MATLAB Function Reference    

Allocate matrix for movie frames



moviein allocates an appropriately sized matrix for the getframe function.

M = moviein(n) creates matrix M having n columns to store n frames of a movie based on the size of the current axes.

M = moviein(n,h) specifies a handle for a valid figure or axes graphics object on which to base the memory requirement. You must use the same handle with getframe. If you want to capture the axis in the frames, specify h as the handle of the figure.

M = moviein(n,h,rect) specifies the rectangular area from which to copy the bitmap, relative to the lower-left corner of the figure or axes graphics object identified by h. rect = [left bottom width height], where left and bottom specify the lower-left corner of the rectangle, and width and height specify the dimensions of the rectangle. Components of rect are in pixel units. You must use the same handle and rectangle with getframe.


moviein is no longer meeded as of MATLAB Release 11 (5.3). In earlier versions, pre-allocating a movie increased performance, but there is no longer a need to do this.

See Also

getframe, movie

 movie2avi msgbox