MATLAB Function Reference    

List the dependent directories of an M-file or P-file



The depdir function lists the directories of all of the functions that a specified M-file or P-file needs to operate. This function is useful for finding all of the directories that need to be included with a runtime application and for determining the runtime path.

list = depdir('file_name') creates a cell array of strings containing the directories of all the M-files and P-files that file_name.m or file_name.p uses. This includes the second-level files that are called directly by file_name, as well as the third-level files that are called by the second-level files, and so on.

[list,prob_files,prob_sym,prob_strings] = depdir('file_name') creates three additional cell arrays containing information about any problems with the depdir search. prob_files contains filenames that depdir was unable to parse. prob_sym contains symbols that depdir was unable to find. prob_strings contains callback strings that depdir was unable to parse.

[...] = depdir('file_name1','file_name2',...) performs the same operation for multiple files. The dependent directories of all files are listed together in the output cell arrays.


See Also


 delete (serial) depfun