function qbshFileList(auSet, singer) % qbshFileList: List each file in badWave.htm after QBSH % % Usage: % qbshFileList(auSet) % qbshFileList(auSet, singer) % % Description: % auSet can be obtained after running goTest.m % ====== Take the data from a specific singer if nargin>1 auSet=auSet(strcmp(singer, {auSet.singer})); if isempty(auSet), error('Cannot find files from the given singer %s!', singer); end end if isempty(auSet), error('Given auSet is empty!'); end outputHtmlFile=[tempname, '.html']; rank=[auSet.rank]; [junk, index]=sort(rank, 'descend'); fid=fopen(outputHtmlFile, 'w'); fprintf(fid, '
    \n'); for i=1:length(index); wavPath=auSet(index(i)).path; pvPath=[wavPath(1:end-3), 'pv']; fprintf(fid, '
  1. rank=%g
    Wave: %s
    Pitch: %s\r\n', auSet(index(i)).rank, wavPath, wavPath, pvPath, pvPath); end fprintf(fid, '
\n'); fclose(fid); fprintf('Write list of ranked wave files to "%s".\n', outputHtmlFile); dos(['start ', outputHtmlFile]);