DSA Homework 4
Due date: 20160508 23:59:59
Simulation of Stock Trading
Problem definition
An online computer system for trading stock needs to process bids of
the form ¡§buy 100 shares at $x$ each¡¨ or ¡§sell 50 shares at $y$ each.¡¨ A
buy bid for $x$ can only be processed if there is an existing sell bid
with price $y$ such that $y \leq x$. Likewise, a sell bid for $y$ can only be
processed if there is an existing buy bid with price $x$ such that $x \geq y$.
If a buy or sell bid is entered but cannot be processed, it must wait
for a future bid that allows it to be processed. Write a program that
allows for buy and sell bids to be entered in O(log n) time, independent
of whether or not they can be immediately processed.
The input file lists the bids in chronicle order, with the following fields:
bidId clientId action price shareCount
These fields are described next:
- bidId: ID of the bid, which is a zero or positive number in ascending order
- clientId: ID of the client, which ranges from 0 to 999.
- action: 0 for buy, 1 for sell, 2 for cancel
- price: Price to buy or sell (If action=2, then this field is actually bidId.)
- shareCount: No. of shares to buy or sell (If action=2, then this field is always 0.)
An typical example of input file is as follows:
0 983 1 114 2
1 741 0 128 41
2 816 0 183 68
3 244 1 171 100
4 712 1 125 1
5 543 1 127 61
6 934 1 144 74
7 234 0 173 68
8 48 1 181 58
9 883 0 139 39
The output lists all the possible transactions in chronicle order, with the following fields:
transId buyClientId sellClientId transPrice transShareCount
For instance, the output corresponding to the previous example input is shown next:
0 741 983 114 2
1 816 244 171 68
2 741 712 125 1
3 741 543 127 38
4 234 543 127 23
5 234 934 144 45
Fields in both input and output are separated by tab.
Requirements & suggestions
- To generate the transaction list, you need to maintain a buy list and a sell list.
- To find the max. of the buy list, you need to implement it as a heap to support O(log n) tiime for "remove max".
- Similarly, to find the min. of the sell list, you need to implement it as a heap to support O(log n) time for "remove min".
- To make things easier, "cancel" can be done by linear scanning to have O(n) complexity. If you can implement "cancel" with O(log n) complexity, you'll be awarded with 10 extra points.
- You can safely assume that all the given data is well hehaved without exceptions. (For instance, the price is always positive, etc.)
- The output is unique.
- If two same-price bids are available, the system should take the one with the smallest bidId first for any possible transactions. To ensure this, your heaps should be "stable" such that when there are two nodes with the same minimum in a min heap, the one with smaller bidId should be put at the root. (Same for max heaps.)
- TAs will use a test case to test the correctness of your program, with a time limit to determine if you use heaps or not.
- As usual...
- Your program should take the input from the standard input and send the output to the standard output.
- You need to write the program from scratch. You cannot use any open-source or readily available solvers.
Test cases
- No. of bids = 10: input1.txt, output1.txt
- No. of bids = 1000: input2.txt, output2.txt
- No. of bids = 10000: input3.txt, output3.txt
- No. of bids = 1000 (with "cancel"): input6.txt, output6.txt
- No. of bids = 10000 (with "cancel"): input7.txt, output7.txt
The time limit for each test case is 4 second.
Submission guidelines
Please submit your code with GitHub as directed in the GitHub submission guide. Your directory structure (under GitHub repository) should be:
- hw4/*, your source code.
- hw4/Makefile, where the TAs can use the command ¡¨make¡¨ on CSIE R217 linux machines to compile your code, and ¡¨make run¡¨ to run your program.
You have to make sure your code can be compiled on CSIE R217 linux machines with your Makefile and run normally since we will test your program on CSIE R217 linux machines.