Recording Task:

Roger Jang (張智星)

In this recording task, you are required to record your tapping at the onset of each music note of (at least) 10 songs out of 48 children's songs. Moreover, you also need to label the onset time of your recordings for other assignments, such as onset time detection and query by tapping. Hence this task involves two parts, recording and onset labeling. Please follow the following steps closely.

  1. Please create the directory "tappingRecording" first. All the downloaded files should be put in this directory.
  2. Download the recording program at tappingRecordingProgram.rar. Expand the rar file into a directory "tappingRecording/tappingRecordingProgram". Please follow the direction within the "readme.txt" file, as follows. Before start your recording, please check out the contents of songList.txt: hictory dickory dock_不詳_0 humpty dumpty_不詳_0 ... 十個印第安人_不詳_0 三輪車_不詳_0 ... The format is: songTitle_singerName_positionCode songTitle: title of the song singerName: name of the singer positionCode: 0 indicates singing from beginning, 1 indicates singing from anywhere. (For this task, it's all singing from the beginning.) Some of the song titles are in Chinese, which should not be a problem. You are encouraged to hear the MIDI files first since many famous children's songs have the same tune but different names. Pleae enter "go" within MATLAB to start your recording. The following is Chinese translation: 要錄音前,請先看看歌單 songList.txt,其內容如下: hictory dickory dock_不詳_0 humpty dumpty_不詳_0 ... 十個印第安人_不詳_0 三輪車_不詳_0 ... 其格式為:歌名_歌星_位置代碼 歌名:歌曲的名稱 歌星:歌曲的原唱者,若不知道此歌曲的原唱者,即為「不詳」 位置代碼:若是 0,代表從頭唱,若是1,代表從中間唱。(本次錄音都是從頭唱,所以都是 0。) 請在 MATLAB 下輸入 go,即可開始進行錄音。 The following is the contents of tappingRecordingProgram/songList.txt: I'm the teapot_不詳_0 I've been working on the railroad_不詳_0 hictory dickory dock_不詳_0 humpty dumpty_不詳_0 merrily we roll along_不詳_0 six little ducks_不詳_0 skip to my lou_不詳_0 the farmer in the dell_不詳_0 wheels on the bus_不詳_0 yankee doodle_不詳_0 十個印第安人_不詳_0 三輪車_不詳_0 小毛驢_不詳_0 小星星_不詳_0 小茶壺_不詳_0 火車快飛_不詳_0 王老先生有塊地_不詳_0 世上只有媽媽好_不詳_0 只要我長大_不詳_0 生日快樂_不詳_0 西風的話_不詳_0 兩隻老虎_不詳_0 明天會更好_不詳_0 泥娃娃_不詳_0 虎姑婆_不詳_0 長城謠_不詳_0 青春舞曲_不詳_0 秋蟬_不詳_0 茉莉花_不詳_0 倫敦鐵橋垮下來_不詳_0 捕魚歌_不詳_0 捉泥鰍_不詳_0 高山青_不詳_0 甜蜜的家庭_不詳_0 魚兒魚兒水中游_不詳_0 喔,蘇珊娜_不詳_0 童年_張艾嘉_0 萍聚_李翊君_0 當我們同在一起_不詳_0 遊子吟_不詳_0 綠油精_不詳_0 潑水歌_不詳_0 蝴蝶_不詳_0 蝸牛與黃鸝鳥_銀霞_0 魯啦啦_不詳_0 龍的傳人_李健復_0 懶惰蟲_不詳_0 歡樂年華_不詳_0 During your recording, pay attentions to the following items:
  3. After recording, you can proceed with the second step of onset labeling. TA will demonstrate how to do this part using CoolEdit.
  4. During the above steps, please do not change any file names or file contents manually. Otherwise it will cause errors in the follow-up procedures for computing the recognition rates.
  5. After onset labeling, the onset information is written back into the wave files. You can use CoolEdit to view the onsets, or use "wavReadInt" (in SAP toolbox) to display the onsets using MATLAB.
  6. Please compress the wave directory using winrar and upload it to TA's server. Please get in touch with TA if you have any problem uploading the file.