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<%  If Request("SaveFile")<>Empty Then
      FileName = Request("FileName")
      Set fs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      Set txtf = fs.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(FileName), 2, True)
      txtf.Write Request("Content")
End If %>

<!--#include file=""-->

<%  FileName = Request("FileName") %>
<%  Set fs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set txtf = fs.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(FileName))
If Not txtf.atEndOfStream Then ' 先確定還沒有到達結尾的位置
      Content = txtf.ReadAll ' 讀取整個檔案的資料
End If

' Find the max. numbers of rows and columns
lines = Split(Content, vbCrLf )
maxrows = UBound(lines)+5
maxcols = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(Lines)
      If maxcols<len(lines(i)) Then
           maxcols = len(lines(i))
      End If
maxcols = 100

function deEscape() {
      if (event.keyCode==27) // 取消 ESC 的內建功能
           return false;
      else if (event.keyCode==123) // 按 F12 可進行檔案之儲存

<SCRIPT  language="javascript">
function CheckTab(el) { // 按 Tab 鍵可以順利插入定位鍵
      // Run only in IE and if tab key is pressed
      if ((document.all) && (9==event.keyCode)) {
           // Cache the selection
           el.selection = document.selection.createRange();
           el.selection.text = String.fromCharCode(9)

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=big5">
<H2 align=center>編輯 "<%=FileName%>" 的原始碼</H2>
<!--(亦可按 F12 進行檔案儲存)-->
<form target=resultPage name=editFileForm method=POST>
<p><input type=submit name=SaveFile value="儲存檔案"><input type=reset value="恢復原值"><input type=button value="移除認證" onClick="javascript:location.href='delauth.asp'"><p>
<textarea rows=<%=maxrows%>  cols=<%=maxcols%>  name=Content ONKEYDOWN="CheckTab(this)"><%=Server.HTMLEncode(Content)%></textarea>
<p><input type=submit name=SaveFile value="儲存檔案"><input type=reset value="恢復原值"><input type=button value="移除認證" onClick="javascript:location.href='delauth.asp'"><p>
<input type=hidden name=FileName value=<%=FileName%>>
<!--#include file="../"-->