Voiced sound detection (VSD) Flowchart for HMM: 1. goDataCollect: Collect training/test data 2. getTransProb: Compute transition probability and store it as transProb.mat 3. goGmmcDesign: Get GMM for each state (Input index should be set to [1 2 3] to select all inputs) 4. goHmmTestOne: Test HMM on a wave file 5. goHmmTestAll: Test HMM on all wave files 6. goHmmTrainTestAll: Train and test HMM on all wave files Flowchart for QC: 1. goDataCollect: Collect training/test data 2. goSelectInput: Select 2 inputs 3. goQcDesign: QC design Data visualization: 1. goPlotDataAll: Data plots of all kinds 2. goPlotSelectedInput: 2D scatter data plot of the selected inputs Function list: vsdParamSet.m: Set up parameters for VSD wave2feature.m: Wave to feature conversion waveDecode.m: Decode a wave for VSD