MATLAB File Listing

File nameH1 helpFile size
epdAuSetRead.m epdAuSetRead: Read all audio files from the given audio directory 1582 Bytes
epdFileCheck.m epdFileCheck: Check each file after EPD 1427 Bytes
epdPerfEval.m epdPerfEval: EPD (endpoint detection) performance evaluation 1265 Bytes
epdPlot.m epdPlot: Display audio signals and their end-points 1679 Bytes
epdScore.m epdScore: Compute the recognition score of EPD 948 Bytes
epdSpeakerRr.m epdSpeakerRr: List of RR of each speaker 1042 Bytes
goPrmTune.m This is an example of exhaustive search to find the optimal parameter value for EPD 852 Bytes
goTest.m This is the main program for obtaining the recognition rate of EPD 1071 Bytes
myEpd.m myEpd: a simple example of EPD 2786 Bytes
myEpdOptSet.m myEpdOptSet: Returns the options (parameters) for EPD 159 Bytes