Programming Contest:

Roger Jang (±i´¼¬P)

Old Chinese version

The goal of this programming contest is to let students get familiar with the use of GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) for speaker recognition. The students are required to tune a set of parameters to improve the recognition rates.

  1. Data to download:

  2. How to execute the example program:

  3. What you need to demonstrate during the class: (Hint: Be sure to save the speakerData for further processing, since we do not change the feature set.)

  4. How to modify the program to get better utterance-based recognition rates (please refer to "Robust Text-Independent Speaker Identification using Gaussian Mixture Speaker Models"):

  5. Performance evaluation: our TA will carry out both inside and outside tests to compute utterance-based recognition rates based on all the utterances (odd-indexed utterances as the training and even-indexed as the test set), and to have their average as the final performance index.

  6. The files for uploading: