Technical Program Overview

Welcome y’all to Dallas, Texas for the 35th edition of ICASSP, the world’s premier Signal Processing Conference. This year we received 2855 submissions including those invited for 10 special sessions. The technical diversity of the Signal Processing Society continues to grow and evolve. Below is a summary of the submissions ranked according to the various Signal Processing Society Technical Committees (TCs):

Technical AreaTC CodeSubmitted PapersAccepted Papers
Speech Processing (SLTC)(SPE)511249
Spoken Language Processing (SLTC)(SLP)11059
Image, Video & Multidimensional Signal Processing(IVMSP)451198
Signal Processing Theory and Methods(SPTM)346168
Signal Processing for Communications and Networking(SPCOM)297142
Sensor Array & Multi-channel Signal Processing(SAM)214108
Audio & Electroacoustics(AE)213114
Machine Learning for Signal Processing(MLSP)193104
Bio Imaging and Signal Processing(BISP)13458
Multimedia Signal Processing(MMSP)12156
Information Forensics and Security(IFS)9342
Design & Implementation of SP Systems(DISPS)6935
Industry Technology Track(ITT)3919
Signal Processing Education(SPED)54

A significant effort has gone into the thorough review of all submitted papers to ensure the highest quality papers are presented at the conference. A special thanks goes out to the following 13 TC Chairs and their TC committee members in organizing the efforts of hundreds of reviewers to quickly and efficiently review all of the papers.

From the 2855 submissions, a total of 1127 reviewers participated in the review process completing 9682 reviews, with most of the 13 TC areas having generally 2-4 (most with 3 or 4) complete reviews for each paper, plus a “meta-review” consisting of a TC member reading and integrating the submitted blind reviews, and drawing their final decision. As such, each paper generally had between 3-5 reviews completed, with an overall acceptance rate of 48% (not including special sessions). The review task is complex and challenging and we appreciate the TC chairs’ efficient and timely handling of this process as well as all the reviewers who helped in the process. These accepted papers were organized into 70 oral sessions (consisting of 6 papers) and 83 poster sessions (each consisting of 12-14 papers). We emphasize here that the paper review process is conducted before paper assignments, and therefore the decision regarding whether a paper goes into an oral or poster session is made strictly based on sub-topic coverage, the number of accepted papers which could make up a session, and the authors requested form of presentation. At ICASSP, we do not view oral or poster sessions as being more prestigious — since there is no difference in the quality of the accepted oral versus poster papers.

Next, as a complement to the regular papers in the technical program, ten special sessions have been organized by Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola (Special Session Chair). These sessions complement the regular sessions, and are focused on emerging signal processing topics of high interest to the community. We would like to thank the individual organizers of the 10 special sessions and the authors for their contributed papers.

Prior to the start of the regular technical program, twelve half day tutorials will be held on Sunday and Monday. Philip Loizou (Tutorials Chair) was responsible for overseeing the tutorials program, having selected a range of topical areas that span the field of signal processing presented by high quality speakers.

After tutorial programs on Sunday and Monday, the regular technical program starts on Tuesday and is organized into 12 different time slots over four days. Each time slot has 6 parallel oral sessions and 7 parallel poster sessions. The decisions as to whether a paper would be placed in a lecture or poster session were made primarily to keep the technical content of the sessions as focused as possible.

Issa Panahi (Plenary Chair) was responsible for organizing our plenary sessions, recruiting internationally recognized experts in the field of signal processing. We are very pleased to announce the following four excellent plenary speakers for the ICASSP 2010 program:

This year, the ICASSP program will also feature a “Show & Tell” event, organized by Thad Welch and Cathy Wicks. This event will be held during the week from Tuesday through Thursday, and will include hardware demonstrations of some of the latest innovations by research groups in industry, academia and government.

This ICASSP will also have a satellite meeting entitled IEEE THEMES: Thematic Meetings on Signal Processing. IEEE-THEMES is a one-day event which will be held for the first time in 2010 in conjunction with ICASSP, and is organized by John Mathews, Ali Sayed, and Ray Liu in a single track to cover intensively one focus area each meeting. The focus for this meeting is social networks relating to mobile sensors and internet-based social communities.

At this 35th ICASSP, we will recognize a number of students for their contributions in the student paper competition. We extend out sincere thanks to the generous support of IBM, AT&T, and Nuance for these awards, along with the assistance of Elliot Moore. Three student paper awards will be presented that recognize students in a range of signal processing topics.

We also wish to recognize Dinesh Rajan for overseeing the vast number of student volunteers, as well as student assistant Taufiq Hasan for his logistics help. The more than 70 student volunteers from University of Texas at Dallas, Southern Methodist University, and University of Texas at Arlington all helped to ensure that the technical program and sessions run smoothly. We thank them all!

We wish to thank all of the members of the ICASSP Technical Program Committee for helping to create an exciting and technically stimulating program for this year’s conference. Ultimately, the quality of the conference is determined by the efforts of the authors and speakers; we appreciate their participation and look forward to learning more about their research. Finally, we express our utmost gratitude to Lance Cotton and Billene Mercer from Conference Management Services, Inc., whose prompt and professional assistance was invaluable in putting together the technical program.

John H.L. Hansen
Technical Program Chair, ICASSP 2010