(translator=pacific, ChineseSource=pacific-20020720-8\plotmatrix.html, EnglishSource=c:\matlabr12\help\techdoc\ref\plotmatrix.html)
MATLAB Function Reference    

畫出分佈圖(scatter plots)



plotmatrix(X,Y) 畫出 X 直行對 Y 直行所組成的分佈圖(Scatter plots the columns of X against the columns of Y)。若 Xp x m 的矩陣, Yp x n 的矩陣, plotmatrix 會產生 n x m 個軸的分佈圖。 plotmatrix(Y)plotmatrix(Y,Y) 唯一的不同處在於位於對角線的分佈圖將為 hist(Y(:,i))所代替。

plotmatrix(...,'LineSpec') 使用 LineSpec 的方式來產生分佈圖。預設值為 '.'

[H,AX,BigAx,P] = plotmatrix(...) 回傳產生圖形物件的處理矩陣 H,對各別軸的分怖圖的處理矩陣 AX,對切成各別小軸的(看不見)大軸的處理矩陣 BigAx,對長條圖(histogram plots)的處理矩陣 P(returns a matrix of handles to the objects created in H, a matrix of handles to the individual subaxes in AX, a handle to a big (invisible) axes that frames the subaxes in BigAx, and a matrix of handles for the histogram plots in P.)。 下行不懂-> BigAx is left as the current axes so that a subsequent title, xlabel, or ylabel commands are centered with respect to the matrix of axes.



See Also

scatter, scatter3

 plotedit plotyy