft wah wahl wait walt want wart wat watt wayt what yacht yah yahi yahn yahr yant zahm zahn zant tath ==> aah ah ahh arth ash at ata ate atha atm atp atta atv atx atz auth bach bah baht banh barth bash bat batch bate bath bathe baths bats batt baty batz bayh beth both buth cash cat catch cate cathy cato cats catt dah darth dash dat data date dato dats datz death dith doth each earth eash eat eats faeth faith fat fata fatah fate fateh fath fathi fats fauth flath foth gach gaeth garth gash gat gatch gate gath gatt gatx gatz goth guth hach hah haith harth hash hat hata hatch hate hath hats hatt hatz hauth heath heth hoth huth kach kah kash kat kate kath katha kathi kathy kati kato kats katt katy katz kauth keath koth lach lash lat lata latch late lath lathe lato lats latz lauth leath leth loath loth luth mach mah marth mash mat mata match mate math mathe mathy mato mats matt matz meath meth moth muth myth nah nash nat nata nate nath nathe nato nats neth noth nth oanh oat oath oaths oats orth paeth pah pash pat patch pate path pathe paths pats patt paty patz peth pith plath poth puth rach rah raith ranh rash rat rata rate rath rathe rats ratu ratz rauh rauth roath roth ruth sash sat sate sato satoh satz seth spath stach staph stash stat state stats statz stith swath ta tab tabb tabs tac tack taco tact tacy tad tada tadd tae taff taft tag tagg tags tai tail tait taite taitt taj tak take taketh taki taku tal talc tale talk tall talty tam tama tame tami tamm tamp tan tang tani tank tann tans tant tanu tao taos tap tape tapp taps tar tara taro tarp tarr tart tarte tarts tartt tartu tasch tash tasha task tasm tass taste tasty tat tata tatar tate tateho tatem tater tatge tatham tatom tatra tatro tatsch tatty tatu tatum taub taul taut tavy tax taxi tay tays teach teat teate teats tech teeth tenth tesh tet teta tete teti th thach thanh that thatch tilth tish tit tita tithe tito tits tkach tooth tosh tot tota tote toth toti toto tots trash trauth troth truth tuch tush tut tutt tutu utah vaeth vat vath vats voth waah wach wah walth warth wash wat watch watt watz with wrath yah zach teached ==> ached attached beached beachem beacher beaches belched bleached breached cached coached detached etched fetched leached leaches leashed mesched peacher peaches peachey perched poached preached reached reaches reacted searched tacked teach teacher teachers teaches teachey teamed teased teicher thacher thatched torched touched traced trachea tracked trashed teh ==> aah ae aer ah ahh ash ate atek aten ater ates bah be bea bec bed bee beg behl behm behn behr bel bem ben bes bet beth beu bev bey boeh cea cech cel ceo cep che dah de dea deb dec dech dee dehm dehn del den deo dep der des dev dew dex dey doh duh e eb ed ee eeg eel eeo eh ek el em en er es esh et etc etch ev ex fateh fe feb fed fee fehl fehn fehr fel fen fer few fey fez ged gee gehl gehm gehr gel gem gen geo get goh gtech h hah he hee heh hehl hehn hehr hem hen hep her heth hew hex hey hgh hoh huh ich ish itch itek itel item iten itoh je jeb jech jed jee jem jen jet jew jex joh kah ke kea kee keg kehl kehm kehn kehr kem ken keo ker kew key khe koh kreh le lea leah lech led lee leg leh lehl lehn lehr lei lek lem len leo lep les lesh let leth leu lev lew lex ley leyh loh lueh mah me mea mech med mee meg mehl mehr mei mel men meo mer mesh met meth mew mex mey mez mh mph mtel nah ne nec ned nee neg nej nel neo nes net neth neu new nex ney nez noh nth och oh ohh ooh osh otey pah pea pech pee peg pehl pei pen penh pep per pesh pet peth pew pez ph pih poh rah re rea rec rech red ree reeh ref reg reh reha rehg rehm rehn rem ren reo rep reph res resh ret rev rew rex rey roh ruh se sea sec see sehr sel sen seo sep set seth sew sex she sieh sneh stec stech stehr stem sten step steph stet stew suh t ta tab tac tad tae tag tai taj tak tal tam tan tao tap tar tash tat tax tay tb te tea teac teach teak teal team tear teas teat tebo tec tech techs techy teck teco ted tee teed teel teem teen teer tees teet teeth tehan teich teig tek tel tele tell temp ten tena tench tend teng tenn tens tent tenth teo tepe ter teri term tern tesch tese tesh tess test tet teta tete teti teva tew tews tex text th the thea thee them then theo thew they thi tho thy ti tia tic tie tied tien tier ties tieu tig til tim tin tip tis tish tit to toa tod toe toed toes tol tom ton too top tor tosh tot toth tov tow toy tre tree trek treu trew trey tri try ts tse tso tsu tu tub tuch tue tuel tug tuk tush tut tux tv tvs two ty tye tyer tyo ugh uh uhh utah utech uthe ve vee vegh ver vet vex vey wah we web wed wee wehe wehr wei wen wes wet wey yah ye yea yeah yee yeh yen yeo yep yer yes yet yew yoh ze zea zech zed zee zeh zehr zel zen zev zoh tehy ==> achy ashy athey behl behm behn behr bely bevy bey defy dehm dehn deny dery dewy dey eby eh ehly ely ethyl etty ewy fahy fehl fehn fehr fery fey gehl gehm gehr gehry gery hedy heh hehl hehn hehr hemy hey hy itchy keay kehl kehm kehn kehr key leahy lecy leh lehl lehn lehr leny levy lewy ley leyh mehl mehr mey ney otey peay pehl phy reay reh reha rehg rehm rehn rely remy reny rey seay sehr sevy sexy shy stehr steny tacy tavy tay te tea teac teak teal team tear teary teas teat tebo tec tech techs techy teck teco ted teddy tee teed teel teem teen teeny teer tees teet tehan teig tek tel tele tell telly temp ten tena tend teng tenn tenny tens tent teo tepe teply ter teri term tern terry tese tesh tess tessy test testy tet teta tete teti teva tevye tew tews tex text th the thea thee them then theo thew they thi tho thuy thy tichy tidy tiny toby tony tory toy tray trey troy try tuohy tupy ty tye very vey wehe wehr wery wey whey why yeh zeh zehr telelevision ==> television tendacy ==> tenancy tendency terrestial ==> terrestrial torrential territorist ==> territorial territories terrorist tghe ==> ache age agee agie agne ashe bahe che duhe ege egge egle gae gee ghee ghez goe gue he hgh ige igoe khe mahe nghi ogle ogre rahe rohe ruhe she tae tagge tagle tague taher tahoe take tale tame tape tate te tee tegge tele tepe tese tete th the thea thee them then theo thew they thi tho thy tice tide tie tighe tight tigue tike tile time tine tire tithe tobe toe tole tome tone tope tore tote towe toye tre tree trie true tse tube tude tue tune ture tyce tye tyke tyne type tyre ugh uthe wehe yohe thast ==> aghast ahart anast ast athas bast beast bhatt blast boast cast chait chant chart chas chase chasm chaste chat chats chest coast east fast feast gast ghost haft haist hait halt hart has hase hash haso hass hast hasta haste hasty hasz hat hats hatt haut host hust ihasz kast keast khat khost last least lhasa mast nast past phase quast rast roast shaft shalt shant shas shasta shatt tact taft tait tant tart tash task tasm tass taste tasty tat taut tcas teas tease teast teat teats test thabo thach thad thada thai thain thais thal thall tham than thane thang thanh thank thano thao thar tharp thaser that thau thaw thaws theft these thirst this those thrash thrust thuot thus thwart toast toasts tract trait trant trash trask traut trest trost trust tryst tvsat twas twist vast weast what whats yeast yoast themselfs ==> themself themselves ther ==> aber acer ader aer ager ahern ahner ahr aker amer asher ater athey atler auer auther aver ayer baer bather beer behr bier bither boer bother buer byer cather char che chea chee cheer chef chek chem chen cher cheri chern chert chery ches chet chew chez daher deer der dier dither doer duer dyer eber eder eger ehler either er esther ethel ether ethers ethier etter ever ewer eyer ezer father feher fehr fer fier fuer futher gather geer gehr ghee ghez gier goer har hater he hear hee heer heh hehr heir hem hen hep her hera herb herd here herk herl herm hern hero herr hers hert herz hew hex hey hier hither hur hyer iger iler iser iver iyer jeer kehr ker khe khem khmer kier kyer lather lehr luther maher mather meer mehr mer mier moher mother myer neer neher nether nier nother ober oder ofer ohern ohler ohmer ohr oler omer oser osher other others otter over oyer peer per phar phen phew pier poer rather reher rhea rhee rhem rhew roher rother ruther ryer ryther sather scher seer seher sehr sether shaer she shea shear shed sheer shek shen shep sher shere sheri sherk sherr shew shier shir shor shur steer stehr stier styer suther taber tae tager taher taker tamer taper tar tarr taser tater tauer taxer te tea tear tec ted tee teed teel teem teen teer tees teet tek tel ten tener teo teper ter teri term tern tet teter tether tew tex th thad thai thal thaler tham than thao thar tharp thaser that thau thaw thayer the thea theda thede thee theel theft theil thein their theirs theis them theme then theo theon theora theory thera therat there therm thermo theron these theta theus thew they thi thief thiel thiem thien thier thiery thies thin third thiry this tho thoen thom thon thor thora thorn thoro thorp thou three threw