
The CD-ROM and the hard-copy proceedings of the Eurospeech'97 International conference were edited by the Pattern Recognition Group of the WCL at the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Patras.

If you have any problem on CD-ROM files please send e-mail at:
Electronic Processing e-mail:
Evangelos Dermatas dermatas@george.wcl2.ee.upatras.gr
George Nokas nokas@george.wcl2.ee.upatras.gr
Thanasis Koutras thanasis@george.wcl2.ee.upatras.gr
Ioanna Cristogianni ioanna@ios.wcl2.ee.upatras.gr

Pattern Recognition Group
Wire Communications Lab.
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Patras
Patras, Greece
Tel. +30 61 991 722, +30 61 996 189.
Fax  +30 61 991 855.