MATLAB Function Reference    

Loads Handle Graphics object from a file



h = hgload('filename') loads a handle graphics object and its children if any from the file specified by filename. If filename contains no extension, then MATLAB adds the ".fig" extension.

h = hgload('filename','all') overrides the default behavior, which does not reload non-serializable objects saved in the file. These objects include the default toolbars and default menus.

Non-serializable objects are normally not reloaded because they are loaded from different files at figure creation time. This allows revisions of the default menus and toolbars to occur without affecting existing fig-files. Passing the string all to hgload insures that any non-serializable objects contained in the file are also reloaded.

Note that by default, hgsave excludes non- serializable objects from the fig-file unless you use the all flag.

See Also

hgsave, open

 hex2num hgsave