thru thud thug thul thum thun thur thurm thurn thus thuy thy thyra tiber ticer tie tied tien tier tiers ties tieu tiger timer tiner tire tisher tober toe toed toes toler tomer toner tor tore torr tour tower tozer traer tre tree trek treu trew trey trier truer tsar tse tue tuel tuner ture tye tyer tyger tyler tyner tyre uber uher uhler uhr user usher uthe uther utter veer ver wehr when where whet whew whey wier wither wyer yer yother zaher zehr zier zither ther ==> aber acer ader aer ager ahern ahner ahr aker amer asher ater athey atler auer auther aver ayer baer bather beer behr bier bither boer bother buer byer cather char che chea chee cheer chef chek chem chen cher cheri chern chert chery ches chet chew chez daher deer der dier dither doer duer dyer eber eder eger ehler either er esther ethel ether ethers ethier etter ever ewer eyer ezer father feher fehr fer fier fuer futher gather geer gehr ghee ghez gier goer har hater he hear hee heer heh hehr heir hem hen hep her hera herb herd here herk herl herm hern hero herr hers hert herz hew hex hey hier hither hur hyer iger iler iser iver iyer jeer kehr ker khe khem khmer kier kyer lather lehr luther maher mather meer mehr mer mier moher mother myer neer neher nether nier nother ober oder ofer ohern ohler ohmer ohr oler omer oser osher other others otter over oyer peer per phar phen phew pier poer rather reher rhea rhee rhem rhew roher rother ruther ryer ryther sather scher seer seher sehr sether shaer she shea shear shed sheer shek shen shep sher shere sheri sherk sherr shew shier shir shor shur steer stehr stier styer suther taber tae tager taher taker tamer taper tar tarr taser tater tauer taxer te tea tear tec ted tee teed teel teem teen teer tees teet tek tel ten tener teo teper ter teri term tern tet teter tether tew tex th thad thai thal thaler tham than thao thar tharp thaser that thau thaw thayer the thea theda thede thee theel theft theil thein their theirs theis them theme then theo theon theora theory thera therat there therm thermo theron these theta theus thew they thi thief thiel thiem thien thier thiery thies thin third thiry this tho thoen thom thon thor thora thorn thoro thorp thou three threw thru thud thug thul thum thun thur thurm thurn thus thuy thy thyra tiber ticer tie tied tien tier tiers ties tieu tiger timer tiner tire tisher tober toe toed toes toler tomer toner tor tore torr tour tower tozer traer tre tree trek treu trew trey trier truer tsar tse tue tuel tuner ture tye tyer tyger tyler tyner tyre uber uher uhler uhr user usher uthe uther utter veer ver wehr when where whet whew whey wier wither wyer yer yother zaher zehr zier zither thigsn ==> teigen thien thies thiesen thigh thighs thigpen thin thing things thins thirst this thissen thugs tigon twigs whigs thikning ==> hiking shining thanking thickening thieving thinkin thinking thinning twining whining throught ==> brought drought rought thorough though thought thoughts through throughout throughput throughs trough troughs wrought tiem ==> aim aime alem beem beim bem biel bien bier bies biev bihm brem chem cie ciel clem deem die died diehm diel diem diep dier dies diet diez difm dim dime eidem em fief fiel fier film firm gem giel gier gies heim hem hiam hieb hiems hier him hime iie im imm ism itek itel item items iten jem jie jim keim kem khem kiam kief kiel kier kies kiev kim kime kimm klem lem liam lie lieb lied lief liem lien lies lieu lim lime litem mien mier mies mihm milem mim mime niam nie nied niel niemi nier nies odem oie oien orem pie pied piel pier pies piet pimm poem prem priem reim rem rhem ried rief rieg riehm riek riel ries rim seem seim siam sie sieg sieh siek siem siems sies siew sim sime simm stem stief stieg stier swem tae tam tame tamm tasm tatem te tea team tec ted tee teed teel teem teems teen teer tees teet teig tek tel temp ten teo ter term tet tew tex tham the thea thee them theme then theo therm thew they thief thiel thiem thieme thien thier thies thom thum ti tia tian tiber tibet tibi tic tice ticer tick tics tidd tide tides tidy tie tied tiede tiedt tiegs tiein tieman tien tier tiers ties tietz tieu tiff tift tig tiger tike tikes tiki til tile tiled tiles tiley till tilt tim time timed timer times timex timm timme timms timmy timpe tims tin tina tine tiner tines ting tino tins tint tiny tip tipa tipo tipp tips tire tired tires tirey tis tish tit tita tito tits tivo toe toed toes tom tome totem tram tre tree trek treml