Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing

by J.-S. R. Jang, C.-T. Sun, and E. Mizutani


" Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing is a thoroughly up-to-date text with a wealth of information which is well-organized, clearly presented, and illustrated by many examples. It is required reading for anyone who is interested in acquiring a solid background in soft computing -- a partnership of methodologies which play pivotal roles in the conception, design, and application of intelligent systems. "
-- Lotfi A. Zadeh, Professor Emeritus of EECS Department, UC Berkeley
" An examplary fusing of the new technologies of fuzzy sets, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing is a Ten! "
-- Mark J. Wierman, Center for Research in Fuzzy Mathematics and Computer Science, Creighton Univeristy
" Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing, as a mature and extensive coverage of neuro-fuzzy soft computing, demonstrates a paradigm shift in managing complexity, uncertainty and subjectivity. "
-- Irena Nagisetty, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Development, Ford Motor Company

Other things you might want to know about the book:

More info about the book Companion Soft Computing Toolbox (over 200 files) used in the book. Slides for instructors. These are MS Powerpoint file. Errata: HTML version or PostScript file (For 1st and 2nd reprint of the book)


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