檔案名稱 | 單列說明 | 函數用法 | 檔案大小
fileRead.m | fileRead: Read the contents of a file and put it into a cell string
| contents = fileRead(fileName)
| 870 |
fileWrite.m | fileWrite: Write a cell string to a file
| fileWrite(cellStr, fileName)
| 781 |
findInc.m | findInc: Find included files in a given C file
| out = findInc(fileName)
| 1051 |
findRecord.m | findRecord: Find a record according to a field's value
| index = findRecord(record, field, fieldValue, exactMatch)
| 764 |
getHomePage.m | getHomePage: Get homepage from a given url address
| contents = getHomePage(urlAddress)
| 955 |
join.m | join: Join a cell string based on a given delimiter
| str = join(cellStr, delimiter)
| 704 |
localMax.m | localMax: Find local maxima of a vector
| index = localMax(x, plotOpt)
| 723 |
localMin.m | localMin: Find local minima of a vector
| index = localMin(x, plotOpt)
| 723 |
rawRead.m | rawRead: Read a binary .raw file (e.g., for those dumped from AP170)
| y = rawRead(rawFile)
| 198 |
rawWrite.m | rawWrite: Write data to a binary .raw file
| rawWrite(matrix, rawFile)
| 189 |
split.m | split: Split a string based on a given delimiter
| tokenList = split(str, delimiter)
| 556 |