treu trew trey trie tried trier tries trieu trim trimm trism tse tue tuel tye tyer vie vied viel vien vies viet view vim wied wien wier wies xie yie yim zieg ziehm ziel zier zim tihkn ==> bihn kihn mihn nihon rihn tehan than then thien thin think thon thun tian tick ticks tiein tieken tien tigon tike tiki timan timken timko timon tin tison titan tuhan tje ==> abe ace ade ae age aja ake ale ame ane ape are ate aue ave awe axe aye bae be bee boe bue bye che cie coe cue dae de dee die doe due dye e ede ee ege eke ere et eve ewe eye fae fe fee foe fye gae gee goe gue he hee hoe hue hwe hye ice ide ige iie ike ire ise j ja jae je jeb jed jee jem jen jet jew jex ji jie jo joe ju jue jute ke kee khe le lee lie loe lue lye mae me mee moe ne nee nej nie noe nye ode oie oj oja oji ole one ore ose otte owe oye pae pee pie poe pre pye que rae re ree roe rue rye se see she sie sue sze t ta tab tac tad tae tag tai taj tak take tal tale tam tame tan tao tap tape tar tat tate tax tay tb te tea tec ted tee teed teel teem teen teer tees teet tek tel tele ten teo tepe ter tese tet tete tew tex th the thea thee them then theo thew they thi tho thy ti tia tic tice tide tie tied tien tier ties tieu tig tike til tile tim time tin tine tip tire tis tit to toa tobe tod toe toed toes tol tole tom tome ton tone too top tope tor tore tot tote tov tow towe toy toye tre tree trek treu trew trey tri trie true try ts tse tso tsu tu tub tube tude tue tuel tug tuk tune ture tut tux tv tvs two ty tyce tye tyer tyke tyne tyo type tyre ude ure use uthe utke uwe ve vee vie vue we wee woe wye xie xue ye yee yie yoe yue ze zee zoe zue tjhe ==> ache ashe bahe che duhe he jae je jee jha jie joe jue khe mahe rahe rohe ruhe she tae taher tahoe take tale tame tape tate te tee tele tepe tese tete th the thea thee them then theo thew they thi tho thy tice tide tie tighe tike tile time tine tire tithe tobe toe tole tome tone tope tore tote towe toye tre tree trie true tse tube tude tue tune ture tyce tye tyke tyne type tyre uthe wehe yohe tobbaco ==> tobacco toback tobago tommorow ==> tomorrow torpeados ==> tornados torpedo torpedoes torpedos tounge ==> bounce bunge counce gouge grunge houge junge longe lounge lounges lunge monge mounce mounger ounce plunge pounce rouge runge stonge tange thune tinge tone tong tonga tonge tongs tongue tonie tonnage tonne toone touche tough toupee towne townie trounce troung trudge tunde tune tung twinge younce young younge younger youngs tradionally ==> rationally traditionally traditition ==> tradition transcendentational ==> NONE transcripting ==> transcribing transcription transcriptions transcripting ==> transcribing transcription transcriptions turnk ==> brunk bunk burak burck burek burk burn burne burns burnt crunk drunk dunk durn funk furno hunk hurn junk jurek kurek kurk lurk munk murk punk purk runk rurik strunk stunk sturn sunk tank tern terns thank think thunk thurn tonk torn torno torok trak trek trnka truck trunk trunks tucek tuck tuk tuna tune tung tunks tunku tunny turano turbo turck turco ture turek turf turi turin turing turk turko turks turn turnbo turned turner turney turnip turnkey turns turo turow turri tursi turski turvy tusk urn yunk yurek zurek zurn twon ==> adon alon amon aon aron aton avon awan awol axon ayon bon boon bown chon con coon cron deon dion don down dwan econ egon eon eron eton evon ewan ewen ewong ewton exon geon goon gown gwen gwin gwyn heon hon hoon hron hwan icon igon ikon ion iron ison iwan iwen iwo jon joon jwan kon koon kron kwan kwok kwon kwong leon lion lon loon lown lwin lyon mion mon moon neon non noon obon ocon okon on owen own peon pion pon poon ptyon quon rion ron ryon shon son soon sown suon swan swoon swor sworn talon tan tann tao taos teen tejon ten tenn teo tern teton than then theon thin tho thoen thom thon thone thong thor thorn thou thun tian tien tigon timon tin tino tison to toa tod toe tol tom ton tone tong toni tonk tonn tons tony too took tool toon toone toot top tor torn tot tov tow towe town towne towns tows towson toy tran treon trod tron trone troon trot trow troy tryon tso turn twain twang twas tween twig twin twine twins two twos tyo tyson upon von wan wen win wion wo woe wok won wond wong wonk wont woo wop wor worn wow woy yon yoon zion zon twpo ==> alpo capo cupo depo expo hypo iwo lupo okpo papo po pupo repo swapo taco tao tap tape tapp taps taro tebo teco tempo teo tepe thao theo tho tino tip tipa tipo tipp tips