MATLAB Function Reference    

General Purpose Commands
Managing Commands and Functions
addpath Add directories to MATLAB's search path
doc Display HTML documentation in Help browser
docopt Display location of help file directory for UNIX platforms
genpath Generate a path string
help Display M-file help for MATLAB functions in the Command Window
helpbrowser Display Help browser for access to all MathWorks online help
helpdesk Display the Help browser
helpwin Display M-file help and provide access to M-file help for all functions
lasterr Last error message
lastwarn Last warning message
license license
lookfor Search for specified keyword in all help entries
partialpath Partial pathname
path Control MATLAB's directory search path
pathtool Open the GUI for viewing and modifying MATLAB's path
profile Start the M-file profiler, a utility for debugging and optimizing code
profreport Generate a profile report
rehash Refresh function and file system caches
rmpath Remove directories from MATLAB's search path
support Open MathWorks Technical Support Web Page
type List file
ver Display version information for MATLAB, Simulink, and toolboxes
version Get MATLAB version number
web Point Help browser or Web browser at file or Web site
what List MATLAB-specific files in current directory
whatsnew Display README files for MATLAB and toolboxes
which Locate functions and files


Managing Variables and the Workspace
clear Remove items from the workspace
disp Display text or array
length Length of vector
load Retrieve variables from disk
memory Help for memory limitations
mlock Prevent M-file clearing
munlock Allow M-file clearing
openvar Open workspace variable in Array Editor, for graphical editing
pack Consolidate workspace memory
save Save workspace variables on disk
saveas Save figure or model using specified format
size Array dimensions
who, whos List the variables in the workspace
workspace Display the Workspace Browser, a GUI for managing the workspace


Controlling the Command Window
clc Clear Command Window
echo Echo M-files during execution
format Control the display format for output
home Move cursor to upper left corner of Command Window
more Control paged output for the Command Window


Working with Files and the Operating Environment
beep Produce a beep sound
cd Change working directory
checkin Check file into source control system
checkout Check file out of source control system
cmopts Get name of source control system, and PVCS project filename
copyfile Copy file
customverctrl Allow custom source control system
delete Delete files or graphics objects
diary Save session to a disk file
dir Display a directory listing
dos Execute a DOS command and return the result
edit Edit an M-file
fileparts Get filename parts
filebrowser Display Current Directory browser, for viewing files
fullfile Build full filename from parts
info Display contact information or toolbox Readme files
inmem Functions in memory
ls List directory on UNIX
matlabroot Get root directory of MATLAB installation
mkdir Make new directory
open Open files based on extension
pwd Display current directory
tempdir Return the name of the system's temporary directory
tempname Unique name for temporary file
undocheckout Undo previous checkout from source control system
unix Execute a UNIX command and return the result
! Execute operating system command


Starting and Quitting MATLAB
finish MATLAB termination M-file
exit Terminate MATLAB
matlab Start MATLAB (UNIX systems only)
matlabrc MATLAB startup M-file
quit Terminate MATLAB
startup MATLAB startup M-file

 Functions by Category Operators and Special Characters