tito tivo to todo togo too top tope topol topor topp tops toro toso toto tow toyo trio tsao tso tufo tupa tupy turo twas twig twin two twos tyco tyo type typo who wo woo wop tyhat ==> byham chat hat khat nyhan tat teat tehan thad thai thal tham than thao thar that thau thaw treat tuhan tvsat tybalt tygar tygart tylan tynan tyra tyrant what tyhe ==> ache ashe aye ayre bahe bye byte che duhe dyce dyche dye dyke eyde eye eyre fye fyfe fyke he hyche hyde hye hyle hype hyre khe kyle kyne kyte lyde lye lyke lyle lyme lyne lyre mahe myhre myre nyce nye oye pye pyke pyle pyne pyre rahe rohe ruhe rye ryle she style styne syme tae taher tahoe take tale tame tape tate te tee tele tepe tese tete th the thea thee them then theo thew they thi tho thy thyme tice tide tie tighe tike tile time tine tire tithe tobe toe tole tome tone tope tore tote towe toye tre tree trie true tse tube tude tue tune ture tuyle ty tyce tyco tye tyer tyger tyke tylee tyler tyne tyner tynes tyo type typed types typo tyra tyre tyree tyres tyus uthe wehe wyche wye wyke wyle wyne wyre wyse wythe ye yee yeh yie yoe yohe yue tyrrany ==> tarrant terrana terrano torray tyranny tyrant ultimely ==> timely ultimately untimely unconfortability ==> NONE unconvential ==> unconventional uneccesary ==> NONE unneccesarily ==> unnecessarily unneccesary ==> unnecessary unplease ==> please unease unleash unrepetent ==> unrepentant unsed ==> anse ansel anted assed based burnsed bused bussed cursed cussed dunked dunned eased ended ensey ensued funded fused fussed gunned hosed hunted insel inset junked kneed lunged munsey mused ned need nied nosed numed nursed nusen onset ounsted posed pursed rused sensed sneed sued sunset tuned unbend und under undid uneo unger unisex united unmet unread unsaid unseal unseat unseen unsell unser unset unsold unted untied unused unwed upped upset urged use usec used user uses utsey wised unsed ==> anse ansel anted assed based burnsed bused bussed cursed cussed dunked dunned eased ended ensey ensued funded fused fussed gunned hosed hunted insel inset junked kneed lunged munsey mused ned need nied nosed numed nursed nusen onset ounsted posed pursed rused sensed sneed sued sunset tuned unbend und under undid uneo unger unisex united unmet unread unsaid unseal unseat unseen unsell unser unset unsold unted untied unused unwed upped upset urged use usec used user uses utsey wised unsucesful ==> unsuccessful unsucesfuly ==> NONE unsucessfull ==> unsuccessful unsuccessfully unsuprized ==> NONE unsuprizing ==> unsurprising unsuprizingly ==> unsurprisingly unweildly ==> unwieldy vaccume ==> accuse saccule vaccine vacuum vacuumed vacuums vailidty ==> validity validly vasall ==> aviall bacall basal basalt basgall cahall casal casale casali casals edsall hadsall hascall kasal kasell lasala lasalle lawall mayall nasal nasally ransall sall sawall vaal vadala vandall vanhall vasil vasile vasily vassal vassallo vassals vassel vastly viall vasalls ==> basalts casals lasalle nasally salls valls vassallo vassals vell ==> abell adell all amell aull avella ball beal beall beel behl beil bel bela beli belk bell bella belle belli bellm bello bells belly belo bels belt bely belz beyl bill boll buell bull call cavell cel cela cele cell cella celli cello cells celo cels celt chell clell coll covell cull dall deal deel del dela deli delk dell della delle delo delp dill doell doll duell dull dwell edell eel eels el ela elf elg eli elk ell ella elle ells elly elm els ely erl evel evil ewell ezell fall feel fehl feil fel fela feld fell fella fells fels felt fill foell full gall gehl geil gel gelb gell gelli gels gill goll grell gsell gull hall heal heel hehl heil hejl held helf hell helle hello helm help helt herl heyl hill hoell holl hull ill irell jell jello jelly jill kall keal keel kehl keil kell kelli kells kelly kelm kelp kerl kill kjell knell koll krell kull lall lavell leal lehl lela levell lill loll lovell lull lyell mall meal mehl mel meld mele meli mell mella melle melli mello melly melo melt merl mill moll mull nall neal neall neel neil neill nel nela nell nella nelle nelli nelly nels nepl nerl nill noell noll novell null odell pall peal peel pehl peil pelc pele pell pella pelle pels pelt pelz perl pill poll prell pull quell rall real reel reil relf reli rella rely reul revell rill roell roll sall savell seal seel seil sel sela self selk sell sella selle sells selz shell sill smell snell soll spell stell swell tall teal teall teel tel tele tell tello tells telly till toll tuell tull udell vaal vahl vail val vala vale valk valla valle valli vallo valls valu ve veal veale veals veba veda vee veen veep veer vees vega vegh veil veils vein veit vela velda veley velez velie veliz vella velma velo veloz velte vena venal venn veno vent ver vera verb vere verla vern vero vers vert very vesel vess vest vet veta veto vets vex vey vial viall viel viele vila vile villa ville villi voell voelz vogl vold volk voll volle volt volz vowell vsel vullo wall weil weill weld welk well welle wells welp welt welz weyl will woll yell yelle yells yelp zeal zel zele zell zelle zill zoll verison ==> arison aversion berkson bernson berson brison denison derision deriso edison eison elison emison ericson erikson erion everson frison gerson herbison herson iverson jemison jenison kenison larison levison merion merson morison orrison overson peirson person persson prison renison rison venison venson verboon verdon verizon verizons vernon veron version versions verisons ==> aversions edisons persons prisons venison verboons verizon verizons version versions versitilaty ==> versatility versitlity ==> versatility vigeur ==> giger iger kiger niger rigueur sigur tiger vaguer vigdor vigen viger vigor vigue vigus viner viper voyeur vreity ==> breit brevity deity freidy fruity greitz kreitz pretty reidy reily reit reith reits reitz treaty vanity variety varity varsity veit veith verify verit verity vyer ==> aber acer ader aer ager aker amer ater auer aver avner aye ayer ayers ayes ayler ayr ayre baer bayer beer beyer bier boer boyer bryer buer buyer bye byer byers byker byler byner byrer cayer cher coyer cryer cyber cyert cyr deer der dier doer dryer duer dwyer dyar dye dyed dyer dyes eber eder eger er ever ewer eye eyed eyer eyes eyler eyre ezer fer fier flyer foyer fryer fuer fye gayer geer geyer gier goer goyer guyer gyger gyr hayer heer her heyer hier hoyer hyder hye hyer hyers hyler hymer hyper hyre hyser iger iler iser iver iyer jeer ker kier kyer kyes kyger kyker kyler kyser kyzer layer loyer lye lyre lyter mayer meer mer meyer mier moyer myer myers myler myre neer neyer nier nye nyeri nyers nyet ober oder ofer oler omer oser over oye oyen oyer oyler payer peer per pier poer poyer pryer pye pyper pyre reyer royer ryder rye ryen ryer ryker rymer ryner ryser sayer seer seyer sher styer syed syers syler teer ter tier tye tyer tyger tyler tyner tyre uber uher user vader vater ve vee veen veep veer veers vees ver vera verb vere vern vero vers vert very vet vex vey viar vie vied viel vien viera viers vies viet view viger viner viper voir vore voter voyer voyeur vsel vue vy vyas weyer wier wye wyer wyers wyler wymer wyner wyre wyser ye yea year yee yeh yen yeo yep yer yes yet yew yves zier vyre ==> acre akre amre are aye ayer ayr ayre ayres bare bere bore brye bye byer byrd byrer byrge byrle byrn byrne byte care core crye cure cyr dare dire dore drye dyce dye dyer dyke ere eure eyde eye eyer eyre eyrie fare fire fore frye fye fyfe fyke gare gere gire gore gyr gyro hare here hire hyde hye hyer hyle hype hyre imre ire iyer jere jure kyer kyle kyne kyra kyte lare lire lore lure lyde lye lyke lyle lyme lyne lyra lyre mare mere mire more myer myhre myra myre myren myres nyce nye ogre ore oye oyer pare pere pore pre pure pye pyke pyle pyne pyre pyres pyro rare re rye ryer ryle ryrie sare sayre sere sire smyre sore sure syme syrek tire tore tre ture tyce tye tyer tyke tyne type tyra tyre tyree tyres ure vale vane vape vara vares vari varn varo vars vary vase ve vee veer ver vera verb verde vere vereb veres verex verge vern verne vero vers verse vert verve very vey veyne vibe vice vide vie vike vile vine viren vires virge vise vive voge vora vorce vore vose vote voyer vue vy vyas ware were wire wore wrye wye wyer wyke wyle wyne wyre wyse ye yee yer yie yoe yore yue zayre warantee ==> guarantee warranted wendsay ==> lindsay wenda wends wendy wensday ==> newsday wednesday weekday wenda wendy wesray wholy ==> ahola ahold ahoy choy dhole ehly hoey hola hold hole holl holly holm holt holy holz hotly houy hovy hoy joly moly phony poly rhody sholl sholly showy shyly thole tholl unholy wally wehrly whale whaley whey while whiny whitly who whoa whole wholes wholey wholly whom whoo whoop whore whorl whorley whorls whose why willy wily wohl wola wold wolf wolk woll wolz woody wool wooley woolf woolly wools wooly woozy woy wryly wyly wih ==> aah ah ahh ai aid ail aim air ais aix ash bah bi bib bic bid big bihl bihm bihn bil bin bio bip bir bis bish bit bix biz chi cia cid cie cwik dah di dia dic did die dif dig dim din dinh dip dis dish dith dix doh duh dwi eh eich eid ein eir eis esh ewig fi fig fil fin fir fis fish fit fix gib gig gil gin gish goh gwin h hah heh hgh hi hid high him hip his hit hix hoh huh i ia ib ich id if iie il im in io ip iq is ish it iwo ji jia jib jie jif jig jil jim jin joh kah ki kia kid kihn kim kin kip kir kis kish kit koh kwik leh li lia lib lich lid lie lil lim lin linh lip lis lish lit liu liv liz loh lwin mah mh mi mia mib mic mich mid mig mihm mihn mil mim min minh mir mis mish mit mix mph nah ni nib nic nie nigh nik nil nip nir nit nix noh nth och oh ohh oi oie oil ooh osh pah ph phi pi pia pic pie pig pih pihl pik pil pin pio pip pit pith pix poh qi qin rah reh ria rib ric rich rid rig riha rihn rim rio rip rish rix riz roh ruh shi shih si sib sic sid sie sieh sig sigh sikh sil sim sin sip sir sis sit siu six suh swig swim swish th thi ti tia tic tie tig til tim tin tip tis tish tit twig twin ugh uh uhh vi via vic vie vig vik vim vin vip vis viv w wa waah wach wad wag wah wahl wai waid waif wail wain wais wait wal wan war was wash wat wax way we web wed wee wehe wehr wei weich weigh weihe weik weil wein weir weis weith wen wes wet wey which whig whim whip whit whiz who why wian wice wich wick wide width wiech wied wiehe wien wier wies wife wifi wig wigg wight wigs wii wik wike wiki wil wild wile wilk will wilt wily wimp wims win winch wind wine wing wink winn wino wins wint wion wipe wipf wire wirt wirth wiry wirz wis wisch wise wish wishy wisp wiss wist wisz wit witch with withe wits witt witz wix wiz wm wo woe wohl wok won woo wop wor wow woy writ wry ws wu wy wye wyk xi xie xio yah yeh yi yie yim yin yip yoh zeh zi zia zich zig zil zim zip ziv zoh wiht ==> aist baht bight bihl bihm bihn birt bit chit cist diet dint dirt dith dwight eight fiat fight fist fit fitt gift gilt girt gist hight hilt hint hirt hit hitt it jilt kight kihn kilt kint kirt kist kit kitt licht lift light lilt lint list lit litt might mihm mihn milt mint miot mist mit mitt night nist nit picht piet pih pihl pint pit pith pitt rift right riha rihn riot rist ritt shit sift sight silt sit swift swint tift tight tilt tint tit twist viet vint vist vitt waft wah wahl waist wait waitt walt want wart wat watt wayt wecht wehe wehr weicht weight weihe weist weith welt went wept wert west wet what whet whig whim whip whit white whitt whiz who why wian wiant wiatt wicat wice wich wick wide width wied wiehe wien wier wies wiest wife wifi wig wigg wight wigs wii wik wike wiki wil wild wildt wile wilk will wilt wilts wiltz wily wimp wims win wind windt wine wing wink winn wino wins wint wintz wion wipe wipf wire wirt wirth wirtz wiry wirz wis wise wish wishy wisp wiss wist wisz wit witch with withe wits witt witte witts witty witz wix wiz wohl wont wright wrist writ wille ==> OK witn ==> aiton bien bihn bin binn bit bite bits bitz cian cite citi city dian din dint dion dith ein fin finn fit fite fits fitt fitz gian gin ginn gwin gwinn hinn hint hirn hit hite hits hitt hitz ian ibn in inn ion it ita iten ito its iwan iwen jian jin kian kihn kiln kin kinn kint kirn kit kita kite kits kitt kitz kwitny lian lien lin linn lint lion lit lita litan lite lits litt litz lwin mien mihn min mint mion mit mita mite miti mitt nit nita nite nito nitz oien pin pinn pint pion pit pita pith pits pitt pity pitz qian qin rihn rijn rinn rion rita rite ritt ritz sian sign sin sinn sit site sito sits sitz swint tian tien tin tint tit tita titan tito tits twin twite vian vien vin vint vita viti vito vitt wain wait waite waits waitt waln wan wann want warn wat watne watt watz wean wein weith weitz wen went wet wetz whan when whit white whiten whiton whitt wian wiant wiatt wice wich wick wide widen width wied wien wiens wier wies wife wifi wig wigen wigg wigs wigton wii wik wike wiki wil wild wile wilen wilk will wilt wilton wilts wiltz wily wiman wimp wims win wind windt wine wing wink winn winne winny wino wins wint winton wintz wion wipe wipf wire wirt wirth wirtz wiry wirz wis wise wish wisp wiss wist wisz wit witch witco witek with withe within witkin witman wits witt witte witten witton witts witty witz wix wixon wiz wizen won wont worn wotan wren writ write writs wyan wynn xian yin zinn zion zita zito wnat ==> ana anac anal anas anast ant asat at bat beat boat brat cant cat chat coat dant dat dna donat eat elat ena enact ent fant fat feat fiat flat gant gat gnat gnats gnau gnaw goat hat heat hnat ina jna kant kat khat knab knit knot knut krat lant lat mat meat moat na nab nad nag nah nam nan nap nast nat nata nate nath nato nats nau nav naw nay neat net nit not nut oat ona onan onate pant pat peat puat rant rat roat sant sat scat seat slat snag snap snay snot sonat spat stat swat sweat tant tat teat that una unit vat wa waag waah waal waas wad waft wag wah wai wait wal walt wan wanat wand wane wang wank wann want wanta wante wants wantz war wart was wat watt watz wax way wayt weak wean weant wear weast welt wendt went wept wert wesat west wet wham whan what whate whats wheat whet whit wian wiant wiatt wicat wilt winant windt wint wirt wist wit witt wnek wnuk wont wrap wrath wray writ wyan wyant wyatt yant zant worls ==> berls boals boils bolls bores boris borns boros bors borys bowls carls coals coils cools corals cords cores corks corl corle corns corps curls dolls dols doris dorms earls eworld foils fools fords forks forms fors forts forys fouls girls goals gores goris horns hors horus howls jowls karls kohls korns lords loris morals mores moris moros morss nolls norms oils ores orks orla orly oros owls perls polls pols pools pores ports rolls soils sores soros sorts sorus souls swirls swords toils tolls tools torts twirls voris voros wails walls wards wares warms warns warps wars warts wells werle werts whores whorl whorls wills wires woes wohl woks wola wold wolf wolk woll wolle wolz wonks woods wool woolf wools wooly woos wops wor word words wordy wore work works worlco world worlds worley worm worms worn worry worse worst worth worths worts would wows wurl yorks ws ==> OK wtih ==> dith etch itch itoh lti nth otis pih pith shih stich stig stihl stil stir stith th thi ti tia tic tie tig til tim tin tip tis tish tit twig twin utah waah wach wah wai waid waif wail wain wais wait wash watch wei weich weigh weihe weik weil wein weir weis weith which whig whim whip whit whiz wich width wig wii wik wil win wirth wis wish wit witch with withe wits witt witz wix wiz writ xenophoby ==> xenophobia xenophobic xenophon yatch ==> arch asch atco auch bach balch barch basch batch bath bauch bautch bitch botch butch catch catchy dasch dauch ditch dutch each etch fatah fateh fath fetch fitch futch gach gatch gath gauch gotch hach hasch hatch hath hauch hitch hutch itch jauch kach karch kasch kath ketch kitch kotch kutch lach larch lasch latch lath latsch lauch mach march masch match math matsch mauch mitch mutch nath notch oath parch partch pasch patch patchy patco path pitch rach ranch rasch rath rauch ritch satoh snatch stach sutch swatch tasch tatsch thatch vath veatch wach walch wasch watch witch yacht yack yah yancy yater yates yauch zach yearm ==> alarm arm beahm beam bear beara beard beare bears beary berm ceara charm deam dear deary ear earl earn earp ears eary farm fear fearn fears ferm gear gears geary germ harm hear heard hearl hearn hears heart herm kear kearn keary lear leard learn leary mear meara mears near nears neary pear pearl pears peart peary realm ream rear rearm rears seam sear searl sears sharm swarm team tear teare tears teary term unarm warm wear wears weary yam yard yarn yea yeah year yearby yearly yearn yearns years yeary yeas yeast yeats yeiri yer yoram yersa ==> aversa ayers ayerst bera berea beria berka berna berra berst berta byers cera cerda cerna cerra cerska corsa derma derosa dorsa eisa elsa era eras erda erisa erma erna erra ers essa femsa fera feria ferra gera gerda gersh gerst hera herda hers hersh herst herta hyers jirsa kera kersh kerst kresa lerma lesa lyerla merna mers merta mesa messa myers nessa neysa nyers orsa pera peras perea peria perla perma perna perra pers perse persia ressa sera serda seria serna serpa serra sessa syers teresa terra terse tessa ursa vera veras verba verda verga verla verma verna veroa vers versa verse werst wyers xers yea year years yeas yeast yedda yer yerby yerena yerian yerke yerman yerxa yes yest yetta yorba zera ytou ==> abou atom aton atop ator chou cou eton etsu eyton hou igou iou ito itoh ketou liou lou ou pou ryton stol stop stoup stout stow stoy stu thou to toa tobu tod toe tofu tol tom ton too top tor toru tot tour tout tov tow toy tsu tu tyo yao yau yeo yo yoe yoh yom yon yoo yoon yoor yoos yott you youn your yous yow yoy yu zhou joo ==